Local List SPD - Discussion & Consultation Document
The Distinction between Listed Buildings and the Local List
Buildings and items of street furniture which are heritage assets of national historical or architectural significance are given Listed Building status under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. This is a statutory designation which affords those on the list significant protection within the planning system.
The decision of whether a building or item of street furniture merits Listed Building status is determined by the Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport. National heritage assets must be considered to be of ‘special’ interest to merit inclusion on the statutory list. There are three grades of Listed Building status as summarised by English Heritage (2010:4):
- “Grade I buildings are of exceptional interest;
- Grade II* buildings are particularly important buildings of more than special interest;
- Grade II buildings are of special interest, warranting every effort to preserve them.”
There are nearly 400 national heritage assets designated as Listed Buildings within Rochford District, but there are many other buildings and items of street furniture which also make a contribution to the character of the District and are considered to be of local importance. These are the items proposed for inclusion in the new Local List.
It is intended that the Local List will identify buildings and items of street furniture which are considered to be of local historical or architectural importance (local heritage assets or LHAs), and give them additional protection through the planning system. In contrast to national heritage assets afforded Listed Building status, LHAs are not a statutory requirement. Local Planning Authorities may designate LHAs if appropriate.
The Role of the Local List Supplementary Planning Document
The importance of the Local List has been recognised in national guidance and, as such, it has been included within the Core Strategy Submission Document.
The Local List, once adopted, will become part of the Council’s Local Development Framework in the form of a supplementary planning document. This means that it will offer advice and guidance rather than providing new policy. It will identify a number of LHAs which are considered to merit additional protection through the planning system.
Although the Local List does not afford statutory protection, the Council will work with owners of LHAs to provide guidance and advice, to ensure their retention and sympathetic enhancement, where appropriate. Further detail on this will be provided within the emerging Development Management Development Plan Document.
The Role of the Local List Consultation Document
This is a consultation document which seeks your views on which buildings or items of street furniture should be identified as LHAs and included in the final list. This document predominately consists of a review of the buildings and items of street furniture which formed the 1995 Local List. Informal consultation with local Parish/Town Councils took place between February and March 2009 which sought views and opinions on the structures included in the 1995 list and any additional structures recommended for inclusion in this consultation document. Buildings and items of street furniture submitted by members of the public or suggested through other consultations as part of the Local Development Framework process have also been included, as appropriate. Appendix A identifies buildings or items of street furniture previously included on the 1995 Local List or those informally suggested which have not been included in this consultation document for a number of reasons, for example they have been demolished or already have statutory protection.
Structure of the Local List Consultation Document
The document has been divided into general settlement areas and thus the list does not reflect parish or ward boundaries.
Each item within this document has been assessed against criteria amended from national guidance, which can be found in the following chapter.
The assessment of each possible LHA includes the following information:
- A rating (see Table 1);
- A photo;
- An address;
- A description of the key features or characteristics; and
- A justification of why it should or should not be included in the final list.
Some of the items may be situated within one of the District’s 10 Conservation Areas, which are already afforded additional protection through the planning system. Such buildings or items of street furniture, however, have been included in this consultation document to give them individual recognition as locally important buildings in their own right, where appropriate. Where an item is located within a Conservation Area this has been highlighted within the justification section of the assessment.
The Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans which form part of the Local Development Framework evidence base have been utilised where applicable to inform the descriptions. Discussion with Essex County Council’s Senior Historic Buildings Advisor has also informed this document. Descriptions are as accurate and detailed as possible, but one of the important parts of the consultation is to receive views and opinions of the assessment and additional information about the history of each entry.
All of the buildings or items of street furniture included in this document have been scored using the key below, having regard to the criteria. You may not agree with the assessment that has been carried out, but where this is the case, it is essential that you provide information to support your alternative view.
Table 1: Rating system for each item in the Consultation DocumentKey | Comment |
The building or item of street furniture is not considered worthy of local listing | |
The building or item of street furniture is considered to be worthy of local listing |