Foulness Churchend Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan

Ended on the 30 August 2007
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2. Character Statement

2.1 Churchend is a small, well preserved village with a special character that owes much to its remote estuarine location, the difficulties of access and the long association of the island with military operations. These particular circumstances have largely protected the village from redevelopment, and created a tight-knit community. The village has coalesced over several centuries to become the island's principal settlement, with successive phases of development expressed in its appearance today. Originating as an isolated medieval manor settlement within an enclosed marsh, the village has changed little since the last major phase of building undertaken by the War Department in the 1920s. This saw the construction of the military spinal road through the village which provided the basis for linear development to the south, whilst the historic core remained as a loose arrangement of cottages and other buildings. A varied but limited palette of traditional building materials, most notably white weatherboard, yellow stock brick and clay tiles, coupled with unassuming architectural design, provides cohesion in the built environment. Whilst modern agricultural buildings at Old Hall Farm are visually out of step with the historic architectural character of the village, they are a reminder that this is a working agricultural environment. The unique landscape setting is a vital component of the special character, with frequent expansive views out and a network of ancient tracks and ditches binding the village to its surroundings. Trees, broad green verges, large gardens and green open spaces make an important contribution to a spacious and verdant appearance. At times the modern utilitarian interventions of the MoD in the public realm with a profusion of street furniture and road markings conflict with the otherwise gentle, informal and rural character of the village.

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