London Southend Airport & Environs Joint Area Action Plan Issues & Options Paper

Ended on the 8 August 2008
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Appendix A - List of Questions

Q2.1 Are the assets of the JAAP area fully reported and understood?

Q2.2 Are there any important assets or issues missing from the assessment?

Q3.1 Do you agree with the overall Vision for the JAAP?

Q3.2 Do the objectives set out above cover the key requirements from the area?

Q3.3 Are there any other additional objectives that might help to guide the selection of the preferred option/ options and JAAP?

Q4.1 What do you see as the role of London Southend Airport in the future?

Q4.2 How can the airport best be developed to drive and support the local economy?

Q4.3 What role should the JAAP play in supporting wider employment growth in the sub-region?

Q4.4 Is the area appropriate for significant growth in employment?

Q4.5 Will the area be attractive to investors?

Q4.6 Are there additional options to consider?

Q4.7 Should the Green Belt be considered for revision? If so how should it be revised?

Q4.8 What enhancements to the environment and amenity of the area should be made? What are the priority areas?

Q4.9 What do you see as the greatest potential impact of development in the JAAP and how can it be mitigated?

Q4.10 What do you consider to be the transport priorities for the JAAP?

Q4.11 How can a shift from car use to other modes of transport be achieved?

Q4.12 Do you agree with the proposed areas for change?

Q4.13 Are there any areas that should be added or removed? Why?

Q5.1 Which is your preferred Scenario for the future of the Southend Airport area?

Q5.2 How could your preferred scenario be further enhanced?

Q5.3 Are there any other scenarios which you feel have not been considered?

Appendix B - Glossary

DPD Development Plan Document
FBO Fixed Base Operator
JAAP Joint Area Action Plan
LDF Local Development Framework
LSACL London Southend Airport Company Limited
MPPA Million Passengers per Annum
MRO Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul
PSZ Public Safety Zone
RBS Royal Bank of Scotland
RESA Runway End Safety Area
RSS Regional Spatial Strategy
SA Sustainability Appraisal
SERT South Essex Rapid Transit
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