Development Management Submission Document

Ended on the 18 July 2013

(3) 6. Economic Development


Short Term

  • The Council are using the findings of the Employment Land Study to ascertain future employment provision to meet the District’s needs, and to assist in identifying alternative locations for old and poorly located employment sites which are no longer fit-for-purpose.

  • The long term future of the wharfage at Baltic Wharf as an employment area has been secured.

  • Area Action Plans for Rochford, Rayleigh and Hockley have been finalised and the first phase of enhancement opportunities are being implemented.

  • The potential of London Southend Airport and its environs is beginning to take shape through the provision of a Joint Area Action Plan in partnership with Southend Borough Council.

  • The Joint Area Action Plan seeks to realise the airport’s potential as a driver for the sub-regional economy, providing significant employment opportunities and ensuring the quality of life for its residents and workers.

Medium Term

  • Sustainable, well used and strategically located industrial estates are being protected and enhanced, where appropriate.

  • New businesses are being supported at the most vulnerable points in their lifecycle through the development of an Eco-Enterprise Centre.

  • The Eco-Enterprise Centre is a flagship, eco-friendly building creating an inward investment draw which is bringing new businesses into the area.

  • Appropriate uses within the District’s commercial centres are being supported.

  • London Southend Airport and its environs has become a driver for the sub-regional economy, providing a range of aviation and non aviation-related employment opportunities for the local population.

  • A skills training academy within the vicinity of London Southend Airport and its environs has been established to provide high-skilled training in aviation-related industries.

  • The Joint Area Action Plan supports and regulates the operations of London Southend Airport taking into consideration environmental and social effects, and residential amenity.

  • A new airport terminal building at London Southend Airport has been completed and is operational following the implementation of an agreed surface access strategy.

  • A new employment park in the west of the District with good links to the main access networks has been developed which caters for a range of employment types in a flexible manner that adapts to changes in the economy.

Long Term

  • Old, poorly located, “bad neighbour” industrial estates have been relocated to fit-for-purpose sites in sustainable locations which meet the needs of businesses and benefits residential amenity.

  • The new employment park is accompanied by a travel plan and is accessible to workers by a range of transport options.

  • At least 3000 jobs have been provided by 2021, and additional employment which meets local need continues to be generated.


  1. Ensure the growth of local employment opportunities and deliver an additional net 3000 local jobs by 2021.

  2. Enhance the local skills base in the District through providing additional training and support.

  3. Implement the London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan to realise the potential of this local resource.

  4. Ensure the delivery of an Eco-Enterprise Centre which will provide valuable support for new businesses within the District.

  5. Support the continued functioning and growth of small and medium sized businesses, and encourage flexible practices such as home-working to enhance the range of local employment opportunities in the District.

  6. Implement Area Action Plans for the commercial centres of Rayleigh, Rochford and Hockley to enhance their attractiveness and increase spending retention within the District.

  7. Support projects within the District such as Cherry Orchard Jubilee County Park and aid the delivery of priorities in the Economic Development Strategy.

  8. Ensure the protection of existing employment land in sustainable locations, and reallocate “bad neighbour” industrial estates for more appropriate uses, such as residential, to meet the District’s housing needs.

  9. Allocate the minimum amount of Green Belt necessary for additional employment land, as appropriate, and fully utilise the office space potential of Rayleigh and Hockley centres.


6.1 The overarching approach to economic development in the District is detailed within the Core Strategy. There are four key strategic economic issues identified seeking to enhance the growth, adaptability and flexibility of the local economy. These are employment growth, London Southend Airport, existing employment land and future employment allocations.

6.2 The Core Strategy identifies several important areas which can encourage the growth of local employment opportunities including the development of the Wallasea Island Wild Coast Project, the enhancement of the District’s commercial centres and the development and growth of home-working. The Core Strategy also supports the Economic Development Strategy.

6.3 London Southend Airport is recognised as an important employment generator in the District with the potential to become a catalyst for economic growth and employment generation in the sub-region. It is recognised that the development of this local facility needs to be weighed against any detrimental impacts on the local environment and residential amenity. As such, specific policies regarding London Southend Airport and its surrounding area will be determined through the Joint Area Action Plan (or JAAP) produced in conjunction with Southend-on-Sea Borough Council.

6.4 The Core Strategy also seeks to protect important employment land and reallocate “bad neighbour” employment land, having regard to the Employment Land Study. Where new allocations for employment land are proposed to meet local employment and economic needs, the sites will be expected to be of high quality and to incorporate appropriate environmental controls.

6.5 This chapter elaborates on the appropriate use of employment land and the encouragement of home working in the District.

Employment Land

6.6 There are numerous areas in the District designated as employment land and the strategic approach to the future of new and existing employment land is set out in the Core Strategy. The allocation of new employment land and the reallocation of existing employment land will be set out in the Allocations Document and the Area Action Plans, as appropriate.

6.7 It is important to maintain the viability and vibrancy of employment land within the District. Appropriate uses on designated employment land should be within classes B1(Business) and B2 (General Industrial) as defined by the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 and as amended by the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Amendment) (England) Order 2006. B1 and B2 uses generally create higher job densities than B8 (Storage and Distribution) uses. These two classes are preferred over B8 uses as there is a limited supply of developable land, as identified in the Employment Land Study, and it is important to ensure an efficient and effective use of land within the District. Employment land should also be designed to ensure that it is high quality, safe and inclusive and any associated infrastructure should be appropriately phased. Potential noise and light pollution should be adequately mitigated against. In terms of light pollution in particular, the criteria set out in Policy DM5 should be considered.

6.8 However, we recognise the necessity of maintaining a flexible approach to employment uses to reflect the current economic and employment situation and ensure that employment land remains vibrant with minimal vacancies. Alternative use classes will be permitted if they are an appropriate use which does not undermine existing employment uses and positively contributes to the viability of the employment land, and are compatible with existing employment uses in terms of, for example, health and safety considerations.

Policy DM32 – Employment Land

New and existing employment land should have a predominance of B1 (Business) and/or B2 (General Industrial) employment uses. New employment development will be expected to be B1 (Business) and/or B2 (General Industrial) employment uses. Alternative uses will be considered having regard to:

  1. the number of jobs likely to be provided;
  2. the viability of retaining B1 and B2 uses;
  3. the compatibility with existing uses;
  4. the impact on the vitality and vibrancy of the District’s town centres;
  5. the proportion of alternative uses present; and
  6. wider sustainability issues (such as available transport methods),

New and existing employment land should be of a high quality, safe and inclusive design and any associated infrastructure should be appropriately phased. Potential noise and light pollution generated by proposed uses should be adequately mitigated against.

Retail use is not normally permitted on employment land. However where the proposal passes our sequential approach to the location of retail development, then permission may be granted for businesses selling bulky goods.

Working from Home

6.9 Advancements in technology mean that there is more scope for residents to work from home. This can enable people to become economically active who may otherwise be denied the opportunity. However, whilst there are economic and social benefits to working from home it is important to ensure that proposals do not have a detrimental impact upon the character or amenity of the surrounding residential area.

6.10 Some forms of home working do not require planning consent, but permission will be required where there is material change from the main residential use. Whilst mixed use properties may be acceptable in some instances, the main issue in considering the acceptability of a proposal will be to assess the impact on the character and appearance of the area.

6.11 It is not, however, appropriate to restrict businesses proposed in a dwelling to class B1 (Business) uses as it is recognised that other uses may be compatible with the dominant residential use. The appropriateness of the proposed use of a dwelling should be determined on a case-by-case basis taking into consideration suitable criteria to ensure the uses would not have an undue impact on the neighbours, for example in terms of amenity, traffic, etc.

Policy DM33 – Working From Home

Proposals for uses operating businesses from dwellings, which require planning permission, will be supported provided that the use:

  1. remains linked to the residential use, such that it does not become a separate commercial unit;
  2. will not have a significant adverse effect on residential amenity;
  3. will not have a detrimental effect upon the visual character of the surrounding residential area; and
  4. will not create on street parking or unacceptable highway problems.

Where such uses are approved they will be subject to appropriate conditions, for example controlling the size and frequencies of delivery vehicles, times of deliveries, visits, etc. as well as a condition relating the use solely to the person who occupies the dwelling and undertakes the activity.

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