
New Local Plan: Spatial Options Document 2021

Representation ID: 42477

Received: 08/09/2021

Respondent: Adegboyega Tayo

Number of people: 2

Representation Summary:

CFS087 Address: Land between Western Road and Weir Farm Road, Rayleigh
We have been made aware of this promoted site in the Localplan 2021.
The proposal to build 108 homes in such a place close to the A127 would be ill advised as will increase noise pollution.
The increased households and population will increase traffic congestion to access the high street.
This site is not close enough to the station which would mean many people will be driving to access the trains and other public amenities resulting in excessive traffic and air pollution.
The Rayleigh Weir traffic is already one of the heaviest and a blemish to the town. Building more homes in this area will add to this problem.
The effects of noise and air pollution on health of residents has recently been gaining more focus and increasing awareness particularly following the coroner case in London. We feel taking a deliberate decision to house people next to such a busy road is taking unnecessary risks with their health and exposing the council to future liability.
There’s already pressure on local amenities and facilities e.g. schools and GP surgeries, additional houses in this area will worsen this problem.
This land provides a natural space with trees ,shrubs etc, a very useful green and area of tranquility for all Rayleigh residents. The number of these areas are disappearing significantly to the detriment of the natural environment, mental and physical health of our residents. This land should not be added to this growing list.
We will therefore for the above reasons oppose this new development.

Full text:

CFS087 Address: Land between Western Road and Weir Farm Road, Rayleigh
We have been made aware of this promoted site in the Localplan 2021.
The proposal to build 108 homes in such a place close to the A127 would be ill advised as will increase noise pollution.
The increased households and population will increase traffic congestion to access the high street.
This site is not close enough to the station which would mean many people will be driving to access the trains and other public amenities resulting in excessive traffic and air pollution.
The Rayleigh Weir traffic is already one of the heaviest and a blemish to the town. Building more homes in this area will add to this problem.
The effects of noise and air pollution on health of residents has recently been gaining more focus and increasing awareness particularly following the coroner case in London. We feel taking a deliberate decision to house people next to such a busy road is taking unnecessary risks with their health and exposing the council to future liability.
There’s already pressure on local amenities and facilities e.g. schools and GP surgeries, additional houses in this area will worsen this problem.
This land provides a natural space with trees ,shrubs etc, a very useful green and area of tranquility for all Rayleigh residents. The number of these areas are disappearing significantly to the detriment of the natural environment, mental and physical health of our residents. This land should not be added to this growing list.
We will therefore for the above reasons oppose this new development.