Rochford Core Strategy Development Plan Document - Schedule of Changes
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Rochford Core Strategy Development Plan Document - Schedule of Changes
Rochford Core Strategy Development Plan Document - Schedule of Changes
Representation ID: 26436
Received: 30/11/2010
Respondent: Swan Housing Association
Legally compliant? Not specified
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
The land at SWH4 is an ideal location for new housing and should be prioritised for development
following a review of the proposed changes to the Rochford District Council's Core Strategy and with particular reference to SWH4, this document outlines Swan Housing Associations's response.
The land at SWH4 is an ideal location for new housing and should be prioritised for development for the following reasons;
- It is close to existing housing, the site lends itself to integration with the neighbouring areas without changing their current feel. Appropriate integration will mitigate the impacts upon both the new community and the existing.
- The linkages that the development can build on and improve will also increase social inclusion within the new development and established communities.
- Swan has a proven track record for developing economically, environmentally and socially sustainable communities.
- The existing community will benefit from the addition of new homes, increased economic activity locally and the multiplier effect associated with construction.
- The Hullbridge site has strong boundaries which will ensure that any development is kept within a specific area without any precedent being established to challenge the greenbelt boundaries. Through the unique attributes of the site; the propensity for suburban sprawl is removed.
The case for additional Housing in Rochford
With population growth in the local area above the national average the proposed reduction of housing quota is a concern. Swan Housing Association is involved in several large regeneration projects across Essex where large scale estates were built quickly to meet explosive demand. The problems now experienced here could be avoided with realistic provision of Private Sale, Shared Ownership and Affordable housing, for years under provision has squeezed the vulnerable out of the housing market.
All Persons, All Ages (Persons, June 09): 83,100
All Persons, All Ages (Persons, est 2021): 87,000
Source: Office for National Statistics, Rochford Local Authority
As illustrated below the average house price in Rochford is significantly higher than in the rest of Eastern England. This highlights the affordability gap that first time buyers and those without much equity face when trying to get onto the property ladder.
Average House Price (Median Average for Dwellings, Jan 07 - Dec 07) - Rochford £219,000 - East of England £190,000
Source: Office for National Statistics, Rochford Local Authority
With Average Gross Earnings in Rochford similar to those across the East of England region and with property prices being much higher there is a need for affordable housing or a risk of loosing people of working age as they migrate to more affordable areas.
Area - Rochford, Average Gross Earnings £24,009
Area - East of England, Average Gross Earnings £24,000
Source: ASHE 2007
Provision of affordable housing within the Rochford is already low compared to the East of England Region, which highlights potential issues in the present and likely issues in the future is the gap is not filled to meet demand. Levels of private housing are significantly higher than the East of England indicating the polarisation between
RP Housing Stock as Percentage of All Dwellings (Dwellings, April 09)
Rochford 8.1%
East of England 9.2%
Source: Office for National Statistics, Rochford Local Authority
Private Housing Stock as Percentage of All Dwellings (Dwellings, April 09)
Rochford 91.4%
East of England 83.7%
Source: Office for National Statistics, Rochford Local Authority
Levels of Homelessness highlights the need at on one extreme of the spectrum, during the period April '08 - March '09 there were 44 Statutory Homeless Households in Rochford. Within the area there are a total of 405 Households on the Local Authority register, this equates to a 1.23% of Households within the Rochford area being on the LA register.
Within Rochford limited development has taken place within the last 5 years so there is a need for sites such as SWH4 to be brought forward for development.
Swan trusts that the above information and analysis is useful to Rochford. If it raises any queries please do not hesitate to contact us as an organisation. In addition we feel that our expertise as a Regeneration Agency will be useful when considering the future of sustainable development.