
New Local Plan: Spatial Options Document 2021

Representation ID: 43078

Received: 14/09/2021

Respondent: Kim Morley

Representation Summary:

I wish to object to site COL07 (Mill Hall, car park and green) and also site COL20 Civic Suite with landscaped gardens to the rear being included in the local plan as a future residential development site.

Both sites are surrounded by listed buildings and Mill Hall by a Scheduled Ancient Monument. The setting of the listed buildings is enhanced by the gardens and landscaped car parks, making significant contribution to the conservation area and would be lost if developed for residential use.
Rochford District Council has a duty to preserve and enhance the Rayleigh Conservation area, under section 71 of the Planning (listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and other legislation.

The contribution of public car parking within COL07 and COL20 is significant to the town centre’s vitality and it would be detrimental to the town centre if it was lost due to development.

The local planning authority has a duty to conserve biodiversity when exercising its functions under S.40 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006.
It would be unacceptable if the mature trees and open space owned by the public in sites COL07 and Col20 were lost to residential use in the next local plan. The green areas and trees are greatly valued and contribute to the biodiversity of the area.

As Rochford Council has a duty to contribute towards achieving sustainable development under S.39 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and other legislation and guidance it is important to invest into present buildings to make them more sustainable.
The carbon footprint of demolishing existing buildings on these sites will significantly increase the carbon footprint of the whole district. Investment should be made into the current buildings to make them more sustainable.

Full text:

I wish to object to site COL07 (Mill Hall, car park and green) and also site COL20 Civic Suite with landscaped gardens to the rear being included in the local plan as a future residential development site.

Both sites are surrounded by listed buildings and Mill Hall by a Scheduled Ancient Monument. The setting of the listed buildings is enhanced by the gardens and landscaped car parks, making significant contribution to the conservation area and would be lost if developed for residential use.
Rochford District Council has a duty to preserve and enhance the Rayleigh Conservation area, under section 71 of the Planning (listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and other legislation.

The contribution of public car parking within COL07 and COL20 is significant to the town centre’s vitality and it would be detrimental to the town centre if it was lost due to development.

The local planning authority has a duty to conserve biodiversity when exercising its functions under S.40 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006.
It would be unacceptable if the mature trees and open space owned by the public in sites COL07 and Col20 were lost to residential use in the next local plan. The green areas and trees are greatly valued and contribute to the biodiversity of the area.

As Rochford Council has a duty to contribute towards achieving sustainable development under S.39 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and other legislation and guidance it is important to invest into present buildings to make them more sustainable.
The carbon footprint of demolishing existing buildings on these sites will significantly increase the carbon footprint of the whole district. Investment should be made into the current buildings to make them more sustainable.