Issues and Options Document

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Issues and Options Document

Green Belt

Representation ID: 37389

Received: 06/03/2018

Respondent: Whirledge & Nott

Representation Summary:

REF: CFS058 - Land South of Anchor Lane, Canewdon

Point SP 5.1: How do we balance protection of the district's Green Belt that the meets the five Green Belt purposes, against the need to deliver new homes and jobs across the district and the wider South Essex area?
The principle of the Green Belt is to keep a sense of openness between built up areas. The development of the Green Belt should only happen in exceptional circumstances, but as reiterated by Government publications the plan-led system should review the existing Green Belt boundary to ensure development is always sustainable.
The Five purposes of the Green Belt are:
1. To check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas;
2. To prevent neighbouring towns merging into one another;
3. To assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment;
4. To preserve the setting and special character of historic towns; and
5. To assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land.
The Council's approach to the Green Belt is set out in the Core Strategy adopted in December 2011. The four objectives of the Core Strategy for the Green Belt are;
1. Continue to protect the openness and character of the District's Green Belt.
2. Ensure the minimum amount of Green Belt is allocated to meet the District's housing and employment needs, and that extensions to the residential envelope are in sustainable locations, which retain the individual identities of settlements and prevent coalescence
3. Ensure existing lawful businesses in the Green Belt are able to continue to function and contribute to the local economy, as appropriate, having regard to the impact on the openness and character of the Green Belt.
4. Ensure appropriate forms of diversification are encouraged to support the local rural economy and help achieve the vision of developing green tourism in the District.

Given the above the land referred to in the Strategic Housing Land Assessment should be considered in the local plan. The land meets the requirements for new housing as set out in points one and two above. There should also be an amendment to the current policy to release sustainable sites like this from the Green Belt easier and hence the support for option B to amend the current Green Belt policy in the Core Strategy.

Full text:

REF: CFS058 - Land South of Anchor Lane, Canewdon

Point SP 1.1: (Objectively Assessed Need) We have a real and identified need for affordable homes in the district and an ageing population, so how do we sustainably meet our need for market and affordable homes, and homes for older people and adults with disabilities over the next 20 years?

Rochford District Council should provide between 331 to 361 houses per annum in the district as required for by the Objectively Assessed Need. Rochford Council should not rely on neighbouring authorities Duty to Cooperate to assisting in providing this. Neighbouring authorities are also under pressure with similar constraints to supply housing at themselves may rely on neighbouring authorities to meet their underperformance. Rochford District Council should ensure they achieve the minimum requirements, going further than the proposed option A. 'Seek to provide as much of the district's housing need within our area, as far as possible, given environmental and other constraints. The council must consider releasing more land from the Green Belt, as detailed in the response to Point SP 5.1 below.

Point SP 1.3: How do we plan to facilitate the delivery of our need for new homes over the next 20 years within the district?

Additional land should be included in the local plan for future development to meet the target of supplying at least 331 houses per annum. For this reason Option C. Several Small extensions to the existing area would be one good way to achieve the minimum of 331 houses per annum in the Rochford District. As detailed in the site SHLAA summary the site is located close to existing residential area and be considered a small extension to the existing area to make use of the services Canewdon already benefits from.

Point SP 2.2: How do we continue to support local facilities in our village and neighbourhood centres?

The development would support the village services including shops and public houses. The site would be within 650m to these services showing easy access to these.

'Core Strategy policy RTC3 seeks to protect retail uses within residential areas and will only permit the loss of such retail uses where it has been clearly demonstrated that a retail use in the location is not viable and that the proposed alternative use will still offer a service to the local community that meets day-to-day needs.'

The development of the site would further increase the demand and support the need for the village services in Canewdon improving the sustainability of these services, as set out in the SHLAA suitability summary.

Given the above option A. should be adopted to retain the existing Core Strategy policy.

Point SP 5.1: How do we balance protection of the district's Green Belt that the meets the five Green Belt purposes, against the need to deliver new homes and jobs across the district and the wider South Essex area?
The principle of the Green Belt is to keep a sense of openness between built up areas. The development of the Green Belt should only happen in exceptional circumstances, but as reiterated by Government publications the plan-led system should review the existing Green Belt boundary to ensure development is always sustainable.
The Five purposes of the Green Belt are:
1. To check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas;
2. To prevent neighbouring towns merging into one another;
3. To assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment;
4. To preserve the setting and special character of historic towns; and
5. To assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land.
The Council's approach to the Green Belt is set out in the Core Strategy adopted in December 2011. The four objectives of the Core Strategy for the Green Belt are;
1. Continue to protect the openness and character of the District's Green Belt.
2. Ensure the minimum amount of Green Belt is allocated to meet the District's housing and employment needs, and that extensions to the residential envelope are in sustainable locations, which retain the individual identities of settlements and prevent coalescence
3. Ensure existing lawful businesses in the Green Belt are able to continue to function and contribute to the local economy, as appropriate, having regard to the impact on the openness and character of the Green Belt.
4. Ensure appropriate forms of diversification are encouraged to support the local rural economy and help achieve the vision of developing green tourism in the District.

Given the above the land referred to in the Strategic Housing Land Assessment should be considered in the local plan. The land meets the requirements for new housing as set out in points one and two above. There should also be an amendment to the current policy to release sustainable sites like this from the Green Belt easier and hence the support for option B to amend the current Green Belt policy in the Core Strategy.


Issues and Options Document

Meeting Business Needs

Representation ID: 37390

Received: 06/04/2018

Respondent: Whirledge & Nott

Representation Summary:

REF: CFS067 - Land at Three Ashes Farm, Rochford

Point SP 1.7: How do we sustainably meet business needs over the next 20 years?


The land referred to above would contribute towards the expansion of existing employment land at Purdeys Way. The land is also close to London Southend Airport, and so could assist in realising the economic potential of London Southend Airport. The site would assist the borough in delivering land to support the additional 3,000 new jobs over the plan period and as required by the former East of England Plan 2008.

At point 6.90 two constraints of the commercial development are the limited transport links, and rural nature of the district. The site is close to bus services, train services, the road network and air travel. The land is surrounded by residential and commercial land and so although currently in arable cultivation, does not offer open countryside views from any angle and so would not adversely impact the rural nature of the district.

Given the above option A. to continue to support employment growth within the current employment growth policy should be adopted, but ensure additional land is included in this.

Full text:

REF: CFS067 - Land at Three Ashes Farm, Rochford

Point SP 1.7: How do we sustainably meet business needs over the next 20 years?


The land referred to above would contribute towards the expansion of existing employment land at Purdeys Way. The land is also close to London Southend Airport, and so could assist in realising the economic potential of London Southend Airport. The site would assist the borough in delivering land to support the additional 3,000 new jobs over the plan period and as required by the former East of England Plan 2008.

At point 6.90 two constraints of the commercial development are the limited transport links, and rural nature of the district. The site is close to bus services, train services, the road network and air travel. The land is surrounded by residential and commercial land and so although currently in arable cultivation, does not offer open countryside views from any angle and so would not adversely impact the rural nature of the district.

Given the above option A. to continue to support employment growth within the current employment growth policy should be adopted, but ensure additional land is included in this.

Point SP 5.1: How do we balance protection of the district's Green Belt that the meets the five Green Belt purposes, against the need to deliver new homes and jobs across the district and the wider South Essex area?
The principle of the Green Belt is to keep a sense of openness between built up areas. The development of the Green Belt should only happen in exceptional circumstances, but as reiterated by Government publications the plan-led system should review the existing Green Belt boundary to ensure development is always sustainable.
The Five purposes of the Green Belt are:
1. To check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas;
2. To prevent neighbouring towns merging into one another;
3. To assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment;
4. To preserve the setting and special character of historic towns; and
5. To assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land.
The Council's approach to the Green Belt is set out in the Core Strategy adopted in December 2011. The four objectives of the Core Strategy for the Green Belt are;
1. Continue to protect the openness and character of the District's Green Belt.
2. Ensure the minimum amount of Green Belt is allocated to meet the District's housing and employment needs, and that extensions to the residential envelope are in sustainable locations, which retain the individual identities of settlements and prevent coalescence
3. Ensure existing lawful businesses in the Green Belt are able to continue to function and contribute to the local economy, as appropriate, having regard to the impact on the openness and character of the Green Belt.
4. Ensure appropriate forms of diversification are encouraged to support the local rural economy and help achieve the vision of developing green tourism in the District.

Given the above the land in in the Strategic Housing Land Assessment referred to above should be considered, as it meets the requirements for employment land as set out in points one and two above. There should also be an amendment to the current policy to release sustainable sites like this from the Green Belt and hence the support for option B to amend the current Green Belt policy in the Core Strategy.


Issues and Options Document

Green Belt

Representation ID: 37391

Received: 06/04/2018

Respondent: Whirledge & Nott

Representation Summary:

REF: CFS067 - Land at Three Ashes Farm, Rochford

Point SP 5.1: How do we balance protection of the district's Green Belt that the meets the five Green Belt purposes, against the need to deliver new homes and jobs across the district and the wider South Essex area?
The principle of the Green Belt is to keep a sense of openness between built up areas. The development of the Green Belt should only happen in exceptional circumstances, but as reiterated by Government publications the plan-led system should review the existing Green Belt boundary to ensure development is always sustainable.
The Five purposes of the Green Belt are:
1. To check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas;
2. To prevent neighbouring towns merging into one another;
3. To assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment;
4. To preserve the setting and special character of historic towns; and
5. To assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land.
The Council's approach to the Green Belt is set out in the Core Strategy adopted in December 2011. The four objectives of the Core Strategy for the Green Belt are;
1. Continue to protect the openness and character of the District's Green Belt.
2. Ensure the minimum amount of Green Belt is allocated to meet the District's housing and employment needs, and that extensions to the residential envelope are in sustainable locations, which retain the individual identities of settlements and prevent coalescence
3. Ensure existing lawful businesses in the Green Belt are able to continue to function and contribute to the local economy, as appropriate, having regard to the impact on the openness and character of the Green Belt.
4. Ensure appropriate forms of diversification are encouraged to support the local rural economy and help achieve the vision of developing green tourism in the District.

Given the above the land in in the Strategic Housing Land Assessment referred to above should be considered, as it meets the requirements for employment land as set out in points one and two above. There should also be an amendment to the current policy to release sustainable sites like this from the Green Belt and hence the support for option B to amend the current Green Belt policy in the Core Strategy.

Full text:

REF: CFS067 - Land at Three Ashes Farm, Rochford

Point SP 1.7: How do we sustainably meet business needs over the next 20 years?


The land referred to above would contribute towards the expansion of existing employment land at Purdeys Way. The land is also close to London Southend Airport, and so could assist in realising the economic potential of London Southend Airport. The site would assist the borough in delivering land to support the additional 3,000 new jobs over the plan period and as required by the former East of England Plan 2008.

At point 6.90 two constraints of the commercial development are the limited transport links, and rural nature of the district. The site is close to bus services, train services, the road network and air travel. The land is surrounded by residential and commercial land and so although currently in arable cultivation, does not offer open countryside views from any angle and so would not adversely impact the rural nature of the district.

Given the above option A. to continue to support employment growth within the current employment growth policy should be adopted, but ensure additional land is included in this.

Point SP 5.1: How do we balance protection of the district's Green Belt that the meets the five Green Belt purposes, against the need to deliver new homes and jobs across the district and the wider South Essex area?
The principle of the Green Belt is to keep a sense of openness between built up areas. The development of the Green Belt should only happen in exceptional circumstances, but as reiterated by Government publications the plan-led system should review the existing Green Belt boundary to ensure development is always sustainable.
The Five purposes of the Green Belt are:
1. To check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas;
2. To prevent neighbouring towns merging into one another;
3. To assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment;
4. To preserve the setting and special character of historic towns; and
5. To assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land.
The Council's approach to the Green Belt is set out in the Core Strategy adopted in December 2011. The four objectives of the Core Strategy for the Green Belt are;
1. Continue to protect the openness and character of the District's Green Belt.
2. Ensure the minimum amount of Green Belt is allocated to meet the District's housing and employment needs, and that extensions to the residential envelope are in sustainable locations, which retain the individual identities of settlements and prevent coalescence
3. Ensure existing lawful businesses in the Green Belt are able to continue to function and contribute to the local economy, as appropriate, having regard to the impact on the openness and character of the Green Belt.
4. Ensure appropriate forms of diversification are encouraged to support the local rural economy and help achieve the vision of developing green tourism in the District.

Given the above the land in in the Strategic Housing Land Assessment referred to above should be considered, as it meets the requirements for employment land as set out in points one and two above. There should also be an amendment to the current policy to release sustainable sites like this from the Green Belt and hence the support for option B to amend the current Green Belt policy in the Core Strategy.


Issues and Options Document

Need for Market, Affordable and Specialist Homes

Representation ID: 37392

Received: 06/03/2018

Respondent: Whirledge & Nott

Representation Summary:

REF: CFS090 - Land south of Paglesham Road, Paglesham East End

Point SP 1.1: (Objectively Assessed Need) We have a real and identified need for affordable homes in the district and an ageing population, so how do we sustainably meet our need for market and affordable homes, and homes for older people and adults with disabilities over the next 20 years?

Rochford District Council should provide the housing in the district as required for by the Objectively Assessed Need of between 331 to 361 houses per annum. Rochford Council should not rely on neighbouring authorities Duty to Cooperate as these areas are also under pressure to supply housing. The authority should ensure they have a supply to meet this, going further than the proposed option A. 'Seek to provide as much of the district's housing need within our area, as far as possible, given environmental and other constraints. The council must consider releasing more land from the Green Belt, as detailed in the response to Point SP 5.1 below.

Full text:

REF: CFS090 - Land south of Paglesham Road, Paglesham East End

Point SP 1.1: (Objectively Assessed Need) We have a real and identified need for affordable homes in the district and an ageing population, so how do we sustainably meet our need for market and affordable homes, and homes for older people and adults with disabilities over the next 20 years?

Rochford District Council should provide the housing in the district as required for by the Objectively Assessed Need of between 331 to 361 houses per annum. Rochford Council should not rely on neighbouring authorities Duty to Cooperate as these areas are also under pressure to supply housing. The authority should ensure they have a supply to meet this, going further than the proposed option A. 'Seek to provide as much of the district's housing need within our area, as far as possible, given environmental and other constraints. The council must consider releasing more land from the Green Belt, as detailed in the response to Point SP 5.1 below.

Point SP 1.3: How do we plan to facilitate the delivery of our need for new homes over the next 20 years within the district?


Additional land should be included in the local plan for future development and to meet the target of supplying at least 331 houses per annum. For this reason option C. Several Small extensions to the existing area would be one good way to achieve the minimum of 331 houses per annum in the Rochford District. As detailed in the site SHLAA summary the site is located close to the existing residential area and be considered a suiable small extension to the existing area.

Point SP 2.2: How do we continue to support local facilities in our village and neighbourhood centres?

The development would support the village services including public houses. The site would be within 10m to these services showing easy access to these.

'Core Strategy policy RTC3 seeks to protect retail uses within residential areas and will only permit the loss of such retail uses where it has been clearly demonstrated that a retail use in the location is not viable and that the proposed alternative use will still offer a service to the local community that meets day-to-day needs.'

The development of the site would further increase the demand and support the need of the village services in Paglesham improving the sustainability of these services.

Given the above option A. should be adopted to retain the existing Core Strategy policy.

Point SP 5.1: How do we balance protection of the district's Green Belt that the meets the five Green Belt purposes, against the need to deliver new homes and jobs across the district and the wider South Essex area?
The principle of the Green Belt is to keep a sense of openness between built up areas. The development of the Green Belt should only happen in exceptional circumstances, but as reiterated by Government publications the plan-led system should review the existing Green Belt boundary to ensure development is always sustainable.
The Five purposes of the Green Belt are:
1. To check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas;
2. To prevent neighbouring towns merging into one another;
3. To assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment;
4. To preserve the setting and special character of historic towns; and
5. To assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land.
The Council's approach to the Green Belt is set out in the Core Strategy adopted in December 2011. The four objectives of the Core Strategy for the Green Belt are;
1. Continue to protect the openness and character of the District's Green Belt.
2. Ensure the minimum amount of Green Belt is allocated to meet the District's housing and employment needs, and that extensions to the residential envelope are in sustainable locations, which retain the individual identities of settlements and prevent coalescence
3. Ensure existing lawful businesses in the Green Belt are able to continue to function and contribute to the local economy, as appropriate, having regard to the impact on the openness and character of the Green Belt.
4. Ensure appropriate forms of diversification are encouraged to support the local rural economy and help achieve the vision of developing green tourism in the District.

Given the above the land in in the Strategic Housing Land Assessment referred to above should be considered, as it meets the requirements for new housing as set out in points one and two above. There should also be an amendment to the current policy to release sustainable sites like this from the Green Belt easier and hence the support for option B to amend the current Green Belt policy in the Core Strategy.


Issues and Options Document

Delivering our Need for Homes

Representation ID: 37393

Received: 06/03/2018

Respondent: Whirledge & Nott

Representation Summary:

REF: CFS090 - Land south of Paglesham Road, Paglesham East End

Point SP 1.3: How do we plan to facilitate the delivery of our need for new homes over the next 20 years within the district?


Additional land should be included in the local plan for future development and to meet the target of supplying at least 331 houses per annum. For this reason option C. Several Small extensions to the existing area would be one good way to achieve the minimum of 331 houses per annum in the Rochford District. As detailed in the site SHLAA summary the site is located close to the existing residential area and be considered a suiable small extension to the existing area.

Full text:

REF: CFS090 - Land south of Paglesham Road, Paglesham East End

Point SP 1.1: (Objectively Assessed Need) We have a real and identified need for affordable homes in the district and an ageing population, so how do we sustainably meet our need for market and affordable homes, and homes for older people and adults with disabilities over the next 20 years?

Rochford District Council should provide the housing in the district as required for by the Objectively Assessed Need of between 331 to 361 houses per annum. Rochford Council should not rely on neighbouring authorities Duty to Cooperate as these areas are also under pressure to supply housing. The authority should ensure they have a supply to meet this, going further than the proposed option A. 'Seek to provide as much of the district's housing need within our area, as far as possible, given environmental and other constraints. The council must consider releasing more land from the Green Belt, as detailed in the response to Point SP 5.1 below.

Point SP 1.3: How do we plan to facilitate the delivery of our need for new homes over the next 20 years within the district?


Additional land should be included in the local plan for future development and to meet the target of supplying at least 331 houses per annum. For this reason option C. Several Small extensions to the existing area would be one good way to achieve the minimum of 331 houses per annum in the Rochford District. As detailed in the site SHLAA summary the site is located close to the existing residential area and be considered a suiable small extension to the existing area.

Point SP 2.2: How do we continue to support local facilities in our village and neighbourhood centres?

The development would support the village services including public houses. The site would be within 10m to these services showing easy access to these.

'Core Strategy policy RTC3 seeks to protect retail uses within residential areas and will only permit the loss of such retail uses where it has been clearly demonstrated that a retail use in the location is not viable and that the proposed alternative use will still offer a service to the local community that meets day-to-day needs.'

The development of the site would further increase the demand and support the need of the village services in Paglesham improving the sustainability of these services.

Given the above option A. should be adopted to retain the existing Core Strategy policy.

Point SP 5.1: How do we balance protection of the district's Green Belt that the meets the five Green Belt purposes, against the need to deliver new homes and jobs across the district and the wider South Essex area?
The principle of the Green Belt is to keep a sense of openness between built up areas. The development of the Green Belt should only happen in exceptional circumstances, but as reiterated by Government publications the plan-led system should review the existing Green Belt boundary to ensure development is always sustainable.
The Five purposes of the Green Belt are:
1. To check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas;
2. To prevent neighbouring towns merging into one another;
3. To assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment;
4. To preserve the setting and special character of historic towns; and
5. To assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land.
The Council's approach to the Green Belt is set out in the Core Strategy adopted in December 2011. The four objectives of the Core Strategy for the Green Belt are;
1. Continue to protect the openness and character of the District's Green Belt.
2. Ensure the minimum amount of Green Belt is allocated to meet the District's housing and employment needs, and that extensions to the residential envelope are in sustainable locations, which retain the individual identities of settlements and prevent coalescence
3. Ensure existing lawful businesses in the Green Belt are able to continue to function and contribute to the local economy, as appropriate, having regard to the impact on the openness and character of the Green Belt.
4. Ensure appropriate forms of diversification are encouraged to support the local rural economy and help achieve the vision of developing green tourism in the District.

Given the above the land in in the Strategic Housing Land Assessment referred to above should be considered, as it meets the requirements for new housing as set out in points one and two above. There should also be an amendment to the current policy to release sustainable sites like this from the Green Belt easier and hence the support for option B to amend the current Green Belt policy in the Core Strategy.


Issues and Options Document

Villages and Local Neighbourhood Centres

Representation ID: 37394

Received: 06/03/2018

Respondent: Whirledge & Nott

Representation Summary:

REF: CFS090 - Land south of Paglesham Road, Paglesham East End

Point SP 2.2: How do we continue to support local facilities in our village and neighbourhood centres?

The development would support the village services including public houses. The site would be within 10m to these services showing easy access to these.

'Core Strategy policy RTC3 seeks to protect retail uses within residential areas and will only permit the loss of such retail uses where it has been clearly demonstrated that a retail use in the location is not viable and that the proposed alternative use will still offer a service to the local community that meets day-to-day needs.'

The development of the site would further increase the demand and support the need of the village services in Paglesham improving the sustainability of these services.

Given the above option A. should be adopted to retain the existing Core Strategy policy.

Full text:

REF: CFS090 - Land south of Paglesham Road, Paglesham East End

Point SP 1.1: (Objectively Assessed Need) We have a real and identified need for affordable homes in the district and an ageing population, so how do we sustainably meet our need for market and affordable homes, and homes for older people and adults with disabilities over the next 20 years?

Rochford District Council should provide the housing in the district as required for by the Objectively Assessed Need of between 331 to 361 houses per annum. Rochford Council should not rely on neighbouring authorities Duty to Cooperate as these areas are also under pressure to supply housing. The authority should ensure they have a supply to meet this, going further than the proposed option A. 'Seek to provide as much of the district's housing need within our area, as far as possible, given environmental and other constraints. The council must consider releasing more land from the Green Belt, as detailed in the response to Point SP 5.1 below.

Point SP 1.3: How do we plan to facilitate the delivery of our need for new homes over the next 20 years within the district?


Additional land should be included in the local plan for future development and to meet the target of supplying at least 331 houses per annum. For this reason option C. Several Small extensions to the existing area would be one good way to achieve the minimum of 331 houses per annum in the Rochford District. As detailed in the site SHLAA summary the site is located close to the existing residential area and be considered a suiable small extension to the existing area.

Point SP 2.2: How do we continue to support local facilities in our village and neighbourhood centres?

The development would support the village services including public houses. The site would be within 10m to these services showing easy access to these.

'Core Strategy policy RTC3 seeks to protect retail uses within residential areas and will only permit the loss of such retail uses where it has been clearly demonstrated that a retail use in the location is not viable and that the proposed alternative use will still offer a service to the local community that meets day-to-day needs.'

The development of the site would further increase the demand and support the need of the village services in Paglesham improving the sustainability of these services.

Given the above option A. should be adopted to retain the existing Core Strategy policy.

Point SP 5.1: How do we balance protection of the district's Green Belt that the meets the five Green Belt purposes, against the need to deliver new homes and jobs across the district and the wider South Essex area?
The principle of the Green Belt is to keep a sense of openness between built up areas. The development of the Green Belt should only happen in exceptional circumstances, but as reiterated by Government publications the plan-led system should review the existing Green Belt boundary to ensure development is always sustainable.
The Five purposes of the Green Belt are:
1. To check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas;
2. To prevent neighbouring towns merging into one another;
3. To assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment;
4. To preserve the setting and special character of historic towns; and
5. To assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land.
The Council's approach to the Green Belt is set out in the Core Strategy adopted in December 2011. The four objectives of the Core Strategy for the Green Belt are;
1. Continue to protect the openness and character of the District's Green Belt.
2. Ensure the minimum amount of Green Belt is allocated to meet the District's housing and employment needs, and that extensions to the residential envelope are in sustainable locations, which retain the individual identities of settlements and prevent coalescence
3. Ensure existing lawful businesses in the Green Belt are able to continue to function and contribute to the local economy, as appropriate, having regard to the impact on the openness and character of the Green Belt.
4. Ensure appropriate forms of diversification are encouraged to support the local rural economy and help achieve the vision of developing green tourism in the District.

Given the above the land in in the Strategic Housing Land Assessment referred to above should be considered, as it meets the requirements for new housing as set out in points one and two above. There should also be an amendment to the current policy to release sustainable sites like this from the Green Belt easier and hence the support for option B to amend the current Green Belt policy in the Core Strategy.


Issues and Options Document

Green Belt

Representation ID: 37395

Received: 06/03/2018

Respondent: Whirledge & Nott

Representation Summary:

REF: CFS090 - Land south of Paglesham Road, Paglesham East End

Point SP 5.1: How do we balance protection of the district's Green Belt that the meets the five Green Belt purposes, against the need to deliver new homes and jobs across the district and the wider South Essex area?
The principle of the Green Belt is to keep a sense of openness between built up areas. The development of the Green Belt should only happen in exceptional circumstances, but as reiterated by Government publications the plan-led system should review the existing Green Belt boundary to ensure development is always sustainable.
The Five purposes of the Green Belt are:
1. To check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas;
2. To prevent neighbouring towns merging into one another;
3. To assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment;
4. To preserve the setting and special character of historic towns; and
5. To assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land.
The Council's approach to the Green Belt is set out in the Core Strategy adopted in December 2011. The four objectives of the Core Strategy for the Green Belt are;
1. Continue to protect the openness and character of the District's Green Belt.
2. Ensure the minimum amount of Green Belt is allocated to meet the District's housing and employment needs, and that extensions to the residential envelope are in sustainable locations, which retain the individual identities of settlements and prevent coalescence
3. Ensure existing lawful businesses in the Green Belt are able to continue to function and contribute to the local economy, as appropriate, having regard to the impact on the openness and character of the Green Belt.
4. Ensure appropriate forms of diversification are encouraged to support the local rural economy and help achieve the vision of developing green tourism in the District.

Given the above the land in in the Strategic Housing Land Assessment referred to above should be considered, as it meets the requirements for new housing as set out in points one and two above. There should also be an amendment to the current policy to release sustainable sites like this from the Green Belt easier and hence the support for option B to amend the current Green Belt policy in the Core Strategy.

Full text:

REF: CFS090 - Land south of Paglesham Road, Paglesham East End

Point SP 1.1: (Objectively Assessed Need) We have a real and identified need for affordable homes in the district and an ageing population, so how do we sustainably meet our need for market and affordable homes, and homes for older people and adults with disabilities over the next 20 years?

Rochford District Council should provide the housing in the district as required for by the Objectively Assessed Need of between 331 to 361 houses per annum. Rochford Council should not rely on neighbouring authorities Duty to Cooperate as these areas are also under pressure to supply housing. The authority should ensure they have a supply to meet this, going further than the proposed option A. 'Seek to provide as much of the district's housing need within our area, as far as possible, given environmental and other constraints. The council must consider releasing more land from the Green Belt, as detailed in the response to Point SP 5.1 below.

Point SP 1.3: How do we plan to facilitate the delivery of our need for new homes over the next 20 years within the district?


Additional land should be included in the local plan for future development and to meet the target of supplying at least 331 houses per annum. For this reason option C. Several Small extensions to the existing area would be one good way to achieve the minimum of 331 houses per annum in the Rochford District. As detailed in the site SHLAA summary the site is located close to the existing residential area and be considered a suiable small extension to the existing area.

Point SP 2.2: How do we continue to support local facilities in our village and neighbourhood centres?

The development would support the village services including public houses. The site would be within 10m to these services showing easy access to these.

'Core Strategy policy RTC3 seeks to protect retail uses within residential areas and will only permit the loss of such retail uses where it has been clearly demonstrated that a retail use in the location is not viable and that the proposed alternative use will still offer a service to the local community that meets day-to-day needs.'

The development of the site would further increase the demand and support the need of the village services in Paglesham improving the sustainability of these services.

Given the above option A. should be adopted to retain the existing Core Strategy policy.

Point SP 5.1: How do we balance protection of the district's Green Belt that the meets the five Green Belt purposes, against the need to deliver new homes and jobs across the district and the wider South Essex area?
The principle of the Green Belt is to keep a sense of openness between built up areas. The development of the Green Belt should only happen in exceptional circumstances, but as reiterated by Government publications the plan-led system should review the existing Green Belt boundary to ensure development is always sustainable.
The Five purposes of the Green Belt are:
1. To check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas;
2. To prevent neighbouring towns merging into one another;
3. To assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment;
4. To preserve the setting and special character of historic towns; and
5. To assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land.
The Council's approach to the Green Belt is set out in the Core Strategy adopted in December 2011. The four objectives of the Core Strategy for the Green Belt are;
1. Continue to protect the openness and character of the District's Green Belt.
2. Ensure the minimum amount of Green Belt is allocated to meet the District's housing and employment needs, and that extensions to the residential envelope are in sustainable locations, which retain the individual identities of settlements and prevent coalescence
3. Ensure existing lawful businesses in the Green Belt are able to continue to function and contribute to the local economy, as appropriate, having regard to the impact on the openness and character of the Green Belt.
4. Ensure appropriate forms of diversification are encouraged to support the local rural economy and help achieve the vision of developing green tourism in the District.

Given the above the land in in the Strategic Housing Land Assessment referred to above should be considered, as it meets the requirements for new housing as set out in points one and two above. There should also be an amendment to the current policy to release sustainable sites like this from the Green Belt easier and hence the support for option B to amend the current Green Belt policy in the Core Strategy.


Issues and Options Document

Need for Market, Affordable and Specialist Homes

Representation ID: 37396

Received: 06/03/2018

Respondent: Whirledge & Nott

Representation Summary:

RE: Land north of Rectory Road and west of Windsor Gardens, Hawkwell

Point SP 1.1: (Objectively Assessed Need) We have a real and identified need for affordable homes in the district and an ageing population, so how do we sustainably meet our need for market and affordable homes, and homes for older people and adults with disabilities over the next 20 years?

Rochford District Council should provide the housing in the district as required for by the Objectively Assessed Need of between 331 to 361 houses per annum. Rochford Council should not rely on neighbouring authorities Duty to Cooperate as these areas are also under pressure to supply housing. The authority should ensure they have a supply to meet this, going further than the proposed option A. 'Seek to provide as much of the district's housing need within our area, as far as possible, given environmental and other constraints.' The council must consider releasing more land from the Green Belt, as detailed in the response to Point SP 5.1 below.

The above land could meet at least one year's housing supply if it was developed at the minimum density of 30 houses per hectare by producing approximately 435 homes.

Full text:

RE: Land north of Rectory Road and west of Windsor Gardens, Hawkwell

Point SP 1.1: (Objectively Assessed Need) We have a real and identified need for affordable homes in the district and an ageing population, so how do we sustainably meet our need for market and affordable homes, and homes for older people and adults with disabilities over the next 20 years?

Rochford District Council should provide the housing in the district as required for by the Objectively Assessed Need of between 331 to 361 houses per annum. Rochford Council should not rely on neighbouring authorities Duty to Cooperate as these areas are also under pressure to supply housing. The authority should ensure they have a supply to meet this, going further than the proposed option A. 'Seek to provide as much of the district's housing need within our area, as far as possible, given environmental and other constraints.' The council must consider releasing more land from the Green Belt, as detailed in the response to Point SP 5.1 below.

The above land could meet at least one year's housing supply if it was developed at the minimum density of 30 houses per hectare by producing approximately 435 homes.

Point SP 1.3: How do we plan to facilitate the delivery of our need for new homes over the next 20 years within the district?

Additional land should be included in the local plan for future development to meet the duty of providing at least 331 houses per annum. For this reason Option C. Several Small extensions to the existing area would be one good way to achieve the minimum of 331 houses per annum in the Rochford District.

The land is bound by residential development and as below would confirm with its removal from the Green Belt as it would not have an impact of the openness of the countryside given its neighbouring surroundings of the leisure centre, residential development and close proximity of the railway line.

Point SP 5.1: How do we balance protection of the district's Green Belt that the meets the five Green Belt purposes, against the need to deliver new homes and jobs across the district and the wider South Essex area?
The principle of the Green Belt is to keep a sense of openness between built up areas. The development of the Green Belt should only happen in exceptional circumstances, but as reiterated by Government publications the plan-led system should review the existing Green Belt boundary to ensure development is always sustainable.
The Five purposes of the Green Belt are:
1. To check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas;
2. To prevent neighbouring towns merging into one another;
3. To assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment;
4. To preserve the setting and special character of historic towns; and
5. To assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land.
The Council's approach to the Green Belt is set out in the Core Strategy adopted in December 2011. The four objectives of the Core Strategy for the Green Belt are;
1. Continue to protect the openness and character of the District's Green Belt.
2. Ensure the minimum amount of Green Belt is allocated to meet the District's housing and employment needs, and that extensions to the residential envelope are in sustainable locations, which retain the individual identities of settlements and prevent coalescence
3. Ensure existing lawful businesses in the Green Belt are able to continue to function and contribute to the local economy, as appropriate, having regard to the impact on the openness and character of the Green Belt.
4. Ensure appropriate forms of diversification are encouraged to support the local rural economy and help achieve the vision of developing green tourism in the District.

The above land should be considered as it meets the requirements for new housing as set out in points one and two above. There should also be an amendment to the current policy to release sustainable sites like this from the Green Belt easier and hence the support for option B to amend the current Green Belt policy in the Core Strategy.


Issues and Options Document

Delivering our Need for Homes

Representation ID: 37397

Received: 06/03/2018

Respondent: Whirledge & Nott

Representation Summary:

RE: Land north of Rectory Road and west of Windsor Gardens, Hawkwell

Point SP 1.3: How do we plan to facilitate the delivery of our need for new homes over the next 20 years within the district?

Additional land should be included in the local plan for future development to meet the duty of providing at least 331 houses per annum. For this reason Option C. Several Small extensions to the existing area would be one good way to achieve the minimum of 331 houses per annum in the Rochford District.

The land is bound by residential development and as below would confirm with its removal from the Green Belt as it would not have an impact of the openness of the countryside given its neighbouring surroundings of the leisure centre, residential development and close proximity of the railway line.

Full text:

RE: Land north of Rectory Road and west of Windsor Gardens, Hawkwell

Point SP 1.1: (Objectively Assessed Need) We have a real and identified need for affordable homes in the district and an ageing population, so how do we sustainably meet our need for market and affordable homes, and homes for older people and adults with disabilities over the next 20 years?

Rochford District Council should provide the housing in the district as required for by the Objectively Assessed Need of between 331 to 361 houses per annum. Rochford Council should not rely on neighbouring authorities Duty to Cooperate as these areas are also under pressure to supply housing. The authority should ensure they have a supply to meet this, going further than the proposed option A. 'Seek to provide as much of the district's housing need within our area, as far as possible, given environmental and other constraints.' The council must consider releasing more land from the Green Belt, as detailed in the response to Point SP 5.1 below.

The above land could meet at least one year's housing supply if it was developed at the minimum density of 30 houses per hectare by producing approximately 435 homes.

Point SP 1.3: How do we plan to facilitate the delivery of our need for new homes over the next 20 years within the district?

Additional land should be included in the local plan for future development to meet the duty of providing at least 331 houses per annum. For this reason Option C. Several Small extensions to the existing area would be one good way to achieve the minimum of 331 houses per annum in the Rochford District.

The land is bound by residential development and as below would confirm with its removal from the Green Belt as it would not have an impact of the openness of the countryside given its neighbouring surroundings of the leisure centre, residential development and close proximity of the railway line.

Point SP 5.1: How do we balance protection of the district's Green Belt that the meets the five Green Belt purposes, against the need to deliver new homes and jobs across the district and the wider South Essex area?
The principle of the Green Belt is to keep a sense of openness between built up areas. The development of the Green Belt should only happen in exceptional circumstances, but as reiterated by Government publications the plan-led system should review the existing Green Belt boundary to ensure development is always sustainable.
The Five purposes of the Green Belt are:
1. To check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas;
2. To prevent neighbouring towns merging into one another;
3. To assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment;
4. To preserve the setting and special character of historic towns; and
5. To assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land.
The Council's approach to the Green Belt is set out in the Core Strategy adopted in December 2011. The four objectives of the Core Strategy for the Green Belt are;
1. Continue to protect the openness and character of the District's Green Belt.
2. Ensure the minimum amount of Green Belt is allocated to meet the District's housing and employment needs, and that extensions to the residential envelope are in sustainable locations, which retain the individual identities of settlements and prevent coalescence
3. Ensure existing lawful businesses in the Green Belt are able to continue to function and contribute to the local economy, as appropriate, having regard to the impact on the openness and character of the Green Belt.
4. Ensure appropriate forms of diversification are encouraged to support the local rural economy and help achieve the vision of developing green tourism in the District.

The above land should be considered as it meets the requirements for new housing as set out in points one and two above. There should also be an amendment to the current policy to release sustainable sites like this from the Green Belt easier and hence the support for option B to amend the current Green Belt policy in the Core Strategy.


Issues and Options Document

Green Belt

Representation ID: 37398

Received: 06/03/2018

Respondent: Whirledge & Nott

Representation Summary:

RE: Land north of Rectory Road and west of Windsor Gardens, Hawkwell

Point SP 5.1: How do we balance protection of the district's Green Belt that the meets the five Green Belt purposes, against the need to deliver new homes and jobs across the district and the wider South Essex area?
The principle of the Green Belt is to keep a sense of openness between built up areas. The development of the Green Belt should only happen in exceptional circumstances, but as reiterated by Government publications the plan-led system should review the existing Green Belt boundary to ensure development is always sustainable.
The Five purposes of the Green Belt are:
1. To check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas;
2. To prevent neighbouring towns merging into one another;
3. To assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment;
4. To preserve the setting and special character of historic towns; and
5. To assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land.
The Council's approach to the Green Belt is set out in the Core Strategy adopted in December 2011. The four objectives of the Core Strategy for the Green Belt are;
1. Continue to protect the openness and character of the District's Green Belt.
2. Ensure the minimum amount of Green Belt is allocated to meet the District's housing and employment needs, and that extensions to the residential envelope are in sustainable locations, which retain the individual identities of settlements and prevent coalescence
3. Ensure existing lawful businesses in the Green Belt are able to continue to function and contribute to the local economy, as appropriate, having regard to the impact on the openness and character of the Green Belt.
4. Ensure appropriate forms of diversification are encouraged to support the local rural economy and help achieve the vision of developing green tourism in the District.

The above land should be considered as it meets the requirements for new housing as set out in points one and two above. There should also be an amendment to the current policy to release sustainable sites like this from the Green Belt easier and hence the support for option B to amend the current Green Belt policy in the Core Strategy.

Full text:

RE: Land north of Rectory Road and west of Windsor Gardens, Hawkwell

Point SP 1.1: (Objectively Assessed Need) We have a real and identified need for affordable homes in the district and an ageing population, so how do we sustainably meet our need for market and affordable homes, and homes for older people and adults with disabilities over the next 20 years?

Rochford District Council should provide the housing in the district as required for by the Objectively Assessed Need of between 331 to 361 houses per annum. Rochford Council should not rely on neighbouring authorities Duty to Cooperate as these areas are also under pressure to supply housing. The authority should ensure they have a supply to meet this, going further than the proposed option A. 'Seek to provide as much of the district's housing need within our area, as far as possible, given environmental and other constraints.' The council must consider releasing more land from the Green Belt, as detailed in the response to Point SP 5.1 below.

The above land could meet at least one year's housing supply if it was developed at the minimum density of 30 houses per hectare by producing approximately 435 homes.

Point SP 1.3: How do we plan to facilitate the delivery of our need for new homes over the next 20 years within the district?

Additional land should be included in the local plan for future development to meet the duty of providing at least 331 houses per annum. For this reason Option C. Several Small extensions to the existing area would be one good way to achieve the minimum of 331 houses per annum in the Rochford District.

The land is bound by residential development and as below would confirm with its removal from the Green Belt as it would not have an impact of the openness of the countryside given its neighbouring surroundings of the leisure centre, residential development and close proximity of the railway line.

Point SP 5.1: How do we balance protection of the district's Green Belt that the meets the five Green Belt purposes, against the need to deliver new homes and jobs across the district and the wider South Essex area?
The principle of the Green Belt is to keep a sense of openness between built up areas. The development of the Green Belt should only happen in exceptional circumstances, but as reiterated by Government publications the plan-led system should review the existing Green Belt boundary to ensure development is always sustainable.
The Five purposes of the Green Belt are:
1. To check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas;
2. To prevent neighbouring towns merging into one another;
3. To assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment;
4. To preserve the setting and special character of historic towns; and
5. To assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land.
The Council's approach to the Green Belt is set out in the Core Strategy adopted in December 2011. The four objectives of the Core Strategy for the Green Belt are;
1. Continue to protect the openness and character of the District's Green Belt.
2. Ensure the minimum amount of Green Belt is allocated to meet the District's housing and employment needs, and that extensions to the residential envelope are in sustainable locations, which retain the individual identities of settlements and prevent coalescence
3. Ensure existing lawful businesses in the Green Belt are able to continue to function and contribute to the local economy, as appropriate, having regard to the impact on the openness and character of the Green Belt.
4. Ensure appropriate forms of diversification are encouraged to support the local rural economy and help achieve the vision of developing green tourism in the District.

The above land should be considered as it meets the requirements for new housing as set out in points one and two above. There should also be an amendment to the current policy to release sustainable sites like this from the Green Belt easier and hence the support for option B to amend the current Green Belt policy in the Core Strategy.

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