Development Management DPD Preferred Policy Options Document
1. Introduction
(11) The Role of the Development Management Development Plan Document
1.1 The planning application process is moving towards a more positive and proactive approach to shaping, considering, determining and delivering development proposals, called development management. It is led by the Local Planning Authority working closely with those proposing developments and other stakeholders (ranging from national bodies such as Natural England and the Environment Agency to parish/town council’s and local communities). Development management is undertaken in the spirit of partnership and inclusiveness, and seeks to facilitate the delivery of key priorities within the District.
1.2 Adopting the development management approach will enable us, in conjunction with local communities and a wide range of other stakeholders, to promote and achieve the vision and objectives set out in the Core Strategy (which filters down through the other documents forming the Local Development Framework) and the Sustainable Community Strategy, as well as to deliver relevant local, regional and national objectives. This will assist us in shaping sustainable, prosperous, attractive and safe places where people want to live, work and relax.
1.3 The Development Management Development Plan Document (DMDPD) will set out the detailed day-to-day planning policies through which development within the District will be delivered. It is a document which will form part of the collection of documents shaping the future of the District, known as the Local Development Framework (or LDF). The LDF once completed will be the Development Plan for the District.
1.4 There are a number of different documents which together will set out the Development Plan for the District. The diagram below (Figure 1) shows what these documents are and how they fit together. Planning applications will be determined in accordance with the Development Plan. Development Plan Documents will set the blueprint for the future development of the District through planning policies. Supplementary Planning Documents, however, do not contain policies and as such are not part of the Development Plan. These documents will sit below the policy documents and provide additional advice and guidance, where appropriate, to assist officers in the determination of planning applications.
(1) Figure 1 – The Development Plan

1.5 The Core Strategy DPD is the overarching planning policy document of the LDF, which sets out our main issues for the future and the policies which will shape the future development of the District. The Development Management DPD will sit below the Core Strategy in the LDF and must conform to the approach set out in it in order to be found ‘Sound’ through independent examination and to deliver our vision. The Development Management DPD must not repeat the policies in the Core Strategy and should be read in conjunction with them. Therefore both these documents will be used in the determination of planning applications for the development and use of land and buildings in the District.
1.6 The other DPDs which will form the LDF of the District play an important role in shaping what the District will look in the future. The Allocations DPD will set out how land will be used in future, for example for residential development, community facilities and important nature designations to name but a few. The four Area Actions Plans will provide policies specific to the areas they cover (the three main shopping areas, and the airport and its surrounding area). Together these DPDs will form the Development Plan for the District.
1.7 The Development Management DPD will be subject to several stages of public consultation, which will help shape its preparation. This consultation document is the second stage in the process and has been developed having regard to our approach to future development as set out in the Core Strategy, and comments received during public consultation on the first version of the Development Management DPD (the Discussion and Consultation Document) in 2010.
1.8 The Core Strategy was submitted to the Secretary of State responsible for planning in January 2010, and from May 2010 to date it has been subject to public examination to determine whether it is ‘Sound’. If it is found to be ‘Sound’ then the Council may adopt it and it will become Council policy. The Development Management DPD will need to be adapted to reflect the approach of the adopted Core Strategy, as appropriate.
1.9 This document, although not the final version, should be read in conjunction with the approach outlined in the Core Strategy.
The Role of the preferred policy options version of the Development Management DPD
1.10 This document is a public consultation document which sets out the preferred draft policies for managing the future development within the District. This approach reflects the priorities set out in the Core Strategy, and has taken into account comments submitted during the public consultation on the Discussion and Consultation version of the Development Management DPD as well as the findings of the Sustainability Appraisal. This document has also been subject to further Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment.
1.11 This is the second stage in the preparation of the Development Management DPD. Following the initial round of community involvement in 2010 and the consultation on this preferred policy options version, the pre-submission version will be prepared, having regard to these findings. It will then be subject to another six week period of consultation where the public will be invited to submit their comments, and another Sustainability Appraisal before a final version of the document is agreed. The Development Management DPD itself will then be submitted, along with the results of this final consultation and other evidence, to the government.The document will then be subject to an independent examination by the Planning Inspectorate on behalf of the Secretary of State responsible for planning, and if found to be ‘Sound’ the Council may adopt it and it will become Council policy.
1.12 The Development Management DPD is divided into six chapters containing the preferred draft policies for managing development in the District to be taken forward to the pre-submission version of the document. These draft policies are detailed within the following chapters:
Housing, Character of Place and Residential Amenity
The Green Belt and Countryside
Environmental Issues
Economic Development
Retail and Town Centres
1.13 We want your views on these draft policies for development management in the District. Views submitted at this stage will be used to inform the production of the next draft Development Management DPD – the pre-submission version. The key stages in the development of this document are as follows:
Preferred Options public consultation (17 March 2010 – 30 April 2010);
Preferred Policy Options public consultation;
Pre-Submission public consultation;
Examination in Public; and
1.14 The dates for the development of the document will be set out in an updated Local Development Scheme (the timetable for the Local Development Framework).
1.15 Our vision is shared with that of the Local Strategic Partnership:
‘To make Rochford District a place which provides opportunities for the best possible quality of life for all who live, work and visit here’
1.16 To support this, we have four main corporate objectives. These are:
Making a difference to our people
Making a difference to our community
Making a difference to our environment
Making a difference to our local economy
1.17 The strategic vision for the District during the plan period is set out in the Core Strategy. The Core Strategy and Development Management DPD have a key role to play in the delivery of the vision for Rochford District. For each theme of development management, the vision and objectives for that topic as determined in the Core Strategy have been set out. The Development Management DPD will contribute to the vision and objectives in conjunction with the Core Strategy. Together, these all contribute to the overall vision for the District. The vision and objectives for the plan period have been adapted from those in the Core Strategy to reflect changing circumstances, emerging initiatives and suggestions from community involvement.
(1) Sustainability Appraisal
1.18 The preparation of a Sustainability Appraisal is a mandatory requirement under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 for the production of the documents which together form the Local Development Framework. The integration of this document into the development of planning policy ensures that the wider social, environmental and economic effects of the draft policies and proposals contained within Development Plan Documents (such as the Core Strategy DPD, Development Management DPD and the Allocations DPD) are fully assessed. The draft policies contained in this document have been the subject of a Sustainability Appraisal. As such, the Sustainability Appraisal forms part of the evidence base of the Local Development Framework.
Community Involvement
1.19 Community involvement is an important and integral part of the development of the Local Development Framework. The preparation of this preferred policy options document has taken into account the findings of community involvement exercises from the various public consultation stages which have informed the development of the Core Strategy, as well as at the Discussion and Consultation version of the Development Management DPD. Comments on this document have also been invited during a six week public consultation period, and this will inform the final pre-submission version of the Development Management DPD.
Relationship with Other Strategies
1.20 As stated above, the Development Management DPD will have to conform to the Core Strategy. The Core Strategy has been developed having regard to a wealth of other strategies, at higher and lower tiers to the District (i.e. regional, sub-regional, county and sub-district level strategies). The Development Management DPD should also take into account these other strategies, and contribute towards their delivery.
1.21 The Sustainable Community Strategy (2009) is the long-term vision for the District and sets out the priorities for improvement intended to deliver the vision. It is developed by the Local Strategic Partnership which is a partnership of local public, private and voluntary sector organisations who play a key part in the provision of services within the District.
1.22 Our Local Development Framework should aid the delivery of the Sustainable Community Strategy and act as an umbrella for all other strategies developed for the area.
1.23 The Sustainable Community Strategy identifies seven key priorities:
Supporting the Ageing Population
Fostering Greater Community Cohesion
Strengthening the Third Sector (voluntary sector)
Increasing Accessibility to Services
Keeping Rochford Safe
Encouraging Economic Development: Skills, Employment and Enterprise
Promoting a Greener District
1.24 The Core Strategy, as the main planning policy document of the District’s Local Development Framework, has a key role to play in delivering all of the above. The Development Management DPD will address the Sustainable Community Strategy priorities primarily through aiding the delivery of the Core Strategy.
1.25 In addition to the Sustainable Community Strategy, there are a number of other strategies which influence our Local Development Framework, as outlined below.
Regional Strategies
Sub-Regional Strategies
Thames Gateway South Essex Partnership:
County Strategies
Essex County Council:
District Strategies
Sub-District Strategies
Hockley Parish Plan Group:
1.26 In addition to conforming to the approach to managing development as set out in the Core Strategy, national planning policy in the form of Planning Policy Guidance Notes (PPGs), Planning Policy Statements (PPSs) and circulars, have also shaped the production of the Development Management DPD.
(1) Evidence Base
1.27 This consultation document, where appropriate, has also drawn upon the extensive evidence base which has informed the development of the Core Strategy. The evidence base contains numerous plans, studies and strategies which support the emerging policies and proposals in the Local Development Framework. These key documents are as follows:
Affordable Housing Viability Study (2010) assesses the viability of the affordable housing policy in the Core Strategy.
Annual Monitoring Reports report on a range of indicators on an annual basis since 2004.
Call for Sites was carried out in early 2007 and resulted in the submission of a number of sites from developers, land-owners and agents for consideration by the Council.
Community Involvement carried out at each stage of the development of the Core Strategy (i.e. Issues and Options, Preferred Options, Revised Preferred Options, and Pre-Submission). Comments on the Discussion and Consultation version of the Development Management DPD were invited in March/April 2010.
Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Plans (2007) assess the characteristics of the District’s Conservation Areas, as well as proposing action to ensure their value is retained or enhanced.
Design Guidance Notes: Pavilions and Club Houses developed by Sport England provides advice and guidance on the suitable design and layout of pavilions and clubhouses.
Development Control: Planning for Air Quality (2010 Update) sets out how air quality can be properly accounted for in the planning application process.
Employment Land Study (2008) examines the supply and demand for various forms of employment land and compares this to the current and projected future economic profile of the District in order to determine the spatial requirements for future employment. The 2010 update provides an …
Essex and South Suffolk Shoreline Management Plan identifies the best ways to manage flood and erosion risk to people and to the developed, historic and natural environment along the Essex and South Suffolk coast. It also identifies opportunities where shoreline management can work with others to make improvements.
Essex County Council Development Management Policies (February 2011) provides policies relating to highways and transport infrastructure.
Essex Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (2009) provides an update assessment of the accommodation needs of Gypsies and Travellers.
Essex Landscape Character Assessment (2003) outlines the extent of the three broad landscape character types within the District, and includes an assessment of their sensitivity to different forms of development.
Essex Thames Gateway Water Cycle Study – Scoping Study (2009) a sub-regional review of the existing condition of both the natural water environment and the water infrastructure which serves the population of the South Essex
Guidance Notes for the Reduction of Obtrusive Light (2005) developed by The Institution of Lighting Engineers identifies environmental zones and corresponding light thresholds.
Guidelines for the Keeping of Horses: Stable Sizes, Pasture and Fencing developed by the British Horse Society recommends appropriate standards for the keeping of horses.
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (2008) details a wealth of data around health and well-being issues in Essex.
Local Wildlife Site Review (2007) is an assessment of existing and potential local wildlife sites to determine their importance as natural habitats.
Looking Back and Moving Forward – Assessing the Housing Needs of Gypsies and Travellers in Essex (2006) provides an assessment of the projected future accommodation needs for Gypsies and Travellers up until 2016.
Open Space Study (2009) examines the current provision and quality of a variety of open spaces throughout the District.
Retail and Leisure Study (2008) examines the shopping and leisure use habits of the District’s residents, and the spatial implications of these for the future development of the area.
Rochford Biodiversity Action Plan sets out actions and targets to enhance biodiversity in the District.
Rochford District Historic Environment Characterisation Project (2006) provides a wealth of evidence on the importance of the historic environment within the District and facilitates the integration of management and conservation principles within the planning process.
Rochford Futures Report profiles the social, economic and environmental characteristics of Rochford District at a District and Ward level.
Standing Advice for Ancient Woodland (2011) produced by Natural England seeks to aid the Local Planning Authority in the determination of planning applications affecting ancient woodland.
Strategic Environmental Assessment Baseline Information Profile presents a plethora of secondary data about the social, physical, environmental and demographic characteristics of the District.
Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Level 1 & 2 Final Report (February 2011) provides a revision to the previous Thames Gateway South Essex Strategic Flood Risk Assessment report, and has been progressed following the scoping report in 2009. This is a combined Level 1 and Level 2 report, which includes a strategic overview of all potential sources of flooding which is sufficiently detailed to enable the application of the Sequential Test within the District (Level 1), and provides more detail of flood risk where there is development pressure in areas that are at Medium and High risk and to facilitate the application of the Exception Test where necessary (Level 2).
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment determines the availability, suitability and achievability of housing development sites within the District.
Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2008 provides data on housing supply and demand at the sub-regional level. The Strategic Housing Market Assessment: Update Report 2010 provides a review of the situation in order to reflect changes to the Thames Gateway South Essex housing market in the period from October 2008 to February 2010.
Sustainability Appraisals and Strategic Environmental Assessments are an integral part of the development of the planning policy documents forming the Local Development Framework. A Sustainability Appraisal was carried out at each stage in the development of the Core Strategy, assessing the social, economic and environmental impacts of proposed policies. The Sustainability Appraisals have influenced the development of the Core Strategy and thus the strategic approach to future development. This has subsequently shaped the approach of the emerging Development Management DPD. Furthermore the findings of the Sustainability Appraisal assessing the Discussion and Consultation Document (the first stage in the production of the Development Management DPD) has been incorporated into this document. An appraisal of this document has also been undertaken.
Thames Gateway South Essex Strategic Flood Risk Assessment determined the areas at risk of flooding across the sub-region, and calculated the probability of their flooding, enabling land across the sub-region to be categorised as Flood Zone 1, 2, 3 depending on the risk.
Thames Gateway South Essex Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Review – Scoping Report (2009) provides a review of the Thames Gateway South Essex Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) which was published in 2006.
Urban Capacity Study (2007) examines the capacity to accommodate development within the District on existing appropriate sites. This study has been superseded by the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment.