Battlesbridge Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan
4. Planning Policies
Chelmsford Borough Council Planning Policies
Existing Statutory Planning Policy
4.1 The Chelmsford Borough Local Plan was adopted in 1997. Its objectives include promoting sustainable development, protection and enhancement of towns, villages and countryside, minimising environmental damage and protection of the Green Belt.
4.2 The Local Plan includes specific planning objectives to preserve and enhance the character and appearance of conservation areas. Emphasis is given to the siting and design of buildings, materials, spaces, landscaping and detailing.
4.3 The Local Plan contains policies to ensure proposals preserve or enhance the character and appearance of conservation areas (ENV6), direct the preparation of enhancement schemes (ENV7) and encourage maintenance of buildings and features (ENV8). Shopfronts with character should be retained and appropriate design and materials used for new shopfronts (ENV16). ENV19 controls security grills and shutters and ENV17 and 18 advertising paraphernalia. Policies ENV9, 10 and 11 cover works to listed buildings, their re-use and maintenance. Assessment, recording and retention of archaeological remains are covered by ENV12 and 13.
4.4 The whole settlement is within the Metropolitan Green Belt. Battlesbridge is a small hamlet and due to the informal layout and open character of the built settlement it does not form part of a defined settlement. There is a general presumption against inappropriate development. Local Plan policies restrict infilling (HO12), control replacement dwellings (HO14) and limit the extension of existing buildings (HO15).
4.5 The conservation area is defined as part of the coastal protection belt. The Coastal Protection Subject Plan, a statutory plan adopted in 1984, defined the extent of the coastal areas within Essex where there would be the most stringent restriction on development due to the special character of the open and undeveloped coast. Policy CC1 of the Essex and Southend-on-Sea Replacement Structure Plan embodies the commitment to the Coastal Protection Belt. There is a presumption against development which is intrusive or undesirable.
4.6 The eastern part of the conservation area is defined as a Special Landscape Area. These areas are defined as areas of greater than average visual quality. Development which detracts from an area's character will not normally be allowed. The Essex and Southend-on-Sea Replacement Structure Plan (2001), Policy NR12, provides the basis for protection.
4.7 There is a general presumption against new development or the intensification of development in areas liable to flooding, unless it can be demonstrated that appropriate flood protection measures will be undertaken (CSU8).
4.8 Abutting the conservation area to the north east is an area designated as an employment policy area, off Hawk Lane. Industrial uses are encouraged if they do not create environmental or amenity problems (EMP2).
Emerging Statutory Planning Policy
4.9 Chelmsford Borough Council has prepared a core strategy and development control policies for its local development framework (LDF), to replace the 1997 local plan. These documents are expected to be adopted in late 2007. The table below compares the principal 1997 local plan policies relating to the conservation area and the comparable LDF policies.
1997 Local Plan Policy | 2006 Core Policy | 2006 Development Control Policy |
ENV6 Conservation Areas | CP9 | DC19 |
ENV7 Enhancement Schemes | CP9 | DC19 |
EHV8 Maintaining Conservation Areas | CP9 | DC19 |
ENV9-11 Listed Buildings | CP9 | DC19 |
ENV16 Shop fronts | CP9 | DC19, DC49 |
ENV17-18 Advertising | CP9 | DC49 |
ENV19 Security Shutters | CP9 | DC46, DC49 |
ENV12 & 13 Archaeology | CP9 | DC13 |
HO12, 14 & 15 Greenbelt | CP5 | DC1, DC2, DC12, DC13, DC51 |
Rochford District Council Planning Policies
4.10 Rochford District Replacement Local Plan was adopted in June 2006. Its objectives include promoting a green and sustainable environment, improving the quality of life for people in the District, and the maintenance and enhancement of local heritage.
4.11 The Replacement Local Plan includes specific planning objectives to protect and enhance the historic character of settlements, particularly within conservation areas, and to formulate and publish a detailed assessment of each conservation area, indicating townscape features, buildings and spaces that distinguish the character of each conservation area, to be taken into consideration when new development is being proposed.
4.12 The Replacement Local Plan contains policies (BC1-2) formulated to ensure the preservation of the special character of the conservation areas and to promote good design within them. Further guidance for the assessment of proposals for development in conservation areas is provided in Local Plan Supplementary Planning Document 6. Policies BC3-4 set out to protect listed buildings from demolition and from alterations, additions or change of use which might adversely affect important architectural or historic features. In addition policies BC5 and BC6 apply to developments affecting archaeological sites. Policies SA8-11 are concerned with shop design and advertising in conservation areas.
4.13 The Replacement Local Plan also includes a range of policies dealing with development in Green Belt (policies R1-R10), and there is a general presumption against inappropriate development. Development in many settlements and hamlets in the District that lie within Green Belt, including Battlesbridge and Rawreth, is considered to be of such a sporadic nature that to allow any new dwellings would have a detrimental effect on the visual appearance of the Green Belt and the existing open character of such settlements.
4.14 Policy NR10 of the Rochford District Replacement Local Plan sets out the local planning authority's approach when considering rural and undeveloped areas of coastline within the Coastal Protection Belt, and states that applications for development will not be granted planning permission unless it can be shown that the development would not adversely affect the open and rural character of the coastline, or its historic features, wildlife or geological features.
4.15 Rochford District Council sets out its policy with regard to the protection of SLAs in Policy NR1 of the Replacement Local Plan. This policy states that development will not be allowed unless its location, size, siting, design, materials and landscaping accord with the character of the area in which development is proposed.
4.16 Flood risk is a material planning consideration. Policy NR11 in the Replacement Local Plan sets out the local planning authority's approach to development proposals within flood risk areas. Applications for development in these areas must be accompanied by flood risk assessments to enable the Local Planning Authority to consider the level of risk posed to the development and the effectiveness of flood mitigation and management measures.