London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options
4. Policies
Chapter 3 outlined the preferred development options in relation to the 'areas of change' set out in the Issues and Options consultation document. However, the policy framework set out in this chapter of the plan should be read in conjunction with the Proposals Map, which sets out the spatial planning proposals for the JAAP.
It is important to set the proposals in the JAAP within the wider strategic policy context including national and regional policies and the local policy framework set out in the Core Strategies of each authority. In particular, there is a need to ensure that all development is to the highest environmental standards, incorporating energy saving technology and sustainable drainage. Development within the JAAP cannot be considered in isolation from the rest of South East Essex and all development will be required to make a contribution to the delivery of essential community infrastructure as set out in the Community Infrastructure Levy DPDs prepared by both authorities.
The policies and proposals for development in the JAAP have been divided into four policy areas: employment; airport; transport; and environment.
Employment Allocations
As explained in Chapter 3, the preferred option is to pursue high scale employment growth, since this will make a significant contribution towards sub-regional employment aspirations. The aim is to encourage employment for both aviation-related growth (associated with airport growth) and for wider B-class sector growth within the northern expansion of the Aviation Way Industrial Estate.
The employment policies propose that land be allocated to accommodate up to 109,000 sq.m. of additional floorspace, with 99,000 sq.m. of that total being in a major new business park, which will accommodate up to 4950 additional jobs in the area over the planning period to 2021 and beyond. The balance will be located on a small new business park at Nestuda Way, which will accommodate 500 jobs. In addition, it is anticipated that intensification and redevelopment on the existing Aviation Way Industrial Estate will provide a further 15,000 sq.m. of floorspace and deliver 750 jobs.
(432) Policy E1 - General Development Considerations
The JAAP area will be developed as a strategic employment area to support the delivery of an additional 7380 jobs, including employment directly related to the airport. This total will contribute to the delivery of the jobs totals for Rochford DC and Southend BC allocated through the East of England Plan - the apportionment to each district will be based on a 50-50 split of the overall jobs total.
(137) Policy E2 - Aviation Way Industrial Estate
Within the area shown as existing employment on the Proposals Map, applications for development within classes B1 and B2 will be permitted. It is expected that redevelopment within this area will accommodate an additional 750 jobs through site intensification. All applications will be required to make a financial contribution towards the upgrade of the junction at the southern end of Aviation Way and the provision of improved walking and cycling facilities within the JAAP area.
(145) Policy E3 - Saxon Business Park
Within the proposed employment areas shown as 1A, 1B and 2 on the Proposals Map, applications for development will be permitted subject to the following schedule:
Area | Use Class | Floorspace | Jobs |
Area 1A | Use Class B1 | 20,000 | 1,000 |
Area 1B | Use Classes B1 and B2 | 49,000 | 2,450 |
Area 2 | Use Class B1 | 30,000 | 1,500 |
In the case of Area 1B, Use Class B2 uses will be expected to complement the expected role of the new employment land as a high quality business park, as set out in other policies in this plan. Whilst the planning authorities do not want to be overly prescriptive about the uses that will be accommodated within the business park, it is expected that the layout will include a number of eco-friendly business start-up units.
Supporting non B1/B2 uses may be acceptable where these support the operation and/or the requirements of employees working in the business park.
It is expected that the release of the allocated land will be in phases as specified in Policy E4.
All phases of development will be required to make a contribution towards development of the new public open space to the north and east of the business park as shown on the Proposals Map. It is expected that a contribution will also be required to fund improvements to walking and cycling provision within the JAAP area and towards public transport as specified in Policies T7 and T8. In particular, there will be a requirement for the delivery of new walking and cycling routes linking the business park with Hall Road to the north and to the Cherry Orchard Jubilee Country Park on the west side of Cherry Orchard Way.
(118) Policy E4 - Phasing of Saxon Business Park
The phased release of the business park will be as follows:
It is expected that Area 1A will be developed as the first phase of the business park, and include the removal of the brickwork cottages on the West side of the site, as these will not integrate effectively into the layout of the estate.
Area 1B may be developed in parallel if a development proposal requiring B1 and B2 uses is proposed.
Area 2 will be reserved for development post 2021, unless shown to be required sooner. In any event, this final phase of the business park can proceed only once the Westcliff Rugby Club has been relocated and is operational.
(87) Policy E5 - Development of Area 1A - Saxon Business Park
The development of Area 1A will include a landmark building and entrance feature establishing the identity of the area as a high quality business park. In addition the development of this area must provide a new junction to provide access to the business park from Cherry Orchard Way and the initial section of the new estate road and green corridor in so far as this is required to enable the development of Area 1A.
(75) Policy E6 - Development of Area 1B - Saxon Business Park
The development of Area 1B will include the extension of the access road so far as this is required to enable the development of the business park prior to the occupation of any buildings.
(78) Policy E7 - Development of Area 2 - Saxon Business Park
The development of Area 2 will be required to fund the relocation of the rugby club, including setting out the pitches and provision of new club house facilities.
(102) Policy E8 - Nestuda Way Business Park
Within the proposed Nestuda Way Business Park applications for development within Use Class B1 will be permitted. It is expected that the site is capable of accommodating 10,000 sq metres of floorspace, delivering 500 jobs. The design of buildings within the business park will need to be carefully considered and deliver a visual presence to the A127.
It is expected that a contribution will also be required to fund improvements to walking and cycling provision within the JAAP area and towards public transport as specified in Policies T7 and T8.
London Southend Airport
It is recognised that London Southend Airport can provide a key boost to the economy of Southend, Rochford and the wider economic area of South Essex both through direct employment at the airport as well as raising the profile of the area for investment. However, to support this growth the airport must be able to accommodate new and future aircraft models that are quieter and more fuel efficient as well as ensuring that aircraft with a seating capacity of up to 150 passengers can reach appropriate destinations. Therefore, the preferred option for the airport, as set out in Chapter 3, is to support the development of the airport to grow to handle a capacity of up to 2 million passengers per annum through an extension of the runway to provide a net useable length of 1,799 metres, alongside the development of a new railway station, terminal and aircraft handling facilities.
It is expected that the airport will be used primarily for passengers supporting a number of Fixed Based Operators (FBOs). However, it is also expected that the airport will see growth in its maintenance, repair and overhaul facilities (MRO) supporting the provision of a range of high skilled jobs in the area. It is not considered desirable for the airport to handle significant volumes of freight due to its location and the pressure that this would place on the local highway network, although it is recognised that some growth in the handling of niche (high value low volume) cargo could be taken forward without compromising the airport's core passenger and MRO functions.
Expansion is, however, only acceptable if it is undertaken subject to environmental constraints, which will ensure that the environment of Southend, Rochford and the wider area is not significantly affected. This will include environmental scrutiny of any proposed developments. Controlling aircraft noise is particularly important as the airport is situated close to residential areas. The two local authorities are continuing work to establish a baseline of noise levels for the airport. In addition, the airport operator will be required to publish an annual Noise Evaluation Statement, the results of which will be set out in the authorities respective Annual Monitoring Reports. Development of the runway extension and increased terminal facilities will enable the application of operational controls to mitigate environmental impacts.
London Southend Airport is located close to the A127 (part of South Essex's strategic highway network), whilst the Southend-London Liverpool Street railway runs adjacent to the eastern boundary of the airport. Notwithstanding these strong connections the transport infrastructure is, at present, inadequate to cope with expansion of the airport to 2mppa and various improvements will be required including: a new railway station; the provision of a link road between Nestuda Way and Eastwoodbury Lane to link the airport directly to the A127; good linkages to the proposed park and ride facility adjacent to Nestuda Way; and investment in public transport, walking and cycling (particularly for those working on the airport). These improvements are set out in more detail in the transport section which follows.
(1687) Policy LS1 - General Policy
The boundary of London Southend Airport will be as shown on the Proposal Map, and both Councils will support the growth of the airport to a capacity of up to 2 million passengers per annum as proposed in the Aviation White Paper and East of England Plan.
(699) Policy LS2 - Development at London Southend Airport
Planning permission for development at London Southend Airport will be granted provided that it:
is airport related;
results in an aircraft noise impact that is no higher than an agreed baseline level and addresses noise matters in any accompanying Environmental Impact Assessment (to be determined through on-going noise assessment work);
contributes to the road infrastructure needs of the area; and
incorporates sustainable transport measures that will make an appropriate contribution towards the targets for modal shift of passengers, visitors and staff travelling to the airport.
(456) Policy LS3 - Noise Statement
The airport operator will be required to publish an annual Noise Evaluation Statement to be set against the requirements of the agreed baseline position.
(144) Policy LS4 - Surface Access Strategy
The airport operator will be required to prepare a Surface Access Strategy, the first version to be submitted in advance of any applications for planning consent, and thereafter an update of the strategy to be submitted every five years.
(181) Policy LS5 - Public Safety Zones
Within the defined Public Safety Zones (PSZ), as shown on the Proposals Map, planning permission will not be granted for:
development or changes of use, which would result in an increase in the number of people within the zone; or
development that would adversely impact upon the safe operation of London Southend Airport;
Further details of the restrictions on development within the PSZ can be found in the annex to Department for transport Circular 1/2002. It is recognised that the current Public Safety Zone for London Southend Airport will need to be reviewed when the runway is extended.
(619) Policy LS6 - Runway Extension
Planning permission for the extension of the runway to the south so as to provide an operational runway of 1,799 metres will be supported. The airport operator will be required to show how funding will deliver the construction of a link road between Nestuda Way and Eastwoodbury Lane as outlined in Policy T1, and to make a contribution towards construction.
(606) Policy LS7 - Operation of New Runway
Planning permission for the runway extension will be supported subject to conditions on:
the restriction of scheduled passenger flights to between the hours of 06:30 and 23:00 local time Mondays to Saturdays and 07:00 to 23:00 local time on Sundays;
the operation of cargo flights, outside the hours specified above, will be controlled by an agreed noise quota;
the routing of aircraft on both take off and approach to reduce noise and environmental impact;
the operation of helicopters;
the restriction on operation of aircraft types for commercial and freight operations to aircraft specified in the ICAO Chapters 3 and 4 of Annex16 - Environmental Protection, VolumeI - Aircraft Noise to the Convention on International Civil Aviation (International Civil Aviation Organisation);
engine ground running; and
aircraft training movements for aircraft with a seating capacity of over 50.
Terminal Facilities
(300) Policy TF1 - Expansion of New Terminal
Planning permission for the expansion of terminal facilities will be supported in the area shown on the Proposals Map to enable growth to 2 mppa subject to conditions on:
the restriction of scheduled passenger flights to between the hours of 06:30 to 23:00 local time Monday to Saturdays and 07:00 to 23:00 local time on Sundays;
the routing of aircraft on both take off and approach to reduce noise and environmental impact;
the operation of helicopters;
the restriction on operation of aircraft types for commercial and freight operations to aircraft specified in the ICAO Chapters 3 and 4 of Annex16 - Environmental Protection, VolumeI - Aircraft Noise to the Convention on International Civil Aviation;
engine ground running; and
aircraft training movements for aircraft with a seating capacity of over 50.
Maintenance Repair and Overhaul (MRO) Zones
(155) Policy MRO1 - Northern MRO
Applications for airport related MRO developments (e.g. increased hangerage and aircraft maintenance facilities) will be supported in the Northern MRO Zone as shown on the Proposals Map. All applications will be required to make a financial contribution towards the upgrade of the junction at the southern end of Aviation Way and the provision of improved walking and cycling facilities within the JAAP area.
(116) Policy MRO2 - Northern MRO Extension
Applications for airport related MRO developments (e.g. increased hangerage and aircraft maintenance facilities) will be supported in the Northern MRO Zone Extension as shown on the Proposals Map. Access to the new MRO Zone will be from an extension to Aviation Way funded by the development, along with contributions towards the provision of improved walking and cycling facilities within the JAAP area.
The development will be required to make a contribution towards the new public open space to the west of the site as shown on the Proposals Map.
(111) Policy MRO3 - Southern MRO Zone
Applications for airport related MRO developments (e.g. increased hangerage and aircraft maintenance facilities) will be supported in the Southern MRO Zone as shown on the Proposals Map, including a fixed base operator and limited freight handling.
Airport Development Zone A (existing terminal area)
(141) Policy ADZ1 - Existing Terminal Area
Within the Airport Development Zone, applications for airport related development will be supported in principle, provided it can be demonstrated they will support the expansion of the airport to its capacity of 2 mppa or support the enhancement of the airport's MRO capabilities. This may include hotel development; however applications for retail development will not be supported.
Transport within the JAAP
A significant increase in employment within the JAAP area, alongside an increase in passenger flows at London Southend Airport to 2 million per annum will require increased investment in the local highways network (providing greater connection to the A127), alongside enhancements to public transport and walking and cycling routes serving the area. In particular, the extension of the runway across the current route of Eastwoodbury Lane will require the provision of a new link to Nestuda Way (and thereby the A127) whilst development of the Saxon Business Park will necessitate improvements to Cherry Orchard Way.
All developments in the JAAP area will be required to demonstrate how they will minimise transport impacts and Green Travel Plans will be required where appropriate. Contributions will also be required to support public transport, walking and cycling provision both into and within the JAAP area.
Finally, the two local authorities are committed to enhancing the road network serving the areas to the east of Southend and Rochford to the JAAP area generally. Work is continuing to establish the best way of achieving this improved road connectivity and it is proposed, therefore, that a corridor be safeguarded between Nestuda Way and Warners Bridge until such time as detailed public consultation has established the preferred route for this link.
(242) Policy T1 - Link Road from Eastwoodbury Lane to Nestuda Way
A new link road between Eastwoodbury Lane and Nestuda Way will need to be agreed and constructed in advance of the severance of Eastwoodbury Lane by an extension of the runway.
(125) Policy T2 - Safeguarded Route
A corridor will be safeguarded for the construction of a new road linking Nestuda Way through to Warners Bridge, to improve east/west connectivity through the southern end of the JAAP, subject to detailed public consultation and a full cost benefit analysis.
(138) Policy T3 - Upgrade to Cherry Orchard Way
It is proposed that Cherry Orchard Way be upgraded to dual-carriageway standard from the Hall Road roundabout to the Toomey roundabout - it is expected that the upgrade proposals will be incorporated in the Essex LTP. Any proposals for development within the JAAP must take into account the requirement for Cherry Orchard Way to be upgraded.
(113) Policy T4 - Upgrade/Improvement of Aviation Way
In order to support the redevelopment of the Aviation Way Estate and to allow for the expansion of the Northern MRO, a new junction will be required at the intersection of Aviation Way and Eastwoodbury Lane. In addition, improvements will be required to Aviation Way including greater provision for walking and cycling.
(155) Policy T5 - Park and ride
A Park and Ride facility will be developed on land on the west side of Nestuda Way. It is expected that the site will be developed following the construction of the link road from Eastwoodbury Lane to Nestuda Way.
(122) Policy T6 - Green travel plans
All applications for development within the JAAP must be accompanied by a green travel plan explaining the arrangements for car parking and for managing the journeys of staff to and from the area.
(145) Policy T7 - Public Transport
It is expected that development will make a contribution to the establishment of an appropriate bus service, including the new South Essex Rapid Transit (SERT) system, to meet the needs of workers within and visitors to the JAAP area.
(142) Policy T8 - Walking and cycling
All development will be required to make a contribution towards the improvement of walking and cycling facilities in the JAAP area, and specifically to:
establish routes for walking and cycling to the north to link to Hall Road;
improve cycling and walking linkages between Cherry Orchard Way and Nestuda Way; and
improve walking and cycling to the airport from the north and the south.
(122) Policy T9 - SERT
It is expected that development within the JAAP will take account of the South Essex Rapid Transit (SERT) proposals, which are intended to provide a new transport system to serve and integrate existing and proposed communities with new development sites and key public transport interchanges, and to support and promote sustainable new development by providing high quality public transport links.
There is no doubt that more activity at the airport and the allocation of land for a new business park will result in environmental impacts that must be carefully managed. The new business park and expansion of the MRO offer at the airport have been related to the development of new public open space, to provide a green lung for the area, offer opportunities for leisure and recreation and to link to the Cherry Orchard Jubilee Country Park on the west side of Cherry Orchard Way.
The proposals for the new business park and the expansion of the airport mean there is a need to review the position of the green belt boundary and the revised boundary is designed to be sustainable and defendable to provide more flexibility for the area to accommodate growth.
All new development will be expected to deliver high levels of environmental efficiency and to incorporate energy saving technology, sustainable drainage systems, and to meet the requirements set out in the Core Strategies of both local authorities.
(266) Policy ENV1 - Revised green belt boundary
The boundary of the Metropolitan Green Belt will be amended as shown on the Proposals Map to exclude the operational area of London Southend Airport and the proposed Northern MRO extension.
(106) Policy ENV2 - New Public Open Space - North
A new area of public open space will be created on land to the north and east of the Saxon Business Park as shown on the Proposals Map. The new open space will include provision for the relocation of the Westcliff Rugby Club (see Policy E4 and E7). The development and layout of the open space will be funded by the development of the business park and the Northern MRO extension (see Policy MRO2). It is also expected that a new footpath/cycleway link between the Business Park and Hall Road will be provided as part of the development of the open space.
(116) Policy ENV3 - New Public Open Space - South
A new area of public open space will be created on land to the south of Eastwoodbury Lane as shown on the proposals map. Within the open space area, a route will be safeguarded for the construction of a new road to improve east/west connectivity through the southern end of the JAAP (See Policy T2).
(107) Policy ENV4 - Country Park; Access and Facilities
A link to the Cherry Orchard Jubilee Country Park will be provided in conjunction with the development of Area 1A of the Saxon Business Park and the construction of a new junction and access road (see Policy E5). In addition, it is expected that all applications for development within the business park will make a contribution towards the delivery of an environment and visitor centre within the park.
(91) Policy ENV5 - Green Corridor to Business Park
The new road access to the Saxon Business Park will be contained within a green corridor running east/west and linking to the relocated Westcliff Rugby Club and the new public open space. This green corridor will be laid out and landscaped in conjunction with the construction of the new business park access road.
(92) Policy ENV6 - Green Buffer East of Railway
A green buffer will be maintained on the land to the East of the railway line to provide protection to the amenities of the residential properties on Southend Road.