Foulness Churchend Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan
4. Planning Policies
4.1 Rochford District Replacement Local Plan was adopted in June 2006. Its objectives include promoting a green and sustainable environment, improving the quality of life for people in the District, and the maintenance and enhancement of local heritage.
4.2 The Replacement Local Plan includes specific planning objectives to protect and enhance the historic character of settlements, particularly within conservation areas, and to formulate and publish a detailed assessment of each conservation area, indicating townscape features, buildings and spaces that distinguish the character of each conservation area, to be taken into consideration when new development is being proposed.
4.3 The Replacement Local Plan contains policies (BC1-2) formulated to ensure the preservation of the special character of the conservation areas and to promote good design within them. Further guidance for the assessment of proposals for development in conservation areas is provided in Local Plan Supplementary Planning Document 6.
4.4 Rochford District Council sets out its policy with regard to the protection of SLAs in Policy NR1 of the Replacement Local Plan. This policy states that development will not be allowed unless its location, size, siting, design, materials and landscaping accord with the character of the area in which development is proposed.
4.5 The Coastal Protection Subject Plan, a statutory plan adopted in 1984, defined the extent of the coastal areas within Essex where there would be the most stringent restriction on development due to the special character of the open and undeveloped coast. Policy CC1 of the Essex and Southend-on-Sea Replacement Structure Plan embodies the commitment to the Coastal Protection Belt. Policy NR10 of the Rochford District Replacement Local Plan sets out the local planning authority's approach when considering rural and undeveloped areas of coastline with the Coastal Protection Belt, and states that applications for development will not be granted planning permission unless it can be shown that the development would not adversely affect the open and rural character of the coastline, or its historic features, wildlife or geological features.
4.6 The conservation area lies within the salt water floodplain, and is designated to be at risk of flooding. Flood risk is a material planning consideration. Policy NR11 in the Replacement Local Plan sets out the local planning authority's approach to development proposals within flood risk areas.