Rochford Area Action Plan Submission
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Rochford Area Action Plan Submission
5. Rochford's character areas
Representation ID: 32787
Received: 28/08/2013
Respondent: Rochford Chamber of Trade
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
There is nothing to gain from providing more pavement area.
In winter and bad weather periods it would be a waste of time to promote a Café Society, i.e. outdoor eating and drinking. The amount of time outdoor dining would be possible and/or desirable is minimal in our climate. It is more important to keep the parking spaces.
The Rochford Shopping experience is not for all day shopping. The nature of shoppers to the Square reflects this. Shoppers call in for short periods, staying minutes rather than hours. The majority will not make the effort to park in Back Lane and therefore it is important to retain as many spaces in the Square as possible to support existing shops.
No to increasing the pavement area and cutting down on parking spaces.
Additionally, restaurant and bars are closing and having difficulty surviving in the town centre. It is therefore unlikely that a Café Culture could be supported in the town centre
No to "Pay and Display" in the Square, this should not be introduced. It would have an adverse effect on all traders in Rochford.
The number of taxis parking in the square should be reduced.
Better signage is needed. It is very difficult for people on foot from the station to find the town centre and also visitor drivers to locate the car park.
The exit and entry directions for parking in the Square should revert back to the original system, this would ease congestion in South Street and West Street. A reduction in taxi spaces on the "road" side of the current allocated spaces would make it workable
We see nothing to be gained by the re-routing of buses and doubtful that the bus companies would agree.
It was noted that retail was previously allocated 75% usage in the town and has now been reduced to 65%. Where is the agreement for this? Why has it changed?
Policy 5.2 Improvements to Market Square
Unsound in respect of 6(2)
There is nothing to gain from providing more pavement area.
In winter and bad weather periods it would be a waste of time to promote a Café Society, i.e. outdoor eating and drinking. The amount of time outdoor dining would be possible and/or desirable is minimal in our climate. It is more important to keep the parking spaces.
The Rochford Shopping experience is not for all day shopping. The nature of shoppers to the Square reflects this. Shoppers call in for short periods, staying minutes rather than hours. The majority will not make the effort to park in Back Lane and therefore it is important to retain as many spaces in the Square as possible to support existing shops.
No to increasing the pavement area and cutting down on parking spaces.
Additionally, restaurant and bars are closing and having difficulty surviving in the town centre. It is therefore unlikely that a Café Culture could be supported in the town centre
No to "Pay and Display" in the Square, this should not be introduced. It would have an adverse effect on all traders in Rochford.
The number of taxis parking in the square should be reduced.
Better signage is needed. It is very difficult for people on foot from the station to find the town centre and also visitor drivers to locate the car park.
The exit and entry directions for parking in the Square should revert back to the original system, this would ease congestion in South Street and West Street. A reduction in taxi spaces on the "road" side of the current allocated spaces would make it workable
We see nothing to be gained by the re-routing of buses and doubtful that the bus companies would agree.
It was noted that retail was previously allocated 75% usage in the town and has now been reduced to 65%. Where is the agreement for this? Why has it changed?
Policy 7
We support the creation of a pedestrian link from the Pollards Close area into the Square and hope this is implemented.
Back Lane
There has been a suggestion that the toilets in Back Lane car park be relocated as they have caused many problems. The current building could be used as an office for taxis and a waiting room with a few parking spaces. New modern, automatic toilets could be placed elsewhere in the town, perhaps in Old Ship Lane. The design of which would prevent current inappropriate usage.
This would solve the problems surrounding the toilets and would cut down the number of taxi spaces in the Square.
New, modern toilets are a priority. Perhaps locate in Old Ship Lane.
There is no mention in this consultation of the Mary Portas review which has recognition as a key document for small businesses. No effort seems to have been made to reflect this important and relevant review. We question the competency of this document that has made no mention of her report.
It was recognised that, on the whole, markets are not good trading days for shops. However, no-one wanted to see markets taken away.
It would be detrimental to the character of the town to see over development in terms of domestic dwellings. Additional dwellings should be carefully monitored. Consideration should be given for retail/office usage on the ground floors of such dwellings.
The town cannot afford to lose retail outlets and these outlets must be protected.
In view of the fact that it is unlikely that all actions can be afforded in the short term, we would recommend a document prioritising improvements. It is hoped that this would be open for discussion and agreement and perhaps less formal and perhaps outside this consultation.
Rochford Area Action Plan Submission
Policy 7 - Character Area B: Northern/Eastern Approach
Representation ID: 32788
Received: 28/08/2013
Respondent: Rochford Chamber of Trade
We support the creation of a pedestrian link from the Pollards Close area into the Square and hope this is implemented.
Policy 5.2 Improvements to Market Square
Unsound in respect of 6(2)
There is nothing to gain from providing more pavement area.
In winter and bad weather periods it would be a waste of time to promote a Café Society, i.e. outdoor eating and drinking. The amount of time outdoor dining would be possible and/or desirable is minimal in our climate. It is more important to keep the parking spaces.
The Rochford Shopping experience is not for all day shopping. The nature of shoppers to the Square reflects this. Shoppers call in for short periods, staying minutes rather than hours. The majority will not make the effort to park in Back Lane and therefore it is important to retain as many spaces in the Square as possible to support existing shops.
No to increasing the pavement area and cutting down on parking spaces.
Additionally, restaurant and bars are closing and having difficulty surviving in the town centre. It is therefore unlikely that a Café Culture could be supported in the town centre
No to "Pay and Display" in the Square, this should not be introduced. It would have an adverse effect on all traders in Rochford.
The number of taxis parking in the square should be reduced.
Better signage is needed. It is very difficult for people on foot from the station to find the town centre and also visitor drivers to locate the car park.
The exit and entry directions for parking in the Square should revert back to the original system, this would ease congestion in South Street and West Street. A reduction in taxi spaces on the "road" side of the current allocated spaces would make it workable
We see nothing to be gained by the re-routing of buses and doubtful that the bus companies would agree.
It was noted that retail was previously allocated 75% usage in the town and has now been reduced to 65%. Where is the agreement for this? Why has it changed?
Policy 7
We support the creation of a pedestrian link from the Pollards Close area into the Square and hope this is implemented.
Back Lane
There has been a suggestion that the toilets in Back Lane car park be relocated as they have caused many problems. The current building could be used as an office for taxis and a waiting room with a few parking spaces. New modern, automatic toilets could be placed elsewhere in the town, perhaps in Old Ship Lane. The design of which would prevent current inappropriate usage.
This would solve the problems surrounding the toilets and would cut down the number of taxi spaces in the Square.
New, modern toilets are a priority. Perhaps locate in Old Ship Lane.
There is no mention in this consultation of the Mary Portas review which has recognition as a key document for small businesses. No effort seems to have been made to reflect this important and relevant review. We question the competency of this document that has made no mention of her report.
It was recognised that, on the whole, markets are not good trading days for shops. However, no-one wanted to see markets taken away.
It would be detrimental to the character of the town to see over development in terms of domestic dwellings. Additional dwellings should be carefully monitored. Consideration should be given for retail/office usage on the ground floors of such dwellings.
The town cannot afford to lose retail outlets and these outlets must be protected.
In view of the fact that it is unlikely that all actions can be afforded in the short term, we would recommend a document prioritising improvements. It is hoped that this would be open for discussion and agreement and perhaps less formal and perhaps outside this consultation.