Allocations DPD Discussion and Consultation Document
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Allocations DPD Discussion and Consultation Document
South East Ashingdon 500 dwellings
Representation ID: 19532
Received: 29/04/2010
Respondent: A W Squier Limited
Agent: Andrew Martin Associates
We support a residential allocation in the location known by the Council as "South East Ashingdon". However we have identified an alternative site option which we call Option SEA4.
South East Ashingdon
1. We support a residential allocation in the location known by the Council as 'South East Ashingdon'. This is a sustainable location which is well related to the existing urban area, local facilities and also the town centre. A key bus route into the town runs along Ashingdon Road, with bus stops in close proximity to the broad location identified.
2. We act on behalf of the landowners who own the land that runs parallel and to the south of Oxford Road and also adjoining land that runs north-south from the eastern end of Oxford Road down to the existing built up area to the south (see attached land ownership plan ref: 010036/07).
3. It is noted that the Council has identified three potential sites for development in this location:
i. Site SEA1: Land to the south of Oxford Road and the East of Ashingdon Road, extending to the existing dwellings to the south
ii. Site SEA2: Land to the south and east of Oxford Road
iii. Site SEA3: Land to the south of Oxford Road
4. Each of these sites is considered in turn below. In addition, we identify our preferred option, called Option SEA4, details of which are set out below.
Option SEA1
5. This site covers an area of around 21 hectares and could accommodate between 480 and 640 dwellings (based on a density range of 30 to 40 dph). However, given the relatively low density of surrounding development, it is envisaged that a density closer to 30 dph is more likely to be appropriate. In view of the need to have a site that can be certain to accommodate 500 units and provide any necessary infrastructure, other uses and a landscape buffer to screen the development from the surrounding countryside, the site would need to be increased in order to ensure that the site can accommodate the number of dwellings proposed by the Council. Also the exclusion of the land to the east of Oxford Road from the site reduces the options for access to the site.
Option SEA2
6. This site covers an area of around 17 hectares and could only accommodate around 380 to 500 dwellings. As identified above, it is likely that a scheme in this location would be relatively low density and therefore a scheme would be likely to generate a supply of housing in the region of the lower estimate. This site area is therefore too small and a larger site should be identified.
7. The Council comment that the impacts of increased traffic movement on Oxford Road would need to be carefully considered. It should be noted that development in this location could be accessed off Ashingdon Road and Oxford Road. Furthermore, the proposed bus access route and turning circle as part of the 'East Ashingdon' proposals would result in a decrease in vehicular movements, particularly buses, along Oxford Road.
8. The Council also comments that it would be difficult to create a defensible green belt boundary. It is submitted in response that the eastern side of the site follows an existing field boundary which would be enhanced with further planting and that the southern boundary could also be carefully screened and designed to minimise impact. However, as identified above, increasing the site area would increase the opportunity to create a defensible green belt boundary.
9. This site is similar to, but smaller than site SEA2. It is around 13 hectares and can only accommodate around 300 to 400 dwellings, and would therefore fail to achieve the number of dwellings identified in the Core Strategy.
10. The comments in relation to SEA2 above also apply to option SEA3.
OPTION SEA4 (Our preferred option)
11. Of the three options submitted, Options SEA1 and SEA2 are the most appropriate, but should be combined to ensure that the site allocated is of a sufficient size to ensure that the housing requirement of 500 units is met whilst providing sufficient open space, community facilities (if necessary) and a landscape buffer to the east.
12. Development of this site could also be accompanied by further residential development off Doggetts Close/Doggetts Chase, which can also be considered as part of the 'South East Ashingdon' broad location. This site lies broadly adjacent to the Waterman primary school and in close proximity to the town centre and also falls within our client's ownership. Again, development could be sensitively designed and landscaped to minimise visual impact.
13. The attached plan (ref: 010036/08) identifies the wider site that should be identified as the South-East Ashingdon allocation. Allocation of this land will ensure that the Council's housing requirements are met.
14. This option includes some land falling within our client's ownership. Our clients would work with the adjoining landowner to deliver a comprehensive scheme.
Allocations DPD Discussion and Consultation Document
Option SEA1
Representation ID: 19534
Received: 29/04/2010
Respondent: A W Squier Limited
Agent: Andrew Martin Associates
This site is insufficient to accommodate 500 dwellings with the necessary infrastructure, other uses and landscape buffer. Therefore we identify an alternative site SEA4.
Option SEA1
This site covers an area of around 21 hectares and could accommodate between 480 and 640 dwellings (based on a density range of 30 to 40 dph). However, given the relatively low density of surrounding development, it is envisaged that a density closer to 30 dph is more likely to be appropriate. In view of the need to have a site that can be certain to accommodate 500 units and provide any necessary infrastructure, other uses and a landscape buffer to screen the development from the surrounding countryside, the site would need to be increased in order to ensure that the site can accommodate the number of dwellings proposed by the Council. Also the exclusion of the land to the east of Oxford Road from the site reduces the options for access to the site.
Allocations DPD Discussion and Consultation Document
Option SEA2
Representation ID: 19535
Received: 29/04/2010
Respondent: A W Squier Limited
Agent: Andrew Martin Associates
This site is unlikely to be able to comfortably accommodate 500 dwellings and therefore a larger site should be identified.
Option SEA2
This site covers an area of around 17 hectares and could only accommodate around 380 to 500 dwellings. As identified above, it is likely that a scheme in this location would be relatively low density and therefore a scheme would be likely to generate a supply of housing in the region of the lower estimate. This site area is therefore too small and a larger site should be identified.
The Council comment that the impacts of increased traffic movement on Oxford Road would need to be carefully considered. It should be noted that development in this location could be accessed off Ashingdon Road and Oxford Road. Furthermore, the proposed bus access route and turning circle as part of the 'East Ashingdon' proposals would result in a decrease in vehicular movements, particularly buses, along Oxford Road.
The Council also comments that it would be difficult to create a defensible green belt boundary. It is submitted in response that the eastern side of the site follows an existing field boundary which would be enhanced with further planting and that the southern boundary could also be carefully screened and designed to minimise impact. However, as identified above, increasing the site area would increase the opportunity to create a defensible green belt boundary.
Allocations DPD Discussion and Consultation Document
Option SEA3
Representation ID: 19536
Received: 29/04/2010
Respondent: A W Squier Limited
Agent: Andrew Martin Associates
This site is similar to, but smaller than site SEA2. It is around 13 hectares and can only accommodate around 300 to 400 dwellings, and would therefore fail to achieve the number of dwellings identified in the Core Strategy.
The comments in relation to SEA2 above also apply to option SEA3.
This site is similar to, but smaller than site SEA2. It is around 13 hectares and can only accommodate around 300 to 400 dwellings, and would therefore fail to achieve the number of dwellings identified in the Core Strategy.
The comments in relation to SEA2 above also apply to option SEA3.
Allocations DPD Discussion and Consultation Document
SEA - Are these the right options for this location?
Representation ID: 19539
Received: 29/04/2010
Respondent: A W Squier Limited
Agent: Andrew Martin Associates
In accordance with our other representations we do not believe that the most appropriate site has been identified. We propose an alternative site which we call SEA4.
In accordance with our other representations we do not believe that the most appropriate site has been identified. We propose an alternative site which we call SEA4.
Allocations DPD Discussion and Consultation Document
SEA - Should other sites be considered?
Representation ID: 19540
Received: 29/04/2010
Respondent: A W Squier Limited
Agent: Andrew Martin Associates
Of the three options submitted, Option SEA1 and SEA2 are the most appropriate, but should be combined to ensure that the site allocated is of a sufficient size to ensure that the housing requirement for this broad location is met.
OPTION SEA4 (Our preferred option)
Of the three options submitted, Options SEA1 and SEA2 are the most appropriate, but should be combined to ensure that the site allocated is of a sufficient size to ensure that the housing requirement of 500 units is met whilst providing sufficient open space, community facilities (if necessary) and a landscape buffer to the east.
Development of this site could also be accompanied by further residential development off Doggetts Close/Doggetts Chase, which can also be considered as part of the 'South East Ashingdon' broad location. This site lies broadly adjacent to the Waterman primary school and in close proximity to the town centre and also falls within our client's ownership. Again, development could be sensitively designed and landscaped to minimise visual impact.
The attached plan (ref: 010036/08) identifies the wider site that should be identified as the South-East Ashingdon allocation. Allocation of this land will ensure that the Council's housing requirements are met.
This option includes some land falling within our client's ownership. Our clients would work with the adjoining landowner to deliver a comprehensive scheme.