
Allocations Submission Document

Representation ID: 28992

Received: 17/01/2013

Respondent: Mr R Laybourn

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

A development of this nature will be detrimental to the village of Hullbridge. The facilities (ie sewerage, drainage, roads, medical centre) will not be able to cope with such large influx. The road system is totally unsuitable, new main roads would have to be installed. The present school would be inadequate. Flooding is a major problem in that area, so largescale drainage systems would have to be implemented.

Full text:

A development of this nature will be detrimental to the village of Hullbridge. The facilities (ie sewerage, drainage, roads, medical centre) will not be able to cope with such large influx. The road system is totally unsuitable, new main roads would have to be installed. The present school would be inadequate. Flooding is a major problem in that area, so largescale drainage systems would have to be implemented.