
Hockley Area Action Plan Options Report

Representation ID: 26950

Received: 13/01/2011

Respondent: Ms H Rozga

Representation Summary:

Inappropriate changes and over development.

Full text:

HAAP Consultation January 2011

I wish to register the following objections regarding the above consultation:

Chapter 4. Overarching Frame work: Object: Previous consultations have made clear that highways infrastructure improvements to the key junctions at: Spa roundabout; Eldon Way; Station Approach and Plumberow need to be determined as a precursor to any redevelopment. Insufficient attention has been paid to these key requirements.

Option 1: Object: Insufficient benefits.

Option 2a: Object: Inappropriate changes and missed opportunities.

Options 3: Object: Inappropriate changes and over development.

Options 3a: Object: Inappropriate changes and over development.

Chapter 8. Transport options: Object: Previous consultations have made clear that highways infrastructure improvements to the key junctions at: Spa roundabout; Eldon Way; Station Approach and Plumberow need to be determined as a precursor to any redevelopment. Insufficient attention has been paid to these key requirements and the sketch proposals provided have not been researched and may not be viable.

Option 2: Object: This option forms the basis of an appropriate plan but does not go far enough but support an enhanced version as follows (changes in italics):

Roads (key priority and subject to viability confirmation)

Improvements to Spa Roundabout e.g. Slip lanes or Table top crossing
Improvements to Eldon Way, Station Approach, and Plumberow junctions
Road widening of Spa Road from Co-Op supermarket to railway bridge


Added/Consolidated parking square behind shops on west side of Spa Road reached via Eldon Way and (if possible) Bramerton Rd
Added on-street parallel parking in Spa Road and pick-up/drop-off points both sides of Hockley Station

Building changes

Redevelop shops on Southside of Main Road, opposite Potters, to remove 'pinch -point' on B1013
Change from retail to housing at Costcutters Parade of shops
Modernised retail units with 4 flats above Seemore Glass
Modernised retail units with 2 added retail units at Factory Shop/Car park area (to remain single storey)
Redevelop Co-Op Undertakers etc and extend to join existing shops either side, removing access roads creating additional Retail
Community centre with library/health centre/shops at current library location with 13 flats and 2 retail units
2 large format retail units in Eldon Way (delete from proposals)
Replacement of one industrial building with light industry/ offices/ parking square on Eldon Way
Retail unit near station in Spa Road replaced by house
Housing on north side of Station along Plumberow Ave, to include railway drop-off point
Retail option (possibly a market) to be considered for Sorting Office site
Options for undeveloped portion of Foundry Estate to be considered.


Enhanced station frontage & Pedestrian link to Eldon Way (but care re safety considerations)
Enhanced shop fronts, paving and streetscape Spa Road / Main Road / Southend Road
Improved safety, consolidated and new leisure space on Eldon Way
Flexible employment opportunities, enhanced frontages to leisure/other buildings on Eldon Way
New link through Catholic Church from Spa Road to Southend Road