
New Local Plan: Spatial Options Document 2021

Representation ID: 44062

Received: 07/09/2021

Respondent: Yvonne Barwick

Representation Summary:

I object to this field site (CFS064) being used for housing for the following reasons:
It's a green belt and farmed regularly. There would be a severe impact on the level of traffic congestion on the B1013. The roads on the Betts Farm estate could be put under strain by a significant increase to traffic and causing pollution and damaging our health.
The field has a locally important footpath running around its perimeter. Well used for recreation by walkers.
The field is surrounded by three small ancient woods which would be badly affected by a housing development.
The field is an important wildlife habitat and supports many native species.

Full text:

I object to this field site (CFS064) being used for housing for the following reasons:
It's a green belt and farmed regularly. There would be a severe impact on the level of traffic congestion on the B1013. The roads on the Betts Farm estate could be put under strain by a significant increase to traffic and causing pollution and damaging our health.
The field has a locally important footpath running around its perimeter. Well used for recreation by walkers.
The field is surrounded by three small ancient woods which would be badly affected by a housing development.
The field is an important wildlife habitat and supports many native species.