HAAP: Schedule of modifications
Proposed Schedule of Changes to the Hockley Area Action Plan Submission Document DELETED: (November 2012)
The below proposed amendments relate to changes to the Hockley Area Action Plan (November 2012) INSERTED: that have occurred during the examination process and following the Inspector’s letter of 17 October 2013 setting out his interim views.
The page numbers and paragraph numbering below refer to the Hockley Area Action Plan Submission Document (November 2012), and do not take account of the deletion or addition of text.
Main modifications
Reference | Page | Policy/Paragraph | Proposed change |
MM1 | 4 | Paragraph one |
Amend paragraph as follows: Rochford District Council is committed to preparing Area Action Plans (AAP) for its three main centres of Rayleigh, Rochford and Hockley. The AAPs will form part of the statutory development plan for Rochford District. This document focuses on guiding the development of Hockley centre, as well as adjoining light industrial areas and the rail station, during the current plan period to DELETED: 2026 INSERTED: 2025. |
MM2 | 28 | Paragraph two (after ‘’The vision for Hockley is:’’) |
Amend paragraph as follows: By DELETED: 2026 INSERTED: 2025 DELETED: , Hockley will have a centre that is defined by the high quality of its public realm and the opportunities on offer for local people to access homes, shops, jobs, leisure and other services without having to travel far afield. These changes will be delivered in a manner that makes the most of land that has been previously developed, and all new development will respect and enhance the existing suburban, low-density character of the settlement. |
MM3 | 31 | Policy 1 |
Amend paragraph as follows: The Eldon Way Opportunity Site will deliver a mixed-use development, which will include homes, shops, leisure facilities, offices, car parking and new public spaces. INSERTED: Figure 13 provides a general overview of the framework for development in Hockley. It sets out the individual elements of the AAP and provides a spatial perspective on what kind of development the Council would like to see coming forward. In particular Figure 13 shows the extent to which the Council wishes to integrate the Eldon Way Opportunity Site into the wider centre of Hockley. |
MM4 | 32 | Policy 1 |
Amend paragraph as follows: b. New and enhanced routes linking the centre with the rail station and the surrounding area. INSERTED: These routes are shown in Figure 13. They show how the Council wishes to see the Eldon Way Opportunity Site become more accessible and integrated into the rest of Hockley centre. |
MM5 | 32 | Policy 1 |
Amend paragraph as follows: e. The focus of retail uses in the centre, with an opportunity for a new retail development within the Eldon Way Opportunity Site, in accordance with Policy 6. INSERTED: The appropriate locations for these uses are shown in Figure 13. |
MM6 | 33 | Figure 13 |
Figure 13 will be amended so that the areas outside of the HAAP boundaries will not be included. See map appended to this schedule of changes. |
(423) MM7 | 41 | Transport Assessment and Travel Plans (first paragraph) |
Amend paragraph as follows: Core Strategy Policy T6 generally requires the submission of Travel Plans in support of development proposals. INSERTED: In addition any strategic planning applications will be required by Essex County Council Highways Department to be accompanied by a Transport Assessment. DELETED: This requirement is increased, in accordance with Draft Policy DM28, to also include the submission of a Transport Assessment, which would be necessary to assess the impact of proposed large developments – |
(1) MM8 | 44 | Policy 4 |
Amend paragraph as follows: Residential (C3) development will be permitted within the Eldon Way Opportunity Site INSERTED: (see Figure 14) where it would: |
MM9 | 44 | Policy 4 |
Amend paragraph as follows: a. Not lead to the development of more than 50% of the total area of the Eldon Way Opportunity Site for new dwellings INSERTED: (see Figure 13). |
(1) MM10 | 44 | Second paragraph |
Amend paragraph as follows: A capacity study for the Eldon Way Opportunity Site has been carried out to examine how the full mix of uses envisaged for this site within the AAP could be accommodated. It demonstrates that approximately 100 new dwellings could be delivered on site. INSERTED: Figure 13 shows the area of the Eldon Way Opportunity Site that the Council would wish to see developed for housing. Development of the area shown in Figure 13 for uses other than housing would not be supported by the Council. |
MM11 | 44 | Third Paragraph |
Amend paragraph as follows: It is likely that a mix of housing unit sizes could come forward, which might include a proportion of smaller, one-bedroom units, given the nature of housing need within the INSERTED: District DELETED: Borough. DELETED: Draft Policy DM2 INSERTED: The HAAP does not prescribe densities for new residential development, but encourages proposals for schemes that make efficient use of land and respond to their context. The Eldon Way Opportunity Site INSERTED: , identified in Core Strategy Policy H1, is suitable for medium density development due to its accessible location between the centre and rail station, as well as the prevailing character of the surrounding area. |
MM12 | 46 | First Paragraph |
Amend paragraph as follows: DELETED: Draft Policy DM32 allows for the conversion of upper floors within centres, such as Hockley, to be converted for residential purposes. The conversion of upper floors within centres such as Hockley for residential purposes is appropriate. This is on the proviso that such development would not result in a net loss of leisure or commercial uses within the centre and DELETED: seeks to protect the residential amenity of future occupiers, in particular by requiring that any new residential accommodation is self-contained and has separate access from the street. |
MM13 | 46 | Seventh Paragraph |
Amend paragraph as follows: As shown on the proposals plan, the Hockley employment site has been rationalised to allow for the designation of the Eldon Way Opportunity Site for mixed-use development. The extent of the employment site has been reduced and now greater focus is placed on the Foundry Business Park. Given that the Foundry Business Park has recently benefited from upgrades and new accommodation, it should be retained as an employment site. Development proposals for land within this site would be subject to Core Strategy Policy INSERTED: ED3 and ED4 DELETED: and Draft Policy DM29, which seek to protect employment sites for employment generating uses INSERTED: , and increase office use within Hockley centre. DELETED: in particular those within classes B1 and B2. INSERTED: Drawing from these policies the Council seeks to ensure that employment land is predominantly of use classes B1 (Business) and B2 (General industrial). |
(421) MM14 | 48 | Policy 6 |
Amend paragraph as follows: New retail (A1) development within the Eldon Way Opportunity Site INSERTED: (see Figure 13) will be permitted where it would: a. Provide a range of unit sizes, including smaller units. b. DELETED: In relation to a new food store on the site, be of a size that would not exceed 3,000m² (gross) of new floorspace. b. INSERTED: Not exceed a maximum overall additional retail capacity for the centre of 3,000 sq m (gross). c. Fully integrate with Spa Road, and allow for direct pedestrian links through the site to the redeveloped Eldon Way Opportunity Site, rail station and other areas of Hockley. d. Contribute positively towards the redevelopment of the Eldon Way Opportunity Site for a mix of uses, including residential, retail, leisure and office. INSERTED: The Council will favour smaller developments and the expansion of existing retail units in Hockley centre. However if a proposal for a larger single store comes forward such an application would be considered favourably, provided it meets the criteria set out above, is able to demonstrate that ‘clawback’ of expenditure from other centres would be achieved and assesses the implications for them.INSERTED: Such a scheme should also demonstrate that a development of this size would not harm the overall vitality of Hockley. |
(2) MM15 | 48 | Fourth Paragraph |
Amend paragraph as follows: DELETED: Within this context, then, the Council would allow a new food store with up to 3,000m² (gross) of new floorspace within Hockley centre, as part of the mixed-use redevelopment of the Eldon Way Opportunity Site. INSERTED: Within this context, then, the Council will set a 3000sq m (gross) floor space maximum within the centre. This is reasonable on account of the overall level of convenience capacity and the desire to strengthen Hockley centre and the need to claw back local trade currently lost to other locations. |
(426) MM16 | 48 | Following paragraph four |
Insert paragraph between paragraphs four and five as follows: The Retail & Leisure Study also recognises that Hockley has a good mix of small, but high quality independent traders. It recommends that this offer is enhanced and the centre promoted as a boutique shopping destination. The Eldon Way Opportunity Site offers the potential for a range of different sized retail units INSERTED: alongside any food store, including smaller units suitable for independent traders. As such, it is considered that new development could build on Hockley’s existing strengths and character INSERTED: and the provision of additional retail through development of smaller units will be favoured. |
(1) MM17 | 48 | Fifth Paragraph |
Delete paragraph:
Furthermore, the capacity study that has been undertaken in relation to the Eldon Way Opportunity Site establishes that a food store with up to 3,000m² (gross) of new floorspace would be the largest that could be accommodated. A larger food store would threaten the delivery of the mix of other uses that would be needed to help deliver the Council’s vision for Hockley Centre. |
(2) MM18 | 48 | Following the fifth paragraph |
Insert text as follows:
A large retail unit has the potential to act as an anchor store, encouraging additional shoppers into Hockley centre, and may help Hockley clawback some of the expenditure currently being lost to other centres. However, conversely, there is also concern that a large retail unit would have a negative impact on the vitality of Hockley centre by, for example, marginalising existing units. As such, the development of a large retail unit will not be favoured but proposals for such a development may be acceptable provided it can be demonstrated that it will not harm the overall vitality of Hockley centre, would help ensure clawback of retail expenditure currently lost to other centres, and considers the impact on other centres. |
MM19 | 48 | Final paragraph |
Amend paragraph as follows: The development of DELETED: a new food store INSERTED: additional retail on the Eldon Way Opportunity Site could also help to facilitate a new public space. This should provide new linkages between Spa Road and the mixed-used development proposed for the Site. |
MM20 | 49 | Paragraph beginning ‘‘ The Retail & Leisure Study’’ |
Delete paragraph:
The Retail & Leisure Study also recognises that Hockley has a good mix of small, but high quality independent traders. It recommends that this offer is enhanced and the centre promoted as a boutique shopping destination. The Eldon Way Opportunity Site offers the potential for a range of different sized retail units alongside any food store, including smaller units suitable for independent traders. As such, it is considered that new development could build on Hockley’s existing strengths and character |
MM21 | 49 | Second paragraph after Policy 7 |
Amend paragraph as follows: An appropriate balance of uses is necessary to support the health of Hockley centre, and it is essential that retail uses are supported by non-retail uses INSERTED: which are considered to make a positive contribution to the centre, such as cafes, restaurants, pubs, leisure uses, community facilities and professional services (such as banks, building societies and estate agents). DELETED: are supported by non-retail uses such as cafés, pubs and banks. |
MM22 | 49 | Following second paragraph after Policy 7 |
Amend paragraph as follows:
To ensure this balance the Council will not permit a cluster of any more than two immediately adjacent non-retail uses of the same use-class. More than two Sui Generis uses adjacent to one another may not necessarily be considered a cluster, provided they are distinct and different uses.
Uses which would not contribute positively to the overall offer of the centre will not generally be supported.
Some land uses associated with town centre locations have the potential to raise amenity issues for nearby residents. Such uses might include, but are not necessarily limited to, those falling in Use Classes A3, A4 and A5 or other, Sui Generis uses such as night clubs. The impact of such non-retail uses on the amenity of those living within or nearby the centre will be an important consideration in determining relevant planning applications, and applicants will be expected to demonstrate how negative impacts arising from such proposals will be mitigated, if applications are to be permitted. |
MM23 | 49 | Policy 7 |
Amend paragraph as follows: The Council will encourage development within Hockley centre that supports its vitality and viability Within the centre’s primary and secondary shopping frontages, as defined on the Hockley APP Proposals Map, a proposed change of use for non-retail (non-A1) purposes will be permitted where it would: a. Not have a detrimental impact on, or undermine, the predominance of A1 uses DELETED: within the centre, INSERTED: both within the centre as a whole and within the primary shopping frontage. b. DELETED: N INSERTED:not create a cluster of similar non-A1 uses INSERTED:of the same use class within a locality that undermines the retail character of the centre. c. DELETED: P INSERTED: positively contribute to the overall offer and encourage people into the centre INSERTED:. INSERTED:d. have regard to the amenity and character of Hockley. |
MM24 | 49 | The final paragraph of page 49 |
Amend paragraph as follows: The Council recognises the dynamic nature of centres and the need for flexibility. INSERTED: Nevertheless, it wishes to ensure that the majority of uses both within the centre as a whole and within the primary shopping frontage are in A1 use. Currently 58% of the primary and 44% of the secondary frontages are in retail uses. However, the target for Hockley is to increase this to 75% and 50% respectively. DELETED: However, as a guide and whilst wishing to avoid being overly prescriptive, the Council will generally seek to retain 75% of Hockley’s primary shopping frontage and 50% of its secondary shopping frontage in retail (A1) use. |
MM25 | 50 | Policy 8 |
Amend paragraph as follows: The Council will support the location of leisure (D2) uses within the Eldon Way Opportunity Site INSERTED: (see Figure 13), provided that such uses contribute positively towards its redevelopment for a mix of uses, including residential, retail, leisure and office. |
Amended Figure 13