Rochford Core Strategy Development Plan Document - Schedule of Changes

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Rochford Core Strategy Development Plan Document - Schedule of Changes

Rochford Core Strategy Development Plan Document - Schedule of Changes

Representation ID: 26277

Received: 16/11/2010

Respondent: The National Trust Rayleigh Mount Local Committee

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

It is unrealistic to extend the plan period to 2031; this is too far ahead to be sure about housing/employment requirements.

Full text:

It is unrealistic to extend the plan period to 2031; this is too far ahead to be sure about housing/employment requirements.

The plan period should not go beyond 2026. The amount of housing/employment site allocations should be reduced accordingly. This would mean some of the proposed sites being deleted from the plan (ie the Rayleigh sites).

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