Issues and Options Document

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Issues and Options Document

B. Ensure that land is specifically allocated for schools

Representation ID: 35122

Received: 02/03/2018

Respondent: Rayleigh Town Council

Representation Summary:

Option B

Full text:

Option B


Issues and Options Document

A. Retain the current policies on schools, early years and childcare

Representation ID: 35123

Received: 02/03/2018

Respondent: Rayleigh Town Council

Representation Summary:

Option A

Full text:

Option A


Issues and Options Document

B. Ensure that land is specifically allocated for schools, early years and childcare

Representation ID: 35124

Received: 02/03/2018

Respondent: Rayleigh Town Council

Representation Summary:

Option B

Full text:

Option B


Issues and Options Document

How do plan to meet the needs for open space, sports and recreational facilities across the district over the next 20 years?

Representation ID: 35125

Received: 02/03/2018

Respondent: Rayleigh Town Council

Representation Summary:

: Open spaces and sports. [this number has been repeated]
These do no look like options. You seem to want to do all of them. What is there to choose?

Full text:

: Open spaces and sports. [this number has been repeated]
These do no look like options. You seem to want to do all of them. What is there to choose?


Issues and Options Document

A. Retain the existing policy

Representation ID: 35126

Received: 02/03/2018

Respondent: Rayleigh Town Council

Representation Summary:

Option A

Full text:

Option A


Issues and Options Document

A. Retain the existing policy

Representation ID: 35127

Received: 02/03/2018

Respondent: Rayleigh Town Council

Representation Summary:

Option A

Full text:

Option A


Issues and Options Document

How do we facilitate the delivery of appropriately located and accessible play space for our communities in the future?

Representation ID: 35128

Received: 02/03/2018

Respondent: Rayleigh Town Council

Representation Summary:

Paragraph 9.57. "In order to reduce the amount of greenfield (undeveloped) land...." I do not entirely agree with this premise and think you should reconsider it. Most of the district is greenfield. Surely, building on some of that is better than trying to squash more and more development into the existing towns and villages. People in new houses can access their gardens every day, they possibly only 'go out east' to look at a field once or twice a year

Full text:

Paragraph 9.57. "In order to reduce the amount of greenfield (undeveloped) land...." I do not entirely agree with this premise and think you should reconsider it. Most of the district is greenfield. Surely, building on some of that is better than trying to squash more and more development into the existing towns and villages. People in new houses can access their gardens every day, they possibly only 'go out east' to look at a field once or twice a year


Issues and Options Document

A. Retain the existing policy

Representation ID: 35129

Received: 02/03/2018

Respondent: Rayleigh Town Council

Representation Summary:

Option A

Full text:

Option A


Issues and Options Document

Green Belt

Representation ID: 35130

Received: 02/03/2018

Respondent: Rayleigh Town Council

Representation Summary:

Paragraph 10.6 "A fundamental principle of the Green Belt is to keep a sense of openness between built up areas." Yes, that is what the green belt is for. However, most of the metropolitan green belt in Rochford District is maintaining a sense of openness between the built up areas to the west and the sea to the east.

Full text:

Paragraph 10.6 "A fundamental principle of the Green Belt is to keep a sense of openness between built up areas." Yes, that is what the green belt is for. However, most of the metropolitan green belt in Rochford District is maintaining a sense of openness between the built up areas to the west and the sea to the east.


Issues and Options Document

B. Amend the current Green Belt policy in the Core Strategy

Representation ID: 35131

Received: 02/03/2018

Respondent: Rayleigh Town Council

Representation Summary:

Option B

Full text:

Option B

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