Hockley Area Action Plan Submission Document

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Hockley Area Action Plan Submission Document

Policy 3 - Promoting better movement

Representation ID: 28577

Received: 21/01/2013

Respondent: Hockley Residents Association

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

We have asked 3 Freedom of Information requests asking for:
1) copies of any correspondence re HAAP highways issues. The council says there are none!
2) evidence that Spa Roundabout can be enhanced with 3 slip lanes, contrary to their experts view that space is limited
3) confirmation that no Traffic/Transport Assessments have been ordered, contrary to evidence provided earlier.
The Council has not answered these specific questions and the 3 requests are been submitted for formal review, taking responses outside this consultation period.
The Council's whole approach to Highways is inconsistent, obscure and incomplete.

Full text:

We have asked 3 Freedom of Information requests asking for:
1) copies of any correspondence re HAAP highways issues. The council says there are none!
2) evidence that Spa Roundabout can be enhanced with 3 slip lanes, contrary to their experts view that space is limited
3) confirmation that no Traffic/Transport Assessments have been ordered, contrary to evidence provided earlier.
The Council has not answered these specific questions and the 3 requests are been submitted for formal review, taking responses outside this consultation period.
The Council's whole approach to Highways is inconsistent, obscure and incomplete.

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