Issues and Options Document
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Issues and Options Document
How do we continue to support the growth of home businesses across the district?
Representation ID: 35162
Received: 02/03/2018
Respondent: Rayleigh Town Council
A thriving home business could cause parking issues in the immediate area but it also provides local employment thereby reducing commuting out of the area. Also, noise and pollution issues have to be considered. This requires each case to be assessed on its own merits.
A thriving home business could cause parking issues in the immediate area but it also provides local employment thereby reducing commuting out of the area. Also, noise and pollution issues have to be considered. This requires each case to be assessed on its own merits.
Issues and Options Document
A. Retain the current policy
Representation ID: 35163
Received: 02/03/2018
Respondent: Rayleigh Town Council
Option A
Option A
Issues and Options Document
A. Retain the current policy on existing businesses in the Green Belt
Representation ID: 35164
Received: 02/03/2018
Respondent: Rayleigh Town Council
Option A
Option A
Issues and Options Document
A. Retain the current policies on advertising in the Development Management Plan
Representation ID: 35165
Received: 02/03/2018
Respondent: Rayleigh Town Council
Option A
Option A
Issues and Options Document
B. Update policy, considering favouring the use of new technologies
Representation ID: 35166
Received: 02/03/2018
Respondent: Rayleigh Town Council
Option B This number has been repeated
Option B This number has been repeated
Issues and Options Document
A. Retain the current policy on contaminated land
Representation ID: 35167
Received: 02/03/2018
Respondent: Rayleigh Town Council
Option A
Option A
Issues and Options Document
A. Retain the current policy on contaminated land
Representation ID: 35168
Received: 02/03/2018
Respondent: Rayleigh Town Council
Option A
Option A
Issues and Options Document
Representation ID: 35169
Received: 02/03/2018
Respondent: Rayleigh Town Council
In paragraph 3.3 "The area home to around 3,320 businesses...." the verb "is" is missing.
Paragraph 3.5 "The workplace and resident earnings in the district are below average compared to Essex and the UK." This is not true. It is true for workplace earnings but not for resident weekly earnings which at 670.9 are higher than Essex (594.0) and UK (539). The statement is also inconsistent with the first sentence of the next paragraph "The area is a generally prosperous part of the country,"
In paragraph 3.3 "The area home to around 3,320 businesses...." the verb "is" is missing.
Paragraph 3.5 "The workplace and resident earnings in the district are below average compared to Essex and the UK." This is not true. It is true for workplace earnings but not for resident weekly earnings which at 670.9 are higher than Essex (594.0) and UK (539). The statement is also inconsistent with the first sentence of the next paragraph "The area is a generally prosperous part of the country,"
Issues and Options Document
Our Environment
Representation ID: 35170
Received: 02/03/2018
Respondent: Rayleigh Town Council
The summary of statistics in paragraph 3.20 is muddled. "The proportion of residents aged 20 to 64 is expected to remain relatively stable over the next 20 years." is inconsistent with "An increase in the older proportion of residents compared to the rest of the population has the potential to lead to a smaller workforce and higher dependency needs."
Paragraph 3.14 "'green part' of the South Essex". The word "the" is superfluous.
Figure 5: Ecological Map of the District. I think this is a bit out of date. Should not the whole of the eastern side of Wallasea island be shown as a local wildlife site? Also metropolitan green belt and sites of special scientific interest are shaded in the same colour.
The summary of statistics in paragraph 3.20 is muddled. "The proportion of residents aged 20 to 64 is expected to remain relatively stable over the next 20 years." is inconsistent with "An increase in the older proportion of residents compared to the rest of the population has the potential to lead to a smaller workforce and higher dependency needs."
Issues and Options Document
National Picture
Representation ID: 35171
Received: 02/03/2018
Respondent: Rayleigh Town Council
Paragraph 4.3. "Through the Growth Deal, SELEP can direct Government monies towards specific projects across the LEP area - including schemes to deliver new homes, jobs and infrastructure - which can competitively demonstrate a growth return for the investment." My comment is that the criterium 'can competitively demonstrate' pushes investment towards homes and jobs at the expense of infrastructure, as it is easier to demonstrate growth from the former than the latter. But, adequate infrastructure is a necessary enabler of growth. If you use an unsuitable analysis method, you get the wrong answer.
Paragraph 4.3. "Through the Growth Deal, SELEP can direct Government monies towards specific projects across the LEP area - including schemes to deliver new homes, jobs and infrastructure - which can competitively demonstrate a growth return for the investment." My comment is that the criterium 'can competitively demonstrate' pushes investment towards homes and jobs at the expense of infrastructure, as it is easier to demonstrate growth from the former than the latter. But, adequate infrastructure is a necessary enabler of growth. If you use an unsuitable analysis method, you get the wrong answer.