Rochford Core Strategy Development Plan Document - Schedule of Changes

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Rochford Core Strategy Development Plan Document - Schedule of Changes

Rochford Core Strategy Development Plan Document - Schedule of Changes

Representation ID: 26389

Received: 30/11/2010

Respondent: Inner London Group

Agent: Christopher Wickham Associates

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

The changes conflict with the reinstated RSS in terms of housing numbers and timescale. Objection is maintained to the exclusion of west (specifically south-west) Great Wakering from Policy H2. This area is more sustainable than, for example, Ashingdon and Canewdon, which are earmarked under H2. Development at south-west Great Wakering would sustainably extend the settlement and would relate well to the brownfield plot included under Policy H1. It is deliverable, and would bring forward infrastructure and other benefits. The flexibility of Policy H3 does not overcome the fundamental objection to the proposed timing of development at west Great Wakering.

Full text:

The proposed changes to the Core Strategy are self-evidently in conflict with the subsequent reinstatement of the RSS. However, the Council's continuing commitment to the prioritisation of housing development on the specific previously developed sites under Policy H1 is fully supported. Nevertheless, the reinstatement of the RSS will require, at least in the short term pending formal abolition, a reversion to the previous minimum housing target of 250 dwellings per annum, and a shorter timescale for delivery to 2026.

It is noted that the Council continues to recognise that the release of some green belt land will inevitably be required. In this context, objection is maintained to the exclusion of west Great Wakering (specifically south-west Great Wakering) from Policy H2 as an appropriate location for development prior to 2021. South-west Great Wakering represents a more sustainable location for development than, for example, Ashingdon and Canewdon, both of which are earmarked for new housing prior to 2021.

Development of the land to the east of the Star Lane Industrial Estate and former brickworks at Great Wakering would represent a logical and sustainable extension to the settlement which would relate well to the brownfield plot included under Policy H1. It would assist in visually and functionally linking the brownfield plot to the main settlement. Development in this location is deliverable in the short-term, and would bring forward infrastructure and other benefits for the settlement of Great Wakering. It would also represent an unobtrusive extension of the residential envelope because, unlike many other proposed releases in the district, existing physical features would provide a highly defensible revised green belt boundary.

It is noted that the strategy recognises the need for a flexible approach, and that under Policy H3 some locations may be brought forward from post-2026 allocations if pre-2026 allocated sites are not delivered. This flexibility is welcomed but does not overcome the fundamental objection to the proposed timing (post-2026) of development at west Great Wakering under Policy H3.

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