Playing Pitch Strategy SPD

Ended on the 16 January 2012
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Chapter 7 - Conclusions

7.1 The initial survey was carried out in the sports season of 2008/09 and therefore some improvements may have been carried out since. Wherever possible, changes made have been identified.

7.2 Despite the period of time lag between the receipt of the questionnaire and the completion of this study, the review and update of this document still provides sound information base and recommendations that the Council can use for decision making.

7.3 Recommendations set out in the Playing Pitch SPD should be consistent with the Core Strategy and be used in a practical manner in conjunction with other documents such as Open Space Study and the Play Strategy to aid decision making on planning applications.

7.4 In accordance with the PPM projection, the recommended playing pitch provision in the settlements (by 2021) is as follow:

(1)Table 7.1 – Recommended Playing Pitch Provision by 2021

Sub-Areas Required Playing Pitch Provision – available for community use (by 2021)
Rayleigh Hockley Rochford Great Wakering Hullbridge
Senior Football -9 0 -11 -8 -5
Junior Football 15 11 5 4 3
Mini Soccer 16 10 4 4 2
Cricket 3 2 -2 0 0
Rugby 7 4 -1 2 1
Hockey 0 0 -1 0 0

7.5 Should there be any apparent changes in population i.e. proposal for major new development/ regeneration, the Benchmark Standard recommended in the Open Space Study should be considered.

7.6 The solutions/recommendations to tackle the issues identified in the three main categories are summarised as below.

Medium – Long term:

  • Provide additional pitches to bring supply in line with demand

  • When providing new provisions for football, they should mainly be mini and junior pitches, and focus should be on providing them on the western side of the District

  • Roles and responsibilities to be reviewed and updated in the management contract

  • Secure developer contributions wherever possible through planning obligations and / or community infrastructure levy

  • Focus investment on floodlit synthetic turf pitches/ Artificial Grass Pitches

  • Ensure any relocated pitches are made to standard league requirements and are on a fit-for-purpose site.

Short term:

  • Encourage education institutions to sign up a formal community use arrangement for dual use of school facilities

  • Redesignate adult pitches to mini/ junior pitches

  • Continue to work closely with partners / open space contractors/ organisations to provide better service for the public

7.7 It is important that there is regular monitoring and review against the issues identified in the recommendations. Regular monitoring of key supply and demand data could extend the life of this Strategy. The Council will continue to constantly monitor issues raised by the sport clubs and update the issues identified in the action plan in a regular base.

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