Allocations DPD Discussion and Consultation Document
(8)1. Introduction
This document sets out site specific options for the general locations identified within the Core Strategy Submission Document. The purpose of this document is to provide people with the opportunity to consider and comment upon allocation options that have been put forward for development.
The Council, as set out in its Statement of Community Involvement, is committed to public participation in the preparation of planning policy for the District. As such, this document has been prepared for consultation in accordance with Regulation 25 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2008,.
The Allocations Consultation and Discussion Development Plan Document (DPD) will inform the final Allocations Submission Development Plan Document. The options set out within this document are intended to enable discussion as to the best possible site for an allocation.
The Allocations DPD will form part of a folder of documents known as the Local Development Framework. The Core Strategy is the overarching document, which sets out the Council’s vision and aims for the District, and policies to enable the vision to be met. Development Plan Documents, of which the Allocations Document is one, support the Core Strategy and the policies within it. The Rochford District Local Development Framework will comprise the following:
- Core Strategy;
- Allocations;
- Development Management Development Plan Document;
- London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan;
- Hockley Area Action Plan;
- Rochford Town Centre Area Action Plan;
- Rayleigh Town Centre Area Action Plan;
- Local List Supplementary Planning Document;
- Playing Pitch Strategy Supplementary Planning Document;
- Transportation Strategy Supplementary Planning Document; and
- Parking Standards: Design and Good Practice Supplementary Planning Document.
(7)Core Strategy
The Core Strategy outlines a spatial vision for the District and states how this will be delivered. The document also outlines how the vision and objectives of the Sustainable Community Strategy will be met, whilst detailing how regional and national policies will be applied at a local level.
The Core Strategy is also linked with our Corporate Plan and vision.
Following the publication of the Core Strategy Preferred Options document, the responses received were analysed and considered. From this, the Core Strategy Submission document has emerged, which has taken account of all previous stages and comments received. This document will set out the future development of the District, including the general locations of development up to 2025.
Specific locations for the development will be discussed in this document, the Allocations DPD. These must conform to the vision and policies set out in the emerging Core Strategy.
(11)Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment
The 2009 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) assessed the quantum of land available for residential development. The study confirmed the capacity from extant permissions and other appropriate sites, and ascertained that there would have to be some Green Belt reallocation in order to meet the District’s housing requirements. The SHLAA determined that there were deliverable sites within the general locations identified in the emerging Core Strategy capable of providing the required quantum of dwellings.
(12)Allocations and Call for Sites
The Council first undertook consultation on the Allocations DPD in January 2007, when the Call for Sites process was opened. This gave residents, landowners, developers and agents the opportunity to put forward land to be considered for allocation. Over 200 responses were received as part of this process, with land holdings of various sizes and uses across the whole district being put forward for consideration. These sites have then been considered against their proposed uses, in terms of size, location, constraints, sustainability, and viability.
The Allocations DPD provides details of the locations that have been assessed and those considered as options for development in order to meet the needs of the district as set out within the Core Strategy. Site specific options within the general locations in the Core Strategy are provided for development types including, housing, employment, retail, and open space. Land to be considered for allocations such as Local Wildlife Sites, the Upper Roach Valley, and Public Open Space has also been considered.
The Allocations DPD outlines how the sites selected meet the requirements set out in the Core Strategy
Appendix 1 provides a detailed assessment of sites that were put forward for consideration. Please note that, due to the size of this assessment, Appendix 1 is available as a separate document. Sites that were received by the Council prior to 4th June 2009 as part of the Call for Sites exercise are included within the assessment. It should be noted that not all of the sites contained within the Allocations DPD have emerged as part of the Call for Sites process. A number of the sites have come forward as a result of the Urban Capacity Study, and the succeeding SHLAA.