Allocations DPD Discussion and Consultation Document

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Allocations DPD Discussion and Consultation Document

East Ashingdon 100 dwellings

Representation ID: 19498

Received: 29/04/2010

Respondent: Squiers/Croll Group

Agent: Andrew Martin Associates

Representation Summary:

We support a residential allocation in the location known by the Council as 'East Ashingdon'. However we propose an alternative site area as shown on the attached plan.

Full text:

East Ashingdon

1. We support a residential allocation in the location known by the Council as 'East Ashingdon'. We act on behalf of all of the landowners who own the agricultural land which adjoins the urban area to the north and south of Brays Lane (see attached land ownership plan ref: 010036/05).

2. This broad location is sustainably located, in close proximity to many valuable amenities. A parade of shops, known as the Golden Cross Shops, contains a range of uses and is within five minutes walking distance. For a wider range of services, Rochford town centre is 1.5 miles from the site and only a 4 minute bus ride away. The nearest bus stops are a short distance from the site at the junction of Ashingdon Road and Brays Lane, providing convenient access by public transport to the centre of Rochford, the train station and other centres in the area.

3. This land has been historically promoted through the planning process, with the Local Plan Inspector recognising in 2006 that:

"The site has advantages in its location on the edge of the existing settlement and in close proximity to shops, schools and other facilities and public transport links. Development could support the open space proposed in Brays Lane and the provision of improved access to the school."

However at that time there was no need to allocate this land as housing requirements could be met on brownfield sites.

4. Technical studies have been carried out in relation to our clients' land. These have revealed that there are no constraints which could prevent development from contributing towards the Council's five year housing land supply. Furthermore, development in this location can offer considerable community benefits, particularly to the King Edmund secondary school, which is located to the south of the representation site.

5. It is noted that the Council has identified three potential sites for development in this broad location.

i. Site EA1: to the south of Brays Lane
ii. Site EA2: to the north of Brays Lane
iii. Site EA3: to the north and south of Brays Lane

6. All of these three sites fall within our clients' ownership. We submit that a site which extends slightly further north than EA3 would represent the most appropriate option. For ease of reference, we call our preferred option EA4. A site plan showing this area is attached (ref: 010036/06).

7. It is our intention to submit an outline planning application for this site. Most of the technical studies and surveys and other supporting information have now been completed and detailed discussions have been held with Council officers which have helped to shape the proposals. It is anticipated that an application will be submitted to the Council in the next few weeks.

8. The application will cover a site area of around 10 ha and will primarily comprise residential development (up to 150 dwellings), reserve land for the secondary school and an access and bus turning circle for the school. The density of the development is 30 dwellings per hectare, which has been carefully assessed and is considered to be appropriate in this location, given the low density development in the vicinity and the location of the site on the edge of the urban area and the Council's standards and requirements in terms of housing layout. The illustrative masterplan attached (ref: 010036/03) shows how this can be achieved.

9. The Core Strategy identifies East Ashingdon as a broad location for housing at policy H2 and although it identifies that the site should deliver 100 dwellings by 2015, it does recognise that "the detailed location and quantum of development will be articulated within the Allocations Development Plan Document."

10. It should be noted that whilst the three options for this site identified by the Council consider different site areas (or locations) they do not consider quantum. Option EA3 encompasses both of the sites for Option EA1 and EA2 and yet the quantum for this larger site area remains fixed at 100 dwellings. It is assumed that the quantums and site areas have not been assessed in detail by the Council at this early stage in the process and that the exact site areas and quantums will be established through the development plan process. Notwithstanding this, we have given detailed consideration to the three options presented by the Council. Our evaluation of each of these options is set out below.


11. As this land immediately adjoins the King Edmund Secondary School, it is ideally placed to deliver the educational and highway improvements for the school. We have held discussions with both Blaise Gammie from School Organisation and Planning at Essex County Council and Mr Abel, the Headmaster of the school. There is agreement that this land, immediately to the north of the school in the most appropriate location for these improvements. Although the Core Strategy identifies that 3ha of land needs to be reserved for future educational requirements, it has been agreed that the school's requirements in terms of both the reserve land and the highways improvements can be accommodated within 3ha. Although this revised configuration allows for a larger residential land parcel (2.53 ha) this could only accommodate around 60 dwellings at a density of 30 dwellings per hectare. Even at a higher density of 40 dwellings per hectare only around 80 dwellings could be achieved. Whilst achieving a greater number of units such a scheme would neither meet the Council's requirements of 100 units, nor would it reflect the character of the area. Furthermore, financial viability would be put into question given the significant infrastructure contributions required.


12. Whilst development in this location is supported, it should not come forward in isolation as it cannot deliver the improvements to King Edmund School. Further, this site area (2.91 ha) could only accommodate around 63 dwellings, which is considerably lower than the quantum set out in the Core Strategy.


13. This is the most suitable of the three options identified by the Council as it includes sufficient land for the school improvements, with the site being able to accommodate a larger area for residential development. However, we believe that the site area is not sufficient to deliver a high quality scheme, which meets parking and amenity standards and provides for all of the wider requirements of the Core Strategy. The site area should therefore be amended to include additional land to the north, for reasons set out below.

14. We note that the Council considers that "the site to the north would not provide a defensible green belt boundary". A Preliminary Landscape and Visual Appraisal has been undertaken to examine this. This report reveals that although the area of countryside is within the Green Belt, its intrinsic value and sensitivity of the landscape is low. The land parcel to the south of Brays Lane is well enclosed and has little relationship with the outlying countryside. The southern third of the northern parcel also has no publicly appreciable relationship or visual link to the outlying countryside and development here would not affect the character and the openness of the remaining Green Belt land. Further north the site does have some visual link with the Green Belt, however influences are highly limited. Development would not bring significant changes to the scene that cannot be mitigated. It is also possible that good design of the development edge could result in an enhanced urban edge. This option has a total site area of 5.44 ha and is capable of accommodating around 123 dwellings at a density of 30 dwellings per hectare. Given that extending the site boundary further to the north has limited impacts in terms of landscape and visual amenity, it is submitted that any harm will be outweighed by the positive contribution to housing supply in a sustainable location.

15. In considering detailed proposals for this broad location a scheme was sought that met a number of criteria. These included meeting the objectives of the Core Strategy, providing a viable scheme given the substantial contributions required and ensuring that the proposals would be technically acceptable and that the impact on the Green Belt and landscape would be kept to a minimum.

16. As stated above, we put forward a preferred option, EA4, which is shown on the attached plan (ref. 010036/06). This option is considered in greater detail below.


17. This option can offer the following:

 Up to 150 dwellings, including affordable homes with a mix of types and tenures;
 Improved access and bus turning circle for the King Edmund School;
 Reserve school land to meet future requirements;
 Public open space;
 Potential to accommodate community/youth facilities if necessary;
 Contributions towards transportation improvements, if required; and
 Appropriate landscaping.

18. This option accords with the Core Strategy, providing development in an area which has been identified at policy H2 as a broad location for housing. It also accords with policy CLT3 by providing an improved access and bus turning circle and reserve land for the King Edmund School.

19. Although Option EA4 provides a greater quantum of development than the 100 dwellings identified in the Core Strategy, it is recognised at policy H2 that it will be the Site Allocations DPD through which quantums will be established. The Council recognises that this site is capable of accommodating more than 100 dwellings in their SHLAA and it is understood that the Core Strategy contains conservative estimates for Green Belt sites to ensure that targets are met.

20. Our detailed analysis has revealed that 150 dwellings can be accommodated on this site, making a valuable contribution towards housing land supply.

21. In conclusion, it is submitted that a revised site area in accordance with our Option EA4 should be identified as the Council's Preferred Option.


Allocations DPD Discussion and Consultation Document

Option EA1

Representation ID: 19504

Received: 29/04/2010

Respondent: Squiers/Croll Group

Agent: Andrew Martin Associates

Representation Summary:

This site is too small to accommodate the improvements to the King Edmund Secondary School and the number of dwellings required by the Council.

Full text:


As this land immediately adjoins the King Edmund Secondary School, it is ideally placed to deliver the educational and highway improvements for the school. We have held discussions with both Blaise Gammie from School Organisation and Planning at Essex County Council and Mr Abel, the Headmaster of the school. There is agreement that this land, immediately to the north of the school in the most appropriate location for these improvements. Although the Core Strategy identifies that 3ha of land needs to be reserved for future educational requirements, it has been agreed that the school's requirements in terms of both the reserve land and the highways improvements can be accommodated within 3ha. Although this revised configuration allows for a larger residential land parcel (2.53 ha) this could only accommodate around 60 dwellings at a density of 30 dwellings per hectare. Even at a higher density of 40 dwellings per hectare only around 80 dwellings could be achieved. Whilst achieving a greater number of units such a scheme would neither meet the Council's requirements of 100 units, nor would it reflect the character of the area. Furthermore, financial viability would be put into question given the significant infrastructure contributions required.


Allocations DPD Discussion and Consultation Document

Option EA2

Representation ID: 19505

Received: 29/04/2010

Respondent: Squiers/Croll Group

Agent: Andrew Martin Associates

Representation Summary:


Whilst development in this location is supported, it should not come forward in isolation as it cannot deliver the improvements to King Edmund School. Further, this site area (2.91 ha) could only accommodate around 63 dwellings, which is considerably lower than the quantum set out in the Core Strategy.

Full text:


Whilst development in this location is supported, it should not come forward in isolation as it cannot deliver the improvements to King Edmund School. Further, this site area (2.91 ha) could only accommodate around 63 dwellings, which is considerably lower than the quantum set out in the Core Strategy.


Allocations DPD Discussion and Consultation Document

Option EA3

Representation ID: 19507

Received: 29/04/2010

Respondent: Squiers/Croll Group

Agent: Andrew Martin Associates

Representation Summary:

This is the most suitable of the three options identified by the Council. However we believe that the site area is not sufficient to deliver a high quality scheme which meets the Council's standards and wider requirements. The site area should be amended to include additional land to the north.

Full text:


This is the most suitable of the three options identified by the Council as it includes sufficient land for the school improvements, with the site being able to accommodate a larger area for residential development. However, we believe that the site area is not sufficient to deliver a high quality scheme, which meets parking and amenity standards and provides for all of the wider requirements of the Core Strategy. The site area should therefore be amended to include additional land to the north, for reasons set out below.

We note that the Council considers that "the site to the north would not provide a defensible green belt boundary". A Preliminary Landscape and Visual Appraisal has been undertaken to examine this. This report reveals that although the area of countryside is within the Green Belt, its intrinsic value and sensitivity of the landscape is low. The land parcel to the south of Brays Lane is well enclosed and has little relationship with the outlying countryside. The southern third of the northern parcel also has no publicly appreciable relationship or visual link to the outlying countryside and development here would not affect the character and the openness of the remaining Green Belt land. Further north the site does have some visual link with the Green Belt, however influences are highly limited. Development would not bring significant changes to the scene that cannot be mitigated. It is also possible that good design of the development edge could result in an enhanced urban edge. This option has a total site area of 5.44 ha and is capable of accommodating around 123 dwellings at a density of 30 dwellings per hectare. Given that extending the site boundary further to the north has limited impacts in terms of landscape and visual amenity, it is submitted that any harm will be outweighed by the positive contribution to housing supply in a sustainable location.

In considering detailed proposals for this broad location a scheme was sought that met a number of criteria. These included meeting the objectives of the Core Strategy, providing a viable scheme given the substantial contributions required and ensuring that the proposals would be technically acceptable and that the impact on the Green Belt and landscape would be kept to a minimum.

As stated above, we put forward a preferred option, EA4, which is shown on the attached plan (ref. 010036/06). This option is considered in greater detail below.


Allocations DPD Discussion and Consultation Document

EA - Are these sites the most suitable for development in this location?

Representation ID: 19511

Received: 29/04/2010

Respondent: Squiers/Croll Group

Agent: Andrew Martin Associates

Representation Summary:

As set out in our representations elsewhere we propose an alternative site option which we call Option EA4.

Full text:

As set out in our representations elsewhere we propose an alternative site option which we call Option EA4.


Allocations DPD Discussion and Consultation Document

EA - Should other sites be considered?

Representation ID: 19518

Received: 29/04/2010

Respondent: Squiers/Croll Group

Agent: Andrew Martin Associates

Representation Summary:

A revised site area in accordance with our Option EA4 should be identified as the Council's Preferred Option.

Full text:


This option can offer the following:

 Up to 150 dwellings, including affordable homes with a mix of types and tenures;
 Improved access and bus turning circle for the King Edmund School;
 Reserve school land to meet future requirements;
 Public open space;
 Potential to accommodate community/youth facilities if necessary;
 Contributions towards transportation improvements, if required; and
 Appropriate landscaping.

This option accords with the Core Strategy, providing development in an area which has been identified at policy H2 as a broad location for housing. It also accords with policy CLT3 by providing an improved access and bus turning circle and reserve land for the King Edmund School.

Although Option EA4 provides a greater quantum of development than the 100 dwellings identified in the Core Strategy, it is recognised at policy H2 that it will be the Site Allocations DPD through which quantums will be established. The Council recognises that this site is capable of accommodating more than 100 dwellings in their SHLAA and it is understood that the Core Strategy contains conservative estimates for Green Belt sites to ensure that targets are met.

Our detailed analysis has revealed that 150 dwellings can be accommodated on this site, making a valuable contribution towards housing land supply.

In conclusion, it is submitted that a revised site area in accordance with our Option EA4 should be identified as the Council's Preferred Option.


Allocations DPD Discussion and Consultation Document

EA - Should development be on one site or a selection of sites

Representation ID: 19519

Received: 29/04/2010

Respondent: Squiers/Croll Group

Agent: Andrew Martin Associates

Representation Summary:

We propose that development should be located to the north and south of Brays Lane in accordance with our Option EA4.

Full text:

We propose that development should be located to the north and south of Brays Lane in accordance with our Option EA4.


Allocations DPD Discussion and Consultation Document

King Edmund School

Representation ID: 19526

Received: 29/04/2010

Respondent: Squiers/Croll Group

Agent: Andrew Martin Associates

Representation Summary:

Option KES2 is ideally located and can be delivered as part of the proposals for residential development at East Ashingdon.

Full text:

King Edmund School

1. The Council has identified three potential sites for the new access and reserve land for the expansion of the school. These are:

ii. Site KES1: Land to the south east of the school off Oxford Road
iii. Site KES2: Land immediately to the north of the school
iv. Site KES3: Land immediately to the north of the school buildings

2. The allocation of land to enable the expansion of the school is dependent on the future residential allocation in this general location as the school do not have any surplus land. We have held discussions with both Blaise Gammie from School Organisation and Planning at Essex County Council and Mr Abel, the Headmaster of the school. There is agreement that this land, immediately to the north of the school in the most appropriate and preferred location for these improvements. Although the Core Strategy identifies that 3ha of land needs to be reserved for future educational requirements, it has been agreed that the school's requirements in terms of both the reserve land and the highways improvements can be accommodated within 3ha.

3. With regard to the options identified for this development, it is submitted that Option KES2 is the most appropriate and should be identified in the Allocations DPD. This option accords with our proposals for East Ashingdon, which as identified above, will form a planning application to be submitted to the Council shortly.

4. Consideration of each of the three options is set out below.

Option KES1

5. This is the least favourable of the three options identified by the Council. As identified in the supporting text, the access to the school would be concentrated along Oxford Road, which is already very narrow and the extension to the school would be located some distance away from the new school buildings.

Option KES2

6. This option is ideally located and can be delivered as part of the proposals for residential development at East Ashingdon. The planning application, which is in the process of being prepared, includes a land parcel which accords with that shown in option KES2 for the school improvements.

7. An access can be provided off Brays Lane with a bus turning circle to the north of the school buildings. The orientation of the site makes it conveniently located for either new school buildings, new sports pitches or both. The illustrative masterplan has been designed to reflect the school's requirements. It shows the bus turning circle located roughly half way between Brays Lane and the boundary with the school. It is envisaged that a covered walkway will then link the turning circle and the existing buildings. As shown on the illustrative masterplan, this site could accommodate two football pitches on the eastern side, leaving the area between the turning circle and the school buildings for further buildings, if required.

Option KES3

8. Whilst the southern part of this site is well related to the school and its existing buildings in particular, the northern part of the site relates less well to the school. New sports pitches in this location would be divorced from the existing sports pitches and recreation areas and also buildings in this northern part of the site would be some distance from the core of existing school buildings.

9. In view of the above, this option is less desirable than Option KES2, as the latter is extremely well related to the school.


Allocations DPD Discussion and Consultation Document

Option KES1

Representation ID: 19528

Received: 29/04/2010

Respondent: Squiers/Croll Group

Agent: Andrew Martin Associates

Representation Summary:

Option KES1

This is the least favourable of the three options identified by the Council. As identified in the supporting text, the access to the school would be concentrated along Oxford Road, which is already very narrow and the extension to the school would be located some distance away from the new school buildings.

Full text:

Option KES1

This is the least favourable of the three options identified by the Council. As identified in the supporting text, the access to the school would be concentrated along Oxford Road, which is already very narrow and the extension to the school would be located some distance away from the new school buildings.


Allocations DPD Discussion and Consultation Document

Option KES2

Representation ID: 19529

Received: 29/04/2010

Respondent: Squiers/Croll Group

Agent: Andrew Martin Associates

Representation Summary:

This option is ideally located and can be delivered as part of the proposals for residential development at East Ashingdon.

Full text:

Option KES2

This option is ideally located and can be delivered as part of the proposals for residential development at East Ashingdon. The planning application, which is in the process of being prepared, includes a land parcel which accords with that shown in option KES2 for the school improvements.

An access can be provided off Brays Lane with a bus turning circle to the north of the school buildings. The orientation of the site makes it conveniently located for either new school buildings, new sports pitches or both. The illustrative masterplan has been designed to reflect the school's requirements. It shows the bus turning circle located roughly half way between Brays Lane and the boundary with the school. It is envisaged that a covered walkway will then link the turning circle and the existing buildings. As shown on the illustrative masterplan, this site could accommodate two football pitches on the eastern side, leaving the area between the turning circle and the school buildings for further buildings, if required.

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