London Southend & Environs Joint Area Action Plan - Proposed Schedule of Modifications to the Submission Document
Proposed Schedule of Changes to the Submission Document (February 2013)
The changes below are generally expressed either in the conventional form of strikethrough for deletions and underlining for additions of text, or by specifying the change in words in italics.
The below proposed modifications relate to changes to the JAAP (February 2013).
The page numbers and paragraph numbering below refer to the JAAP Submission Document (February 2013), and do not take account of the deletion or addition of text.
Main Modifications
Ref |
Page |
Policy/ Paragraph |
Main Modification |
(2)MM1 |
17 |
Second paragraph after The future of the JAAP as an employment area Section |
Amend paragraph as follows: A high growth approach will require sufficient employment land to be allocated to allow for the potential of the area to be fully realised. The plan allocates land to accommodate up to 109,000 square metres of additional floorspace, with 99,000 square metres to be located in the new Saxon Business Park and the balance on a smaller business park at Nestuda Way, which together will accommodate up to 5,450 additional jobs in the area over the planning period to DELETED:2027 INSERTED:2031. It is also anticipated that 15,000 square metres will become available for redevelopment within the existing Aviation Way Industrial Estate. All together these sites DELETED:will INSERTED:could deliver 6,200 additional jobs (excluding direct airport related employment). |
(4)MM2 |
25 |
Policy E1 |
Amend policy as follows: Policy E1 - General Development Considerations The JAAP area will be developed as a strategic employment area to support the delivery of DELETED:an additional DELETED:5380 jobs in the period to 2021, including employment directly related to the airport. DELETED:This total INSERTED:These jobs, will contribute to the delivery of the jobs totals for Rochford DELETED:DC INSERTED:District Council and Southend DELETED:BC INSERTED:Borough Council – the apportionment to each district will be based on a 50-50 split of the overall jobs total to be provided within the JAAP area.
The JAAP area will support the delivery of DELETED:an additional DELETED:2,000 jobs in the period post 2021 through further development of the Saxon Business Park and the development of the Nestuda Business Park.
The general principles for the development of the business parks will be set out in design briefs to be prepared and published prior to any development commencing. The design briefs will set out a framework for the general layout, appearance and design principles of the business parks. INSERTED:The potential detrimental impact on the amenity of nearby dwellings (e.g. noise) will need to be carefully considered and suitably mitigated against. Proposals should consider and appropriately address the impact on heritage assets or below ground archaeology. |
(3)MM3 |
26 |
Policy E2 |
Amend policy as follows: Policy E2 - Aviation Way Industrial Estate Within Aviation Way Industrial Estate, the area shown as existing employment on the Proposals Map, applications for development within use classes B1 and B2 will be DELETED:welcomed INSERTED:supported. It is expected that redevelopment and intensification within this area will accommodate DELETED:an additional DELETED:750 jobs. A flood risk assessment will be required to be submitted with all planning applications to demonstrate that any development will be safe for its lifetime, without increasing flood risk elsewhere. INSERTED:The potential detrimental impact on the amenity of nearby dwellings (e.g. noise) will need to be carefully considered and suitably mitigated against. |
27 |
Final paragraph |
The general principles for the development of the business park will be set out in a MasterplanDELETED:/design brief to be prepared and published prior to any development commencing. The MasterplanDELETED:/design brief will set out a framework for the layout, appearance and design principles of the business park. |
28 |
Policy E3 |
Amend policy as follows: Policy E3 - Saxon Business Park Within the proposed employment areas shown as 1DELETED:A, INSERTED:2 DELETED:1B and INSERTED:3 DELETED:2 on the Proposals Map, applications for development will be DELETED:welcomed INSERTED:supported which at least deliver, or proportionately contribute in land take towards achieving, the following schedule:
In the case of Areas INSERTED:2 and 3 DELETED:1B, Use Class B2 uses will be considered acceptable where they complement and support the B1 uses, and strengthen the role of the new employment land as a high quality business park, as set out in other policies within this INSERTED:P DELETED:plan. INSERTED:B1 and B2 developments may be accompanied by ancillary storage and distribution uses.Whilst, the local authorities do not want to be overly prescriptive about the uses that will be accommodated within the business park, it is expected that the layout will include a number of sustainable and eco-friendly business start-up units.
Supporting non B1/B2 uses may be acceptable where it can be demonstrated that these uses are necessary to support the operation and/or the requirements of employees working in the business park. DELETED:It is expected that the release of the allocated land will be in phases as specified in Policy E4.
DELETED:All phases of development INSERTED:Applicants will be required to INSERTED:carefully consider any potential detrimental impact on residential amenity and propose suitable mitigation measures. All development areas will also be required to contribute towards new public open space to the north and east of the business park, as shown on the Proposals Map. |
28 |
Phasing of Saxon Business Park Section and Policy E4 |
Delete paragraph and Policy E4.
DELETED:Phasing of Saxon
Business Park
It is expected that, owing to the current economic climate and to ensure a balance of development between the new business park and established town centre locations, the business park will be released for development in phases. Phases 1A and 1B will be released in the period to 2021 with phase 2 being released thereafter unless it is demonstrated that the phase is required sooner.
Policy E4 - Phasing of Saxon Business Park The phased release of the business park will be as follows:
It is expected that Area 1A will be developed as the first phase of the business park. Area 1B may be developed in parallel if a development proposal requiring B1 and B2 uses is proposed.
Area 2 will be reserved for development post 2021, unless shown to be required sooner. In any event, this final phase of the business park can proceed only once the Westcliff Rugby Club has been relocated and is operational. |
29 |
Second paragraph |
Amend paragraph as follows: Development of the site will be subject to the MasterplanDELETED:/design brief to be prepared and published prior to any development commencing. The MasterplanDELETED:/design brief will set out a framework for the layout, appearance and design characteristics of the business park. |
(1)MM8 |
29 |
Policy E5 |
Amend policy as follows:
Policy EINSERTED:4 DELETED:5, - Development of Area 1DELETED:A –Saxon Business Park The development of Area 1A will include a landmark building and entrance feature/gateway establishing the identity of the area as a high quality business park. INSERTED:The potential detrimental impact on the amenity of nearby dwellings (e.g. noise) will need to be carefully considered and suitably mitigated against. |
(1)MM9 |
30 |
Policy E6 |
Amend policy as follows:
Policy EINSERTED:5 DELETED:6 - Development of Area INSERTED:3 DELETED:1B –Saxon Business Park The development of Area INSERTED:3 DELETED:1B will include the extension of the access road so far as this is required to enable the development of the business park prior to the occupation of any buildings. INSERTED:The potential detrimental impact on the amenity of nearby dwellings (e.g. noise) will need to be carefully considered and suitably mitigated against. |
30 |
Fourth paragraph |
Amend paragraph as follows: The site is also bordered by the grade II listed building, Cherry Orchard Farm. The Masterplan DELETED:/Development Brief for the site will be required to DELETED:incorporate INSERTED:maintain a green buffer zone and landscaping around the building to preserve the rural character of its setting. |
(2)MM11 |
30 |
Policy E7 |
Amend policy as follows:
Policy EINSERTED:6 DELETED:7 - Development of Area 2 – Saxon Business Park INSERTED:In addition, the development of this area will be required to provide a new junction to provide access to the business park from Cherry Orchard Way. The initial section of the new access road and green corridor from the new junction will also be required to enable access to the development. The development of Area 2 will be required to fund the relocation of the rugby club, including setting out the pitches and provision of new club house facilities. This replacement must be at least equivalent to the existing site in terms of the quantity and quality of facility provided and at least equivalent in terms of tenure/management arrangements. INSERTED:The potential detrimental impact on the amenity of nearby dwellings (e.g. noise) will need to be carefully considered and suitably mitigated against. Proposals should consider and appropriately address the impact on heritage assets or below ground archaeology. |
31 |
Fifth paragraph |
Amend paragraph as follows:
The general principles for the development of the business park will be set out in a DELETED:Masterplan/design brief to be prepared and published prior to any development commencing. The DELETED:Masterplan/ design brief will set out a framework for the layout, appearance and design characteristics of the business park. |
31 |
Policy E8 |
Amend policy as follows:
Policy EINSERTED:7,DELETED:8 - Nestuda Way Business Park Within the proposed Nestuda Way Business Park applications for development within Use Class B1 will be expected in the period post 2021. It is expected that the site is capable of accommodating 10,000 sq. metres of floorspaceDELETED:, delivering at least 500 jobs. The design, sustainability and quality of buildings within the business park will need to be carefully considered and provide an appropriate visual frontage to the A127. |
(1)MM14 |
35 |
Policy LS1 |
Amend policy as follows: Policy LS1 – General Policy The operational boundary of London Southend Airport will be as shown on the Proposal Map, and both Councils will support the growth of the airport to a capacity of DELETED:up to 2 million passengers INSERTED:53,300 ATMs DELETED:.per annum. |
(1)MM15 |
36 |
Before Policy LS2 |
Add additional paragraph below policy as follows: INSERTED:An airport surface access strategy (ASAS) is considered to be an essential prerequisite to any scheme for development at the airport.
INSERTED:The ASAS considers appropriate arrangements for all modes of transport, with a particular focus on modal shift and sustainable travel. In particular, it considers the implications of development for the road network, the opportunities for better public transport, and access for cyclists and pedestrians. The first version of the ASAS has been prepared, but this must be regularly updated in response to any new developments.
(2)MM16 |
36 |
Policy LS2 |
Amend policy as follows: Applications for planning permission will be DELETED:welcomed INSERTED:supported provided they:
contribution towards the targets for modal shift of passengers, visitors and staff travelling to the airport;
36 |
Final two paragraphs |
Amend paragraphs as follows:
The INSERTED:Environmental Controls Schedule DELETED:controls appendix specifies the arrangements for controlling noise and operations, but it is important to ensure arrangements are in place for regular reporting of activities and progress on the delivery and implementation of the various plans, including the quiet operations plan, airport surface access strategy and the preferred runway procedures plan. The policy requires the preparation of an annual statement to report on all matters relevant to the operation of the airport, but particularly noise.
The airport has prepared a Noise Action Plan in accordance with the Environment Noise (England) Regulations 2006 and this covers noise reduction measures for the base case and development case scenarios. DELETED:The Action Plan sets out the measures to be implemented over the next five years, or as relevant development schemes are completed.The DELETED:policy INSERTED: airport operator – through the 106 that accompanied planning permission for the runway extension – is requireDELETED:sINSERTED:d to publish an annual statement DELETED:to be published to explainINSERTED:ing in full how the Noise Action Plan is performing, DELETED:but also refers to the detailed measures for controlling noise, air quality, etc. set out in the controls appendix, part of this plan. |
37 |
Policy LS3 |
Delete Policy LS3
Policy LS3 – Noise
The airport operator will be expected to publish an annual statement demonstrating how the Quiet Operations Policy is performing against limits and what measures are being implemented to address noise. In addition, the airport operator must have regard to the controls appendix and other policies in this plan. |
37 |
Policy LS4 |
Delete Policy LS4
Policy LS4 – Noise Compensation and Purchase
The airport operator will introduce a Noise Compensation and Purchase Scheme within 18 months of bringing into use the extended runway, in accordance with the controls appendix and other policies in this plan. |
37 |
Final two paragraphs |
Delete paragraphs as follows:
Airport Surface Access Strategy (ASAS) An
airport surface access strategy is considered to be
an essential prerequisite to any scheme for
development at the airport. This must be prepared in
accordance with the guidance p
repared by the then Department of Environment and Transport in July 1999, and include a travel plan. The ASAS considers appropriate arrangements for all modes of transport, with a particular focus on modal shift and sustainable travel. In particular, it considers the implications of development for the road network, the opportunities for better public transport, and access for cyclists and pedestrians. The first version of the ASAS has been prepared, but this must be regularly updated in accordance with the policy. |
38 |
Policy LS5 |
Delete Policy LS5
Policy LS5 – Airport Surface Access Strategy
The airport operator will ensure that the Surface Access Strategy is updated when the passenger throughput at the airport reaches 1 mppa and again at 1.5 and 2 mppa. The Strategy should have regard to other policies of this Plan, the Local Transport Travel Plans for Essex and Southend, and national policy and programmes. Progress on, and performance of, the Surface Access Strategy must be reported annually, to include identification of emerging issues and proposed actions. The local and highway authorities will request a review of the Strategy as necessary in response to performance of the Strategy, emerging issues, changed circumstances or changes to national, strategic or local policies. |
38 |
Before Public Safety Zone section |
Insert new section as follows:
London Southend Airport Runway
Planning permission (09/01960/FULM) was granted for an extension to the runway at London Southend Airport in 2010. This application was subsequently implemented by London Southend Airport and the extended runway is operational.
Planning permission to extend the runway was subject to a detailed S106 agreement which applied a number of environmental controls to the operation of the airport. The extended runway has an operational length of 1,799 metres as the declared maximum take-off distance available (TODA). This means that the airport continues to be categorised as a Code 3 aerodrome. The extended runway is in fact 1,905 metres in length to allow for a take-off length on runway 06 equivalent to that provided for runway 24. Effectively, this means the runway is balanced to allow, subject to air traffic control, weather conditions, etc. the opportunity for better utilisation and take-off in either direction. The runway extension also incorporates a turning head.
The extension to the runway results in the following operational changes:
In summary, the runway extension allows airlines to operate larger aircraft with increased passenger seating capacity, such as the Embraer 195, Airbus 319 and smaller models of the Boeing 737. Whilst the operational benefits arising from the runway extension are important, it is the economic impacts of the development that provide the significant benefits for the community, with substantial benefits for people in the local area and the wider region, through income growth, economic structure, regeneration, skills and employment. The joint planning authorities consider it to be essential for strict operating conditions to be applied to the airport for operation of the new runway extension.
The controls set out in the Environmental Controls Schedule listed in this Plan have been incorporated into the S106 that accompanied planning permission for the runway extension. It is not anticipated that further amendments to the planning consent for the runway extension will be sought by the airport operator within the plan period. However, strict operating controls would be applied in a similar manner to those that accompanied planning permission (09/01960/FULM) should an application be received in the future, including noise controls. |
(1)MM23 |
38 |
Before Public Safety Zone section |
Insert new section as follows:
Air Quality Monitoring
It is considered that an essential part of the monitoring and controls for a modern airport must include careful monitoring of air quality. In relation to London Southend Airport, air quality issues have been addressed through the s106 agreement that accompanied the granting of the planning permission for the runway extension (09/01960/FULM).
The airport operator will be required to maintain an air quality monitoring system to include:
Should the increased operations lead to breaches of statutory air quality standards then the Councils will be required to consider introducing an Air Quality Management Area, notwithstanding any lease or s106 provisions.
Emissions from surface transport will be tackled through the implementation of a Travel Plan. |
38 |
Policy LS6 |
Amend policy as follows:
Policy LSDELETED:6INSERTED:3 – Public Safety Zones
Within the defined Public Safety Zones (PSZ), as shown on the Proposals Map, planning permission will not be granted for:
Further details of the restrictions on development within the PSZ can be found in Department for Transport Circular 01/2010.DELETED: It is expected that the current Public Safety Zone for London Southend Airport will be reviewed following the extension to the runway. |
(1)MM25 |
39-40 |
Sections on Runway Extension; Operation of the extended runway; and Air Quality Monitoring |
Delete sections on Runway Extension; Operation of the extended runway; and Air Quality Monitoring
Runway extension
The extension of the existing runway by about 300 metres is an essential component of the overall package that will support the development and growth of the airport to be able to handle up to 2 mppa.
The extended runway has an operational length of 1,799 metres as the declared maximum take-off distance available (TODA). This means that airport continues to be categorised as a Code 3 aerodrome. The extended runway is in fact 1,905 metres in length to allow for a take-off length on runway 06 equivalent to that provided for runway 24. Effectively, this would mean the runway becoming balanced to allow, subject to air traffic control, weather conditions, etc. the opportunity for better utilisation and take-off in either direction. The runway extension also incorporates a turning head.
The extension to the runway results in the following operational changes:
In summary, the runway extension allows airlines to operate larger aircraft with increased passenger seating capacity, such as the Embraer 195, Airbus 319 and smaller models of the Boeing 737.
In summary, the runway extension allows airlines to operate larger aircraft with increased passenger seating capacity, such as the Embraer 195, Airbus 319 and smaller models of the Boeing 737.
Whilst the operational benefits arising from the runway extension are important, it is the economic impacts of the development that provide the significant benefits for the community, with substantial benefits for people in the local area and the wider region, through income growth, economic structure, regeneration, skills and employment.
Operation of the extended runway
The joint planning authorities consider it to be essential for strict operating conditions to be applied to the airport for operation of the new runway extension. The controls are set out in the controls appendix referred to in the policy.
Air Quality Monitoring
It is considered that an essential part of the monitoring and controls for a modern airport must include careful monitoring of air quality. The policy sets out the key requirements for monitoring and action to the taken if there is evidence of a breach of air quality standards.
Delete Policies LS7 and LS8
Policy LS7 – Operation of the New Runway
In relation to the operation of the new runway extension the Airport must adhere to the details set out in the environmental controls schedule, to be delivered through conditions or a S106 Agreement, as appropriate.
Policy LS8 – Air Quality Monitoring The airport operator will be required to maintain an air quality monitoring system to include:
becomes operational as the base year (2012). Should the increased operations lead to breaches of statutory air quality standards then the Councils will be required to consider introducing an Air Quality Management Area, notwithstanding any lease or S.106 provisions.
Emissions from surface transport will be tackled through the implementation of a travel plan. |
41 |
Policy TF1 |
Amend policy as follows:
Policy TF1 – Expansion of New Terminal Applications for planning permission for the expansion of terminal facilities will be DELETED:welcomed INSERTED:supported in the area shown on the Proposals Map to enable growth, but subject to the details set out in the DELETED:eINSERTED:Environmental DELETED:cINSERTED:Controls DELETED:sINSERTED:Schedule, to be delivered through conditions or a S106 Agreement, as appropriate.
(3)MM27 |
41 |
Policy MRO1 |
Amend policy as follows:
Policy MRO1 – Northern MRO Applications for airport related MRO developments (e.g. increased hangerage and aircraft maintenance facilities) will be DELETED:welcomed INSERTED:supportedin the Northern MRO Zone as shown on the Proposals Map. All applications will be required to make a financial contribution towards the upgrade of the junction at the southern end of Aviation Way and improvement of Aviation Way in accordance with Policy T4. INSERTED:Engine testing restrictions referred to in the Environmental Controls Schedule will be applied to any applications for MRO development.A flood risk assessment will be required to demonstrate any development will be safe, without increasing flood risk elsewhere.INSERTED:Proposals should consider and appropriately address the impact on heritage assets or below ground archaeology.
(1)MM28 |
42 |
Policy MRO2 |
Amend policy as follows:
Policy MRO2 – Northern MRO Extension Applications for airport related MRO developments (e.g. increased hangerage and aircraft maintenance facilities) will be DELETED:welcomed INSERTED:supported in the Northern MRO Zone Extension as shown on the Proposals Map. Access to the new MRO Zone will be from an extension to Aviation Way funded by the development. All applications will be required to make a financial contribution towards the upgrade of the junction at the southern end of Aviation Way and the improvement of Aviation Way in accordance with Policy T4. INSERTED:Engine testing restrictions referred to in the Environmental Controls Schedule will be applied to any applications for MRO development. Development of this area will be required to be accompanied by appropriate noise attenuation measures (e.g. bunds) to mitigate potential noise impacts on residents and the golf course to the north. A flood risk assessment is required to demonstrate any development will be safe, without increasing flood risk elsewhere. The development will be required to make a contribution towards the new public open space to the west of the site as shown on the Proposals Map – the details are set out in Policy ENV2.
42 |
Policy MRO3 |
Amend policy as follows:
Policy MRO3 – Southern MRO Zone Applications for airport related MRO developments (e.g. increased hangerage and aircraft maintenance facilities) will be supported in the Southern MRO Zone as shown on the Proposals Map, including a fixed base operator and limited freight handling, and any other operations or activities required to support the development of the airport, in accordance with other policies in the plan. INSERTED:Engine testing restrictions referred to in the Environmental Controls Schedule will be applied to any applications for MRO development. |
42 |
Policy ADZ1 |
Amend policy as follows:
Policy ADZ1 – Existing terminal area Within the Airport Development Zone, applications for airport related development will be DELETED:welcomed INSERTED:supported, provided it can be demonstrated they will support the expansion of the airport to its capacity of 53,300 ATMs or support the enhancement of the airport’s MRO capabilities. Applications for retail development will not be supported. |
(1)MM31 |
46 |
First paragraph below Access to Development Areas section
Amend paragraph as follows:
It is essential that this new employment land is supported by improvements to, and upgrading of, junctions to provide improved capacity, connectivity and access to the existing industrial area on the Aviation Way. In order to provide this, it will be necessary to consider what the minimum access requirements might be needed to service DELETED:the phased INSERTED:each development INSERTED:area of the Saxon Business Park in advance of constructing the new access from Cherry Orchard Way. DELETED:To release land for early phased development, and to allow greater flexibility, a INSERTED:A link from Aviation Way would be required, which would also include access for future bus services. |
(2)MM32 |
47 |
Policy T1 |
Amend policy as follows:
Policy T1 - Access to Development Areas An access road DELETED:and junction from Cherry Orchard Way will be required as outlined in policies T2 DELETED:and INSERTED:E4DELETED:5 INSERTED:, E7 and ENV4
Consideration will be given to access to the new business park from Aviation Way dependent on the need identified in the DELETED:phasing of development INSERTED:areas coming forward and provision for future bus services.
In order to support the above and redevelopment of the Aviation Way Industrial Estate and to allow for the expansion of the Northern MRO, a modified junction will be required at the intersection of Aviation Way and Eastwoodbury Lane as a result of planned intensification of uses at the industrial estate. In addition highway and traffic management improvements will be required to Aviation Way, including public realm, safety and greater provision for walking, cycling and bus services linking to the wider business park.
New development on Aviation Way Industrial Estate and within both the existing and extended INSERTED:NDELETED:northern MRO INSERTED:ZDELETED:zone will be expected to make a contribution towards the cost of the upgrade to the junction at Eastwoodbury Lane and Aviation Way, and the public realm and road improvements on Aviation Way.
Infrastructure improvements will be phased to require the junction improvements to be undertaken first, followed by improvements to Aviation Way.
A Green Link through the site will be required as part of the master planning and linking into the surrounding network as mentioned in E3. |
(1)MM33 |
47 |
Access to Saxon Business Park Section |
Amend paragraph as follows:
Access to Saxon Business Park
It is anticipated that access to the new Saxon Business Park will be from a new roundabout on Cherry Orchard Way as shown indicatively on the Proposals Map. The detailed planning for the location of INSERTED:theaccess road will be developed with the Masterplan for the Business Park so that DELETED:phasing of INSERTED:the development INSERTED: areas coming forward and the requirements of potential occupiers may be taken into account. Nevertheless, consideration has been given to the impact of traffic turning right from the Saxon Business Park to use Hall Road and other local roads in Rochford for their journey. INSERTED:Turning right out of the Saxon Business Park and onto local highway network will be discouraged through the road signage. Traffic will be encouraged to turn left towards the strategic highway network, to which improvements are to be made. DELETED:Whilst the traffic modelling shows there is expected to be no negative effects on the road network caused by traffic turning right from the new junction, there is nevertheless concern about the impact this may have and, as a result, it is proposed to prevent right turning movements for traffic leaving the business park to direct traffic to the major road network, while still allowing buses to make this movement. Further analysis of traffic movements and the DELETED:design of the traffic controls INSERTED:balancing of traffic flows will be considered through the preparation of the Masterplan. |
(2)MM34 |
48 |
Policy T2 |
Amend policy as follows:
A new access will be required to serve the Saxon Business Park from Cherry Orchard Way. DELETED:The new access to Saxon Business Park will incorporate a no right-turn restriction for traffic (except buses) leaving the estate. INSERTED:The new access to Saxon Business Park will, through the use of signage, encourage traffic to turn left on leaving the Business Park to use the principal highway network. The location for the new access road to the Business Park will be developed through the Masterplan. INSERTED:The access should be of an appropriate type and scale to serve the needs of the new development. |
(1)MM35 |
50 |
Policy T5 |
Amend policy as follows:
Policy T5 - Walking and Cycling All development will be required to contribute towards the timely construction of new, as well as improvement to existing, walking and segregated cycling infrastructure and facilities in the JAAP area and the integration of these facilities into the wider network.
Specifically development will be required to contribute towards, but not exclusively, the following improvements:
53 |
Policy ENV2 |
Amend policy as follows:
Policy ENV2 – New Public Open Space – North A new area of public open space, in two sections, will be created on land to the north of the Saxon Business Park as shown on the Proposals Map. Section 1 of the new open space will include provision for the relocation of the Westcliff Rugby Club (see Policy DELETED:E4 and EINSERTED:6DELETED:7). The layout and development of DELETED:sINSERTED:Section 1 will be funded by the development of DELETED:phase 2 INSERTED:Area 2 of the Saxon Business Park. Section 2 will be laid out as informal public open space, and include the enhancement of the area of land at the southern end for nature conservation. Section 2 will be funded by the development of the Northern MRO extension (see Policy MRO2). |
53 |
Policy ENV4 |
Amend policy as follows:
Policy ENV4 – Country Park; Access and Facilities A link to the Cherry Orchard Jubilee Country Park will be provided in conjunction with the development of Area DELETED:1AINSERTED:2of the Saxon Business Park and the construction of a new DELETED:junction and access road (see Policy EINSERTED:4,DELETED:5).
Additional Modifications
Ref |
Page |
Policy/ Paragraph |
Additional Modification |
5-6 |
The Submission JAAP Section |
Amend section as follows: DELETED:The Submission JAAP INSERTED:Preparation of the JAAP A key step in the process of establishing the JAAP was the preparation of an ‘Issues and Options’ Report that provided an opportunity for the general public and all interested parties to comment on the future development of London Southend Airport and INSERTED:its eDELETED:Environs. It set out the initial analysis and potential spatial scenarios for the development of London Southend Airport and INSERTED:its eDELETED:Environs in the period to 2031derived from the evidence base and analysis. It also set out the vision and objectives of the area, and key issues and options for future development.
The feedback received from the Issues and Options Report was carefully considered and used to prepare a Preferred Options Report for future development in the area. In turn, the feedback received to the informal consultation on the preferred options, together with further development of the evidence base has contributed to the pre-submission consultation document.
DELETED:The purpose of this stage (pre-submission consultation) is to consult on whether the document is considered to be ‘sound’, has been positively prepared, and is justified, effective and consistent with national planning policy. If you wish to make a representation seeking a change to the JAAP at this stage you should make clear in what way the JAAP or part of the JAAP is not sound, having regard to the legal compliance checks and the tests of soundness1.
DELETED:You should try to support your representation by evidence showing why and how the JAAP should be changed. Representations should cover succinctly all the information, evidence and supporting information necessary to support/justify the representation and the suggested change, as there will not normally be a subsequent opportunity to make further submissions based on the original representation made at publication.
DELETED:After this stage, further submissions will be only at the request of the Planning Inspector, based on the matters and issues he/she identifies for an examination in public.
Once adopted, the JAAP will be kept under regular review and will be revised, as appropriate, to reflect any changing or new circumstances or objectives for the area. Any future revisions of the final plan will, of course, be subject to public consultation. |
7-8 |
Draft National Aviation Policy Framework Section |
Amend section as follows: DELETED:Draft National Aviation Policy Framework
The Government published DELETED:a draft INSERTED:theAviation Policy Framework DELETED:for consultation in July 2012 INSERTED:in March 2013, replacing the aforementioned 2003 Air Transport White Paper. The DELETED:document INSERTED:Frameworksets out overall objectives for aviation and INSERTED:the policies that will be used to achieve these objectivesINSERTED:DELETED: considers how existing policies and additional policy options can achieve these objectives.
The key objectives set out in the framework are:
Whilst the main focus of the framework is the largest airports located in the South East, there is nevertheless, strong recognition of the important role that smaller airports play in providing domestic and international connections and the contribution made to regional economies.
Specifically, the Government wants to see the best use of existing airports capacity, and as a general principle, support the growth of regional airports in England, including London Southend Airport. Nevertheless, proposals for expansion of regional airports should be judged on their individual merits, taking careful account of all relevant considerations, particularly economic and environmental impacts.
The framework recognises that some regional airports are already responding to local demands and notes that: “Southend Airport has completed a programme of investment that has transformed the airport. A new terminal has been constructed, a runway extension that allows the operation of newer-generation, highINSERTED:-efficiency, medium-capacity aircraft has been completed and an airport railway station that offers direct rail links to London opened in September 2011. As a result, Southend Airport expectINSERTED:ed,DELETED:s to handle one million passengers in 2012 and create 500 new jobs.”
Airports play an important role through delivering wider economic benefits and significant job opportunities, and it is expected that London Southend Airport will contribute to meeting the needs of local and niche markets. In addition the airport is recognised as a key economic site and will act as a key driver for growth and expansion. It will play an important and significant role in improving the competitive strength and attractiveness of the area as a business location and tourism destination. |
19 |
Paragraph below first bullet point |
Amend paragraph as follows:
Proposal–- The site is located close to one proposed option for new access to Saxon Business Park from Cherry Orchard Way as set out in Policy E3. The allocation is Class B1. There are no plans to remove the residential properties to facilitate development. The area is shown as 1DELETED:A on the Proposals Map. |
19 |
Paragraph below second bullet point |
Amend paragraph as follows:
Proposal–- Shown as INSERTED:3DELETED:1B on the Proposals Map, this land is allocated for Class B1 development as set out in Policy E3. |
21 |
Paragraph below third bullet point |
Amend paragraph as follows:
Proposal - This area of land accommodates the extension to the existing runway, and the new link road between Nestuda Way and Eastwoodbury Lane. The new link road has been constructed so as to avoid the safety zone associated with the extended runway. See DELETED:Policies INSERTED:Policy T1 DELETED:and LS5. |
21 |
Paragraph below fourth bullet point |
Amend paragraph as follows:
Proposal –An area of land to the south of the DELETED:pINSERTED:Public DELETED:sINSERTED:Safety DELETED:zINSERTED:Zone is allocated for B1 development, as shown on the Proposals Map and set out in Policy EINSERTED:7DELETED:8 (Nestuda Business Park). |
27 |
Fourth paragraph and bullet points below |
Amend paragraph as follows:
Delete reference to jobs
DELETED:In respect to the proposed development at Saxon Business Park this would provide for the following job numbers per phase:
DELETED:Area 1A – 20,000m2 GIA providing for 16,000m2 NIA. Assuming a figure of one FTE job per 11.4m2 would provide 1403 jobs. However, factoring in a 25% vacancy rate at any time the development would provide 1,052. This is rounded down to 1,000 for the purposes of this document. Consideration may also be given to education uses to complement and support the business park.
Area 1B – 49,000m2 of development. Assuming an 80/20 split this would provide 39,200m2 GIA of B1 accommodation and 9,800m2 of B2 accommodation. For the B1 accommodation, factoring in a 25% vacancy rate, this would provide for circa 2,060 FTE jobs. For the B2 accommodation circa 400 FTE jobs would be provided.
Area 2 - 30,000m2 GIA providing for 24,000m2 NIA. Assuming a figure of one FTE job per 11.4m2 would provide 2105 jobs. However, factoring in a 25% vacancy rate at any time the development would provide 1,578. This is rounded down to 1,500 for the purposes of this document. |
29 |
Section title above Policy E5 |
Amend section title as follows:
Development of Area 1DELETED:A –Saxon Business Park |
29 |
Section title above Policy E6 |
Amend section title and first paragraph below as follows:
Development of Area INSERTED:3DELETED:1B – Saxon Business Park Area INSERTED:3DELETED:1B lies to the north of the eastern end of Aviation Way Industrial Estate. The site is approximately 12.5ha, is currently used for agricultural purposes and lies within metropolitan Green Belt. |
33 |
Final paragraph |
Amend paragraph as follows:
Matters have been raised about noise and its potential impact generally on quality of life, but also on specific locations such as schools. Noise is dealt with in detail under DELETED:PoliciesINSERTED:Policy LS2, DELETED:LS3 and LS7, but is recognised as being a key issue for attention if the airport is to realise its potential without impacting on quality of life. |
35 |
First paragraph, Airport Policies Section |
Amend paragraph as follows:
The JAAP supports, in principle, the expansion of London Southend Airport to handle up to 53,300 ATMs DELETED:2 million passengers per annum. The expected mix of air traffic movements that would deliver 2 mppa is shown in table 1. Both Councils expect the number of ATMs in 2020 to be of the order of 53,300, based on the development case with an extended runway as proposed in Policy LS36 |