London Southend & Environs Joint Area Action Plan - Proposed Schedule of Modifications to the Submission Document
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London Southend & Environs Joint Area Action Plan - Proposed Schedule of Modifications to the Submission Document
Representation ID: 34401
Received: 24/09/2014
Respondent: Essex County Council
Recommend the following change to correctly reflect the historic environment in compliance with the NPPF:
"Proposals should consider and appropriately address the impact on heritage assets including below ground archaeology."
Thank you for notifying Essex County Council of the above consultation. The following is the response from Essex County Council (ECC) to Rochford District Council and Southend Borough Council concerning the above Schedule of Proposed Modifications, covering matters relevant to ECCs statutory service provision and its function as Minerals and Waste Planning Authority. The response does not cover ECC as a landowner and/or prospective developer. A separate response will be made on these matters (if relevant) and that response should be treated in the same way as a response from other developers and/or landholders.
ECC welcomes the opportunity to continue to work with both authorities and the Airport, in respect of the on going re-development within South Essex. Overall ECC supports the proposed amendments in principle, which seek to address a number of our earlier concerns, as well as providing the necessary factual updates and clarification to reflect planning permission 09/01960/FULM for the runway expansion at London Southend Airport.
Please find enclosed a schedule of specific ECC comments, observations and recommendations in response to the proposed Main Modification.
I would also like to draw your attention to the comments below, including the specific recommendations and necessary actions required in relation to the Historic Environment.
Historic Environment
Overall support the proposed approach in principle, for the inclusion of an additional criteria across a number of policies, however recommend a slight change to the suggested wording to read as follows:
Proposals should consider and appropriately address the impact on heritage assets (delete 'or' and replace with including) below ground archaeology. (MM2, MM11 and MM27)
Policy LS2 (last bullet) it is recommended that the wording of the last bullet point is reworded and should be deleted and replaced as follows:
Consider and appropriately address the impact on heritage assets or below ground consideration
Replace with
Identify the significance of heritage assets impacted by the development and identify appropriate mitigation strategies to protect and/or record them.
The above historic environment recommendations are considered necessary factual corrections to clarify the position in compliance with the NPPF and to ensure the policies are effective. Subject to the above changes ECC has no objections to the Proposed Modifications.
Highways and Transportation
The updates and revisions within MM31, MM32, MM33, MM34 and MM35 are noted and the additional text within MM35 (last bullet) regarding the cycle network is supported.
In respect of the Airports Surface Access Strategy (MM15), ECC support the recognition of the need to update the Strategy and note that this is currently being undertaken within the scope of the planning permission.
General Comments
The inclusion of the following additional policy text across multiple policies is supported:
"The potential detrimental impact on the amenity of nearby dwellings (e.g. noise) will need to be carefully considered and suitably mitigated against" (ref: MM2, 3, 5, 8, 9 and 11).
It is noted that the proposed changes removing the reference to the number of 'Jobs' and retention of 'floorspace' within policies is an appropriate update given that the detail is retained within the Plans supporting text (MM2, MM3 etc).
It is recommended that the summary list of policies on Page 23 are updated to reflect the changes set out within the Schedule of Proposed Modifications.
ECC support the clarification and re-numbering of the Saxon Business Park phased development, within the Plan and Proposals Map.
ECC welcome the attached SA/SEA Addendum looking at the potential impacts resulting from the Schedule of Proposed Modifications to the JAAP. The approach effectively screens each MM for an impact on the previous SA, which is a welcomed and through approach. The content and deductions made appear adequate and reasonable.
Overall ECC is supportive of the proposed modifications, subject to the above comments. Please contact me if you would like to discuss these comments further.
London Southend & Environs Joint Area Action Plan - Proposed Schedule of Modifications to the Submission Document
Representation ID: 34402
Received: 24/09/2014
Respondent: Essex County Council
Note the removal of "job numbers" from the policy whilst retaining the detail within the supporting text.
Support the additional mitigation text.
Thank you for notifying Essex County Council of the above consultation. The following is the response from Essex County Council (ECC) to Rochford District Council and Southend Borough Council concerning the above Schedule of Proposed Modifications, covering matters relevant to ECCs statutory service provision and its function as Minerals and Waste Planning Authority. The response does not cover ECC as a landowner and/or prospective developer. A separate response will be made on these matters (if relevant) and that response should be treated in the same way as a response from other developers and/or landholders.
ECC welcomes the opportunity to continue to work with both authorities and the Airport, in respect of the on going re-development within South Essex. Overall ECC supports the proposed amendments in principle, which seek to address a number of our earlier concerns, as well as providing the necessary factual updates and clarification to reflect planning permission 09/01960/FULM for the runway expansion at London Southend Airport.
Please find enclosed a schedule of specific ECC comments, observations and recommendations in response to the proposed Main Modification.
I would also like to draw your attention to the comments below, including the specific recommendations and necessary actions required in relation to the Historic Environment.
Historic Environment
Overall support the proposed approach in principle, for the inclusion of an additional criteria across a number of policies, however recommend a slight change to the suggested wording to read as follows:
Proposals should consider and appropriately address the impact on heritage assets (delete 'or' and replace with including) below ground archaeology. (MM2, MM11 and MM27)
Policy LS2 (last bullet) it is recommended that the wording of the last bullet point is reworded and should be deleted and replaced as follows:
Consider and appropriately address the impact on heritage assets or below ground consideration
Replace with
Identify the significance of heritage assets impacted by the development and identify appropriate mitigation strategies to protect and/or record them.
The above historic environment recommendations are considered necessary factual corrections to clarify the position in compliance with the NPPF and to ensure the policies are effective. Subject to the above changes ECC has no objections to the Proposed Modifications.
Highways and Transportation
The updates and revisions within MM31, MM32, MM33, MM34 and MM35 are noted and the additional text within MM35 (last bullet) regarding the cycle network is supported.
In respect of the Airports Surface Access Strategy (MM15), ECC support the recognition of the need to update the Strategy and note that this is currently being undertaken within the scope of the planning permission.
General Comments
The inclusion of the following additional policy text across multiple policies is supported:
"The potential detrimental impact on the amenity of nearby dwellings (e.g. noise) will need to be carefully considered and suitably mitigated against" (ref: MM2, 3, 5, 8, 9 and 11).
It is noted that the proposed changes removing the reference to the number of 'Jobs' and retention of 'floorspace' within policies is an appropriate update given that the detail is retained within the Plans supporting text (MM2, MM3 etc).
It is recommended that the summary list of policies on Page 23 are updated to reflect the changes set out within the Schedule of Proposed Modifications.
ECC support the clarification and re-numbering of the Saxon Business Park phased development, within the Plan and Proposals Map.
ECC welcome the attached SA/SEA Addendum looking at the potential impacts resulting from the Schedule of Proposed Modifications to the JAAP. The approach effectively screens each MM for an impact on the previous SA, which is a welcomed and through approach. The content and deductions made appear adequate and reasonable.
Overall ECC is supportive of the proposed modifications, subject to the above comments. Please contact me if you would like to discuss these comments further.
London Southend & Environs Joint Area Action Plan - Proposed Schedule of Modifications to the Submission Document
Representation ID: 34403
Received: 24/09/2014
Respondent: Essex County Council
1. Recommend a grammatical change to the proposed wording to clarify the position, as follows:
In addition, the development of this area will be required to provide a new junction to provide access to the business park from Cherry Orchard Way. The initial section of the new access road and green corridor from the new junction will also be required to enable access to the development.
Replace with:
In addition, the development of this area will be required to provide a new junction and access road onto Cherry Orchard Way that will serve the development.
The above proposed change is also supported by the Highway Authority.
2. Recommend the following change to correctly reflect the historic environment in compliance with the NPPF:
Proposals should consider and appropriately address the impact on heritage assets below ground archaeology.
Thank you for notifying Essex County Council of the above consultation. The following is the response from Essex County Council (ECC) to Rochford District Council and Southend Borough Council concerning the above Schedule of Proposed Modifications, covering matters relevant to ECCs statutory service provision and its function as Minerals and Waste Planning Authority. The response does not cover ECC as a landowner and/or prospective developer. A separate response will be made on these matters (if relevant) and that response should be treated in the same way as a response from other developers and/or landholders.
ECC welcomes the opportunity to continue to work with both authorities and the Airport, in respect of the on going re-development within South Essex. Overall ECC supports the proposed amendments in principle, which seek to address a number of our earlier concerns, as well as providing the necessary factual updates and clarification to reflect planning permission 09/01960/FULM for the runway expansion at London Southend Airport.
Please find enclosed a schedule of specific ECC comments, observations and recommendations in response to the proposed Main Modification.
I would also like to draw your attention to the comments below, including the specific recommendations and necessary actions required in relation to the Historic Environment.
Historic Environment
Overall support the proposed approach in principle, for the inclusion of an additional criteria across a number of policies, however recommend a slight change to the suggested wording to read as follows:
Proposals should consider and appropriately address the impact on heritage assets (delete 'or' and replace with including) below ground archaeology. (MM2, MM11 and MM27)
Policy LS2 (last bullet) it is recommended that the wording of the last bullet point is reworded and should be deleted and replaced as follows:
Consider and appropriately address the impact on heritage assets or below ground consideration
Replace with
Identify the significance of heritage assets impacted by the development and identify appropriate mitigation strategies to protect and/or record them.
The above historic environment recommendations are considered necessary factual corrections to clarify the position in compliance with the NPPF and to ensure the policies are effective. Subject to the above changes ECC has no objections to the Proposed Modifications.
Highways and Transportation
The updates and revisions within MM31, MM32, MM33, MM34 and MM35 are noted and the additional text within MM35 (last bullet) regarding the cycle network is supported.
In respect of the Airports Surface Access Strategy (MM15), ECC support the recognition of the need to update the Strategy and note that this is currently being undertaken within the scope of the planning permission.
General Comments
The inclusion of the following additional policy text across multiple policies is supported:
"The potential detrimental impact on the amenity of nearby dwellings (e.g. noise) will need to be carefully considered and suitably mitigated against" (ref: MM2, 3, 5, 8, 9 and 11).
It is noted that the proposed changes removing the reference to the number of 'Jobs' and retention of 'floorspace' within policies is an appropriate update given that the detail is retained within the Plans supporting text (MM2, MM3 etc).
It is recommended that the summary list of policies on Page 23 are updated to reflect the changes set out within the Schedule of Proposed Modifications.
ECC support the clarification and re-numbering of the Saxon Business Park phased development, within the Plan and Proposals Map.
ECC welcome the attached SA/SEA Addendum looking at the potential impacts resulting from the Schedule of Proposed Modifications to the JAAP. The approach effectively screens each MM for an impact on the previous SA, which is a welcomed and through approach. The content and deductions made appear adequate and reasonable.
Overall ECC is supportive of the proposed modifications, subject to the above comments. Please contact me if you would like to discuss these comments further.
London Southend & Environs Joint Area Action Plan - Proposed Schedule of Modifications to the Submission Document
Representation ID: 34404
Received: 24/09/2014
Respondent: Essex County Council
Note and support the change from passenger numbers to "Air Traffic Movements" as a more appropriate measure.
Thank you for notifying Essex County Council of the above consultation. The following is the response from Essex County Council (ECC) to Rochford District Council and Southend Borough Council concerning the above Schedule of Proposed Modifications, covering matters relevant to ECCs statutory service provision and its function as Minerals and Waste Planning Authority. The response does not cover ECC as a landowner and/or prospective developer. A separate response will be made on these matters (if relevant) and that response should be treated in the same way as a response from other developers and/or landholders.
ECC welcomes the opportunity to continue to work with both authorities and the Airport, in respect of the on going re-development within South Essex. Overall ECC supports the proposed amendments in principle, which seek to address a number of our earlier concerns, as well as providing the necessary factual updates and clarification to reflect planning permission 09/01960/FULM for the runway expansion at London Southend Airport.
Please find enclosed a schedule of specific ECC comments, observations and recommendations in response to the proposed Main Modification.
I would also like to draw your attention to the comments below, including the specific recommendations and necessary actions required in relation to the Historic Environment.
Historic Environment
Overall support the proposed approach in principle, for the inclusion of an additional criteria across a number of policies, however recommend a slight change to the suggested wording to read as follows:
Proposals should consider and appropriately address the impact on heritage assets (delete 'or' and replace with including) below ground archaeology. (MM2, MM11 and MM27)
Policy LS2 (last bullet) it is recommended that the wording of the last bullet point is reworded and should be deleted and replaced as follows:
Consider and appropriately address the impact on heritage assets or below ground consideration
Replace with
Identify the significance of heritage assets impacted by the development and identify appropriate mitigation strategies to protect and/or record them.
The above historic environment recommendations are considered necessary factual corrections to clarify the position in compliance with the NPPF and to ensure the policies are effective. Subject to the above changes ECC has no objections to the Proposed Modifications.
Highways and Transportation
The updates and revisions within MM31, MM32, MM33, MM34 and MM35 are noted and the additional text within MM35 (last bullet) regarding the cycle network is supported.
In respect of the Airports Surface Access Strategy (MM15), ECC support the recognition of the need to update the Strategy and note that this is currently being undertaken within the scope of the planning permission.
General Comments
The inclusion of the following additional policy text across multiple policies is supported:
"The potential detrimental impact on the amenity of nearby dwellings (e.g. noise) will need to be carefully considered and suitably mitigated against" (ref: MM2, 3, 5, 8, 9 and 11).
It is noted that the proposed changes removing the reference to the number of 'Jobs' and retention of 'floorspace' within policies is an appropriate update given that the detail is retained within the Plans supporting text (MM2, MM3 etc).
It is recommended that the summary list of policies on Page 23 are updated to reflect the changes set out within the Schedule of Proposed Modifications.
ECC support the clarification and re-numbering of the Saxon Business Park phased development, within the Plan and Proposals Map.
ECC welcome the attached SA/SEA Addendum looking at the potential impacts resulting from the Schedule of Proposed Modifications to the JAAP. The approach effectively screens each MM for an impact on the previous SA, which is a welcomed and through approach. The content and deductions made appear adequate and reasonable.
Overall ECC is supportive of the proposed modifications, subject to the above comments. Please contact me if you would like to discuss these comments further.
London Southend & Environs Joint Area Action Plan - Proposed Schedule of Modifications to the Submission Document
Representation ID: 34405
Received: 24/09/2014
Respondent: Essex County Council
Support the additional text. It is also noted that London Southend Airport has now exceeded 1 million passengers per year which triggers the need to review the Surface Access Strategy. This has been redrafted setting targets including public transport mode share for passengers and employees. It is a requirements that the strategy is approved by Southend Borough Council and work is progressing between the Airport and the Council to finalise the targets.
Thank you for notifying Essex County Council of the above consultation. The following is the response from Essex County Council (ECC) to Rochford District Council and Southend Borough Council concerning the above Schedule of Proposed Modifications, covering matters relevant to ECCs statutory service provision and its function as Minerals and Waste Planning Authority. The response does not cover ECC as a landowner and/or prospective developer. A separate response will be made on these matters (if relevant) and that response should be treated in the same way as a response from other developers and/or landholders.
ECC welcomes the opportunity to continue to work with both authorities and the Airport, in respect of the on going re-development within South Essex. Overall ECC supports the proposed amendments in principle, which seek to address a number of our earlier concerns, as well as providing the necessary factual updates and clarification to reflect planning permission 09/01960/FULM for the runway expansion at London Southend Airport.
Please find enclosed a schedule of specific ECC comments, observations and recommendations in response to the proposed Main Modification.
I would also like to draw your attention to the comments below, including the specific recommendations and necessary actions required in relation to the Historic Environment.
Historic Environment
Overall support the proposed approach in principle, for the inclusion of an additional criteria across a number of policies, however recommend a slight change to the suggested wording to read as follows:
Proposals should consider and appropriately address the impact on heritage assets (delete 'or' and replace with including) below ground archaeology. (MM2, MM11 and MM27)
Policy LS2 (last bullet) it is recommended that the wording of the last bullet point is reworded and should be deleted and replaced as follows:
Consider and appropriately address the impact on heritage assets or below ground consideration
Replace with
Identify the significance of heritage assets impacted by the development and identify appropriate mitigation strategies to protect and/or record them.
The above historic environment recommendations are considered necessary factual corrections to clarify the position in compliance with the NPPF and to ensure the policies are effective. Subject to the above changes ECC has no objections to the Proposed Modifications.
Highways and Transportation
The updates and revisions within MM31, MM32, MM33, MM34 and MM35 are noted and the additional text within MM35 (last bullet) regarding the cycle network is supported.
In respect of the Airports Surface Access Strategy (MM15), ECC support the recognition of the need to update the Strategy and note that this is currently being undertaken within the scope of the planning permission.
General Comments
The inclusion of the following additional policy text across multiple policies is supported:
"The potential detrimental impact on the amenity of nearby dwellings (e.g. noise) will need to be carefully considered and suitably mitigated against" (ref: MM2, 3, 5, 8, 9 and 11).
It is noted that the proposed changes removing the reference to the number of 'Jobs' and retention of 'floorspace' within policies is an appropriate update given that the detail is retained within the Plans supporting text (MM2, MM3 etc).
It is recommended that the summary list of policies on Page 23 are updated to reflect the changes set out within the Schedule of Proposed Modifications.
ECC support the clarification and re-numbering of the Saxon Business Park phased development, within the Plan and Proposals Map.
ECC welcome the attached SA/SEA Addendum looking at the potential impacts resulting from the Schedule of Proposed Modifications to the JAAP. The approach effectively screens each MM for an impact on the previous SA, which is a welcomed and through approach. The content and deductions made appear adequate and reasonable.
Overall ECC is supportive of the proposed modifications, subject to the above comments. Please contact me if you would like to discuss these comments further.
London Southend & Environs Joint Area Action Plan - Proposed Schedule of Modifications to the Submission Document
Representation ID: 34406
Received: 24/09/2014
Respondent: Essex County Council
For clarity, it is recommended that the wording in the last bullet point of the proposed additional text is reworded as follows:
Consider and appropriately address the impact on heritage assets or below ground consideration.
Replace with:
Identify the significance of heritage assets impacted by the development and identify appropriate mitigation strategies to protect and/or record them.
Thank you for notifying Essex County Council of the above consultation. The following is the response from Essex County Council (ECC) to Rochford District Council and Southend Borough Council concerning the above Schedule of Proposed Modifications, covering matters relevant to ECCs statutory service provision and its function as Minerals and Waste Planning Authority. The response does not cover ECC as a landowner and/or prospective developer. A separate response will be made on these matters (if relevant) and that response should be treated in the same way as a response from other developers and/or landholders.
ECC welcomes the opportunity to continue to work with both authorities and the Airport, in respect of the on going re-development within South Essex. Overall ECC supports the proposed amendments in principle, which seek to address a number of our earlier concerns, as well as providing the necessary factual updates and clarification to reflect planning permission 09/01960/FULM for the runway expansion at London Southend Airport.
Please find enclosed a schedule of specific ECC comments, observations and recommendations in response to the proposed Main Modification.
I would also like to draw your attention to the comments below, including the specific recommendations and necessary actions required in relation to the Historic Environment.
Historic Environment
Overall support the proposed approach in principle, for the inclusion of an additional criteria across a number of policies, however recommend a slight change to the suggested wording to read as follows:
Proposals should consider and appropriately address the impact on heritage assets (delete 'or' and replace with including) below ground archaeology. (MM2, MM11 and MM27)
Policy LS2 (last bullet) it is recommended that the wording of the last bullet point is reworded and should be deleted and replaced as follows:
Consider and appropriately address the impact on heritage assets or below ground consideration
Replace with
Identify the significance of heritage assets impacted by the development and identify appropriate mitigation strategies to protect and/or record them.
The above historic environment recommendations are considered necessary factual corrections to clarify the position in compliance with the NPPF and to ensure the policies are effective. Subject to the above changes ECC has no objections to the Proposed Modifications.
Highways and Transportation
The updates and revisions within MM31, MM32, MM33, MM34 and MM35 are noted and the additional text within MM35 (last bullet) regarding the cycle network is supported.
In respect of the Airports Surface Access Strategy (MM15), ECC support the recognition of the need to update the Strategy and note that this is currently being undertaken within the scope of the planning permission.
General Comments
The inclusion of the following additional policy text across multiple policies is supported:
"The potential detrimental impact on the amenity of nearby dwellings (e.g. noise) will need to be carefully considered and suitably mitigated against" (ref: MM2, 3, 5, 8, 9 and 11).
It is noted that the proposed changes removing the reference to the number of 'Jobs' and retention of 'floorspace' within policies is an appropriate update given that the detail is retained within the Plans supporting text (MM2, MM3 etc).
It is recommended that the summary list of policies on Page 23 are updated to reflect the changes set out within the Schedule of Proposed Modifications.
ECC support the clarification and re-numbering of the Saxon Business Park phased development, within the Plan and Proposals Map.
ECC welcome the attached SA/SEA Addendum looking at the potential impacts resulting from the Schedule of Proposed Modifications to the JAAP. The approach effectively screens each MM for an impact on the previous SA, which is a welcomed and through approach. The content and deductions made appear adequate and reasonable.
Overall ECC is supportive of the proposed modifications, subject to the above comments. Please contact me if you would like to discuss these comments further.
London Southend & Environs Joint Area Action Plan - Proposed Schedule of Modifications to the Submission Document
Representation ID: 34407
Received: 24/09/2014
Respondent: Essex County Council
Request confirmation on whether the planning permission clarifies the frequency of the "periodic monitoring" as referred to below in the first paragraph.
periodic measurement and publication of air quality data;
If this is not covered within the permission it is recommended that it is set out within this section, to clarify the position.
Thank you for notifying Essex County Council of the above consultation. The following is the response from Essex County Council (ECC) to Rochford District Council and Southend Borough Council concerning the above Schedule of Proposed Modifications, covering matters relevant to ECCs statutory service provision and its function as Minerals and Waste Planning Authority. The response does not cover ECC as a landowner and/or prospective developer. A separate response will be made on these matters (if relevant) and that response should be treated in the same way as a response from other developers and/or landholders.
ECC welcomes the opportunity to continue to work with both authorities and the Airport, in respect of the on going re-development within South Essex. Overall ECC supports the proposed amendments in principle, which seek to address a number of our earlier concerns, as well as providing the necessary factual updates and clarification to reflect planning permission 09/01960/FULM for the runway expansion at London Southend Airport.
Please find enclosed a schedule of specific ECC comments, observations and recommendations in response to the proposed Main Modification.
I would also like to draw your attention to the comments below, including the specific recommendations and necessary actions required in relation to the Historic Environment.
Historic Environment
Overall support the proposed approach in principle, for the inclusion of an additional criteria across a number of policies, however recommend a slight change to the suggested wording to read as follows:
Proposals should consider and appropriately address the impact on heritage assets (delete 'or' and replace with including) below ground archaeology. (MM2, MM11 and MM27)
Policy LS2 (last bullet) it is recommended that the wording of the last bullet point is reworded and should be deleted and replaced as follows:
Consider and appropriately address the impact on heritage assets or below ground consideration
Replace with
Identify the significance of heritage assets impacted by the development and identify appropriate mitigation strategies to protect and/or record them.
The above historic environment recommendations are considered necessary factual corrections to clarify the position in compliance with the NPPF and to ensure the policies are effective. Subject to the above changes ECC has no objections to the Proposed Modifications.
Highways and Transportation
The updates and revisions within MM31, MM32, MM33, MM34 and MM35 are noted and the additional text within MM35 (last bullet) regarding the cycle network is supported.
In respect of the Airports Surface Access Strategy (MM15), ECC support the recognition of the need to update the Strategy and note that this is currently being undertaken within the scope of the planning permission.
General Comments
The inclusion of the following additional policy text across multiple policies is supported:
"The potential detrimental impact on the amenity of nearby dwellings (e.g. noise) will need to be carefully considered and suitably mitigated against" (ref: MM2, 3, 5, 8, 9 and 11).
It is noted that the proposed changes removing the reference to the number of 'Jobs' and retention of 'floorspace' within policies is an appropriate update given that the detail is retained within the Plans supporting text (MM2, MM3 etc).
It is recommended that the summary list of policies on Page 23 are updated to reflect the changes set out within the Schedule of Proposed Modifications.
ECC support the clarification and re-numbering of the Saxon Business Park phased development, within the Plan and Proposals Map.
ECC welcome the attached SA/SEA Addendum looking at the potential impacts resulting from the Schedule of Proposed Modifications to the JAAP. The approach effectively screens each MM for an impact on the previous SA, which is a welcomed and through approach. The content and deductions made appear adequate and reasonable.
Overall ECC is supportive of the proposed modifications, subject to the above comments. Please contact me if you would like to discuss these comments further.
London Southend & Environs Joint Area Action Plan - Proposed Schedule of Modifications to the Submission Document
Representation ID: 34408
Received: 24/09/2014
Respondent: Essex County Council
Recommend the following change to correctly relfect the historic environment in compliance with the NPPF.
"Proposals should consider and appropriately address the impact on heritage assets including below ground archaeology."
Thank you for notifying Essex County Council of the above consultation. The following is the response from Essex County Council (ECC) to Rochford District Council and Southend Borough Council concerning the above Schedule of Proposed Modifications, covering matters relevant to ECCs statutory service provision and its function as Minerals and Waste Planning Authority. The response does not cover ECC as a landowner and/or prospective developer. A separate response will be made on these matters (if relevant) and that response should be treated in the same way as a response from other developers and/or landholders.
ECC welcomes the opportunity to continue to work with both authorities and the Airport, in respect of the on going re-development within South Essex. Overall ECC supports the proposed amendments in principle, which seek to address a number of our earlier concerns, as well as providing the necessary factual updates and clarification to reflect planning permission 09/01960/FULM for the runway expansion at London Southend Airport.
Please find enclosed a schedule of specific ECC comments, observations and recommendations in response to the proposed Main Modification.
I would also like to draw your attention to the comments below, including the specific recommendations and necessary actions required in relation to the Historic Environment.
Historic Environment
Overall support the proposed approach in principle, for the inclusion of an additional criteria across a number of policies, however recommend a slight change to the suggested wording to read as follows:
Proposals should consider and appropriately address the impact on heritage assets (delete 'or' and replace with including) below ground archaeology. (MM2, MM11 and MM27)
Policy LS2 (last bullet) it is recommended that the wording of the last bullet point is reworded and should be deleted and replaced as follows:
Consider and appropriately address the impact on heritage assets or below ground consideration
Replace with
Identify the significance of heritage assets impacted by the development and identify appropriate mitigation strategies to protect and/or record them.
The above historic environment recommendations are considered necessary factual corrections to clarify the position in compliance with the NPPF and to ensure the policies are effective. Subject to the above changes ECC has no objections to the Proposed Modifications.
Highways and Transportation
The updates and revisions within MM31, MM32, MM33, MM34 and MM35 are noted and the additional text within MM35 (last bullet) regarding the cycle network is supported.
In respect of the Airports Surface Access Strategy (MM15), ECC support the recognition of the need to update the Strategy and note that this is currently being undertaken within the scope of the planning permission.
General Comments
The inclusion of the following additional policy text across multiple policies is supported:
"The potential detrimental impact on the amenity of nearby dwellings (e.g. noise) will need to be carefully considered and suitably mitigated against" (ref: MM2, 3, 5, 8, 9 and 11).
It is noted that the proposed changes removing the reference to the number of 'Jobs' and retention of 'floorspace' within policies is an appropriate update given that the detail is retained within the Plans supporting text (MM2, MM3 etc).
It is recommended that the summary list of policies on Page 23 are updated to reflect the changes set out within the Schedule of Proposed Modifications.
ECC support the clarification and re-numbering of the Saxon Business Park phased development, within the Plan and Proposals Map.
ECC welcome the attached SA/SEA Addendum looking at the potential impacts resulting from the Schedule of Proposed Modifications to the JAAP. The approach effectively screens each MM for an impact on the previous SA, which is a welcomed and through approach. The content and deductions made appear adequate and reasonable.
Overall ECC is supportive of the proposed modifications, subject to the above comments. Please contact me if you would like to discuss these comments further.
London Southend & Environs Joint Area Action Plan - Proposed Schedule of Modifications to the Submission Document
Representation ID: 34409
Received: 24/09/2014
Respondent: Essex County Council
Noted, agree with the amendment.
Thank you for notifying Essex County Council of the above consultation. The following is the response from Essex County Council (ECC) to Rochford District Council and Southend Borough Council concerning the above Schedule of Proposed Modifications, covering matters relevant to ECCs statutory service provision and its function as Minerals and Waste Planning Authority. The response does not cover ECC as a landowner and/or prospective developer. A separate response will be made on these matters (if relevant) and that response should be treated in the same way as a response from other developers and/or landholders.
ECC welcomes the opportunity to continue to work with both authorities and the Airport, in respect of the on going re-development within South Essex. Overall ECC supports the proposed amendments in principle, which seek to address a number of our earlier concerns, as well as providing the necessary factual updates and clarification to reflect planning permission 09/01960/FULM for the runway expansion at London Southend Airport.
Please find enclosed a schedule of specific ECC comments, observations and recommendations in response to the proposed Main Modification.
I would also like to draw your attention to the comments below, including the specific recommendations and necessary actions required in relation to the Historic Environment.
Historic Environment
Overall support the proposed approach in principle, for the inclusion of an additional criteria across a number of policies, however recommend a slight change to the suggested wording to read as follows:
Proposals should consider and appropriately address the impact on heritage assets (delete 'or' and replace with including) below ground archaeology. (MM2, MM11 and MM27)
Policy LS2 (last bullet) it is recommended that the wording of the last bullet point is reworded and should be deleted and replaced as follows:
Consider and appropriately address the impact on heritage assets or below ground consideration
Replace with
Identify the significance of heritage assets impacted by the development and identify appropriate mitigation strategies to protect and/or record them.
The above historic environment recommendations are considered necessary factual corrections to clarify the position in compliance with the NPPF and to ensure the policies are effective. Subject to the above changes ECC has no objections to the Proposed Modifications.
Highways and Transportation
The updates and revisions within MM31, MM32, MM33, MM34 and MM35 are noted and the additional text within MM35 (last bullet) regarding the cycle network is supported.
In respect of the Airports Surface Access Strategy (MM15), ECC support the recognition of the need to update the Strategy and note that this is currently being undertaken within the scope of the planning permission.
General Comments
The inclusion of the following additional policy text across multiple policies is supported:
"The potential detrimental impact on the amenity of nearby dwellings (e.g. noise) will need to be carefully considered and suitably mitigated against" (ref: MM2, 3, 5, 8, 9 and 11).
It is noted that the proposed changes removing the reference to the number of 'Jobs' and retention of 'floorspace' within policies is an appropriate update given that the detail is retained within the Plans supporting text (MM2, MM3 etc).
It is recommended that the summary list of policies on Page 23 are updated to reflect the changes set out within the Schedule of Proposed Modifications.
ECC support the clarification and re-numbering of the Saxon Business Park phased development, within the Plan and Proposals Map.
ECC welcome the attached SA/SEA Addendum looking at the potential impacts resulting from the Schedule of Proposed Modifications to the JAAP. The approach effectively screens each MM for an impact on the previous SA, which is a welcomed and through approach. The content and deductions made appear adequate and reasonable.
Overall ECC is supportive of the proposed modifications, subject to the above comments. Please contact me if you would like to discuss these comments further.
London Southend & Environs Joint Area Action Plan - Proposed Schedule of Modifications to the Submission Document
Representation ID: 34410
Received: 24/09/2014
Respondent: Essex County Council
Noted, no comments on the amendment.
Thank you for notifying Essex County Council of the above consultation. The following is the response from Essex County Council (ECC) to Rochford District Council and Southend Borough Council concerning the above Schedule of Proposed Modifications, covering matters relevant to ECCs statutory service provision and its function as Minerals and Waste Planning Authority. The response does not cover ECC as a landowner and/or prospective developer. A separate response will be made on these matters (if relevant) and that response should be treated in the same way as a response from other developers and/or landholders.
ECC welcomes the opportunity to continue to work with both authorities and the Airport, in respect of the on going re-development within South Essex. Overall ECC supports the proposed amendments in principle, which seek to address a number of our earlier concerns, as well as providing the necessary factual updates and clarification to reflect planning permission 09/01960/FULM for the runway expansion at London Southend Airport.
Please find enclosed a schedule of specific ECC comments, observations and recommendations in response to the proposed Main Modification.
I would also like to draw your attention to the comments below, including the specific recommendations and necessary actions required in relation to the Historic Environment.
Historic Environment
Overall support the proposed approach in principle, for the inclusion of an additional criteria across a number of policies, however recommend a slight change to the suggested wording to read as follows:
Proposals should consider and appropriately address the impact on heritage assets (delete 'or' and replace with including) below ground archaeology. (MM2, MM11 and MM27)
Policy LS2 (last bullet) it is recommended that the wording of the last bullet point is reworded and should be deleted and replaced as follows:
Consider and appropriately address the impact on heritage assets or below ground consideration
Replace with
Identify the significance of heritage assets impacted by the development and identify appropriate mitigation strategies to protect and/or record them.
The above historic environment recommendations are considered necessary factual corrections to clarify the position in compliance with the NPPF and to ensure the policies are effective. Subject to the above changes ECC has no objections to the Proposed Modifications.
Highways and Transportation
The updates and revisions within MM31, MM32, MM33, MM34 and MM35 are noted and the additional text within MM35 (last bullet) regarding the cycle network is supported.
In respect of the Airports Surface Access Strategy (MM15), ECC support the recognition of the need to update the Strategy and note that this is currently being undertaken within the scope of the planning permission.
General Comments
The inclusion of the following additional policy text across multiple policies is supported:
"The potential detrimental impact on the amenity of nearby dwellings (e.g. noise) will need to be carefully considered and suitably mitigated against" (ref: MM2, 3, 5, 8, 9 and 11).
It is noted that the proposed changes removing the reference to the number of 'Jobs' and retention of 'floorspace' within policies is an appropriate update given that the detail is retained within the Plans supporting text (MM2, MM3 etc).
It is recommended that the summary list of policies on Page 23 are updated to reflect the changes set out within the Schedule of Proposed Modifications.
ECC support the clarification and re-numbering of the Saxon Business Park phased development, within the Plan and Proposals Map.
ECC welcome the attached SA/SEA Addendum looking at the potential impacts resulting from the Schedule of Proposed Modifications to the JAAP. The approach effectively screens each MM for an impact on the previous SA, which is a welcomed and through approach. The content and deductions made appear adequate and reasonable.
Overall ECC is supportive of the proposed modifications, subject to the above comments. Please contact me if you would like to discuss these comments further.