Allocations DPD Discussion and Consultation Document
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Allocations DPD Discussion and Consultation Document
Option WGW1
Representation ID: 19401
Received: 29/04/2010
Agent: MR Tony Charles
The allocation of land south of the High Street WGW1 & 2 is strongly promoted. The land is un-used and unslightly and perfoms no Green belt function. The land is well related to the existing village and enclosed by development on 3 sides. The site could be developed along with other land at the disused brickworks and industrial estate to deliver an intergared comprehsive scheme which would also deliver additional public open space and a local widlfe site (i.e. the Lakes) which would bring environmental benefits to the local community.
West Great Wakering 250 Dwellings:
Option WGW1 & 2 - the identification of this land, owned by my client Swan Hill Homes Limited, is strongly supported. The land lies south of the High Street in Great Wakering and is well related to the existing pattern of settlement. To the south the site is bounded and enclosed by the existing fishing lakes and local wildlife site (also owned by Swan Hill Homes Limited). The existing lakes and associated land could be offered for transfer to the Council to provide open space uses as part of the housing development on the SHH land south of the High Street, in accordance with our client's 'Informal Submission' submitted to the Council in February 2007. This would contain the proposed housing development and partially screen it from view from the south.
To the west the site abuts the disused Star Lane brickworks, the Star Lane Industrial Estate and in the far north a telephone exchange. As such the western boundary of the site is well contained by existing built form. To the east, the site abuts a strip of open land running in a north-south alignment (i.e. Option WGW3 (part)) beyond which lies existing liner housing along the western side of Alexandra Road.
It is therefore clear that the Option WGW1 site is well contained on all boundaries and enjoys a good relationship with the existing pattern of settlement in the village.
Technical studies undertaken on behalf of our client have confirmed that access can be obtained from High Street through land owned by our client and there are no other infrastructure constraints that cannot be readily addressed and resolved.
The WGW1 site, extends to 8.02 ha, has a capacity of around 175 dwellings and is readily available for development and if allocated could be brought forward to supply new housing within 12 months of the adoption of the Allocations DPD. The development would include a range of house types and sizes, including affordable housing. In addition, the development of the site would bring wider benefits to the local community by virtue of transferring the fishing lakes/local wildlife site into public ownership to be used as a local facility and open space resource.
The site was promoted for allocation in the Rochford District Replacement Local Plan, whilst not allocated in the adopted plan the Local Plan Inquiry Inspector noted in his report:
'The site has advantages from its position in relation to the residential and adjacent employment area
if there was a need to allocate Greenfield land for development and to add to the population of Great
In relation to the Green belt status of the site both the draft Core Strategy and Allocations DPD acknowledge that Green belt land will need to be allocated to accommodate 2,745 additional dwellings up to 2025. Given those circumstances it is necessary to 'test' the impact on the Green belt of each potential site in order to determine which of the Green belt sites would have the least impact on Green belt objectives, in addition to being well related to an existing settlement and sustainable in its own right.
The 5 purposes for including land in the Green belt are set out in paragraph 1.5 of PPG2 Green belts:
- to check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas;
- to prevent neighbouring towns from merging into one another;
- to assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment;
- to preserve the setting and special character of historic towns; and
- to assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land.
It is therefore appropriate to 'test' the land south of the High Street against each of the 5 purposes.
To check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas - housing development on the WGW1 site would be physically well contained by existing built form to the north, west and east and by the fishing lakes to the south. As such residential development on the site would not result in urban sprawl and would not therefore conflict with this purpose of including land in the Green belt.
To prevent neighbouring towns from merging into one another - housing development on the land south of the High Street would not cause any risk of the coalescence of any settlements (i.e. towns or villages) and as such would not conflict with this purpose of including land in the Green belt.
To assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment - housing development on this site would be physically well contained by existing built form to the north, west and east and by the fishing lakes to the south. As such residential development on the site would not result in any discernable encroachment into the countryside and would not therefore conflict with this purpose of including land in the Green belt.
To preserve the setting and special character of historic towns - this purpose of including land in the Green belt does not apply at Great Wakering. Notwithstanding, because the proposed development is well related to the existing pattern of settlement it would be well integrated with the village and would also provide access to a new area of public open space including the fishing lakes to the south of the proposed housing site. Access to this area of open space would be provided direct from the High Street along the internal access roads serving the housing development. Therefore the proposed development would be integrated with the village and would improve the availability of useable accessible open space for the community.
To assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land - whilst the land to the south of the High Street is currently an undeveloped green field site it is, in effect, enclosed on all sides, unused and under-used and its development for housing could make a useful contribution to meeting the district's housing requirement in a sustainable way and in a way which would bring wider public open space and environmental benefits to the local community. In addition, as the site is enclosed on 3 sides by existing development and is un-used and under-used land it would make a contribution, in its own way to the regeneration of the village, either individually or in combination with other adjoining sites (i.e. Option WGW3) and the Star Lane disused brickworks site and the Star Lane Industrial Estate (SHLAA sites EL3 (Appendix D).
In summary it can be seen that the allocation of the land south of the High Street would not conflict with any of the 5 purposes of including land in the Green belt. As such there is a clear case for the land to be released from the Green belt and it does not perform any material or meaningful Green belt
Allocations DPD Discussion and Consultation Document
Option WGW2
Representation ID: 19403
Received: 29/04/2010
Agent: MR Tony Charles
The land south of the High Street (WGW2 (part) is un-used and unsightly land which performs no Green belt function. The land is well related to the village and enclosed by development on 3 sides. The site WGW1/2 could be developed to provide 175 dwellings and could be developed along with other land at the disused brickworks and the industrial estate to provide an integrated comprehensive mixed-use scheme including housing, employment, new public open space and a local wildlife site, and would bring environmental benefits to the local community.
West Great Wakering 250 Dwellings:
Option WGW 2 (land south of the High Street only) - the identification of this land, owned by my client Swan Hill Homes Limited, is strongly supported. The land lies south of the High Street in Great Wakering and is well related to the existing pattern of settlement. To the south the site is bounded and enclosed by the existing fishing lakes and local wildlife site (also owned by Swan Hill Homes Limited). The existing lakes and associated land could be offered for transfer to the Council to provide open space uses as part of the housing development on the SHH land south of the High Street, in accordance with our client's
'Informal Submission' submitted to the Council in February 2007. This would contain the proposed housing development and partially screen it from view from the south.
To the west the site abuts the disused Star Lane brickworks, the Star Lane Industrial Estate and in the far north a telephone exchange. As such the western boundary of the site is well contained by existing built form. To the east, the site abuts a strip of open land running in a north-south alignment (i.e. Option WGW3 (part)) beyond which lies existing liner housing along the western side of Alexandra Road.
It is therefore clear that the Option WGW2 site is well contained on all boundaries and enjoys a good relationship with the existing pattern of settlement in the village.
Technical studies undertaken on behalf of our client have confirmed that access can be obtained from High Street through land owned by our client and there are no other infrastructure constraints that cannot be readily addressed and resolved.
The WGW1/2 site, extends to 8.02 ha, has a capacity of around 175 dwellings and is readily available for development and if allocated could be brought forward to supply new housing within 12 months of the adoption of the Allocations DPD. The development would include a range of house types and sizes, including affordable housing. In addition, the development of the site would bring wider benefits to the local community by virtue of transferring the fishing lakes/local wildlife site into public ownership to be used as a local facility and open space resource.
The site was promoted for allocation in the Rochford District Replacement Local Plan, whilst not allocated in the adopted plan the Local Plan Inquiry Inspector noted in his report:
'The site has advantages from its position in relation to the residential and adjacent employment area
if there was a need to allocate Greenfield land for development and to add to the population of Great
In relation to the Green belt status of the site both the draft Core Strategy and Allocations DPD acknowledge that Green belt land will need to be allocated to accommodate 2,745 additional dwellings up to 2025. Given those circumstances it is necessary to 'test' the impact on the Green belt of each
potential site in order to determine which of the Green belt sites would have the least impact on Green belt objectives, in addition to being well related to an existing settlement and sustainable in its own right.
The 5 purposes for including land in the Green belt are set out in paragraph 1.5 of PPG2 Green belts:
- to check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas;
- to prevent neighbouring towns from merging into one another;
- to assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment;
- to preserve the setting and special character of historic towns; and
- to assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land.
It is therefore appropriate to 'test' the land south of the High Street against each of the 5 purposes.
To check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas - housing development on the WGW1 site would be physically well contained by existing built form to the north, west and east and by the fishing lakes to the south. As such residential development on the site would not result in urban sprawl and would not therefore conflict with this purpose of including land in the Green belt.
To prevent neighbouring towns from merging into one another - housing development on the land south of the High Street would not cause any risk of the coalescence of any settlements (i.e. towns or villages) and as such would not conflict with this purpose of including land in the Green belt.
To assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment - housing development on this site would be physically well contained by existing built form to the north, west and east and by the fishing lakes to the south. As such residential development on the site would not result in any discernable encroachment into the countryside and would not therefore conflict with this purpose of including land in the Green belt.
To preserve the setting and special character of historic towns - this purpose of including land in the Green belt does not apply at Great Wakering. Notwithstanding, because the proposed development is well related to the existing pattern of settlement it would be well integrated with the village and would also provide access to a new area of public open space including the fishing lakes to the south of the proposed housing site. Access to this area of open space would be provided direct from the High Street along the internal access roads serving the housing development. Therefore the proposed development would be integrated with the village and would improve the availability of useable accessible open space for the community.
To assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land - whilst the land to the south of the High Street is currently an undeveloped green field site it is, in effect, enclosed on all sides, unused and under-used and its development for housing could make a useful contribution to meeting the district's housing requirement in a sustainable way and in a way which would bring wider public open space and environmental benefits to the local community. In addition as the site is enclosed on 3 sides by existing development and is un-used and under-used land it would make a contribution, in its own way to the regeneration of the village, either individually or in combination with other adjoining sites (i.e. Option WGW3) and the Star Lane disused brickworks site and the Star Lane Industrial Estate (SHLAA sites EL3 (Appendix D).
In summary it can be seen that the allocation of the land south of the High Street would not conflict with any of the 5 purposes of including land in the Green belt. As such there is a clear case for the land to be released from the Green belt and it does not perform any material or meaningful Green belt function.
Allocations DPD Discussion and Consultation Document
Option WGW3
Representation ID: 19417
Received: 29/04/2010
Agent: MR Tony Charles
The land south of the High Street (WGW3 north west part) is un-used and unsightly and perfoms no Green belt function. The land is well related to the village and enclosed by existing development. The site could be developed as part of WGW1 to provide 175 dwellings and could be developed along with other land at the disused brickworks and the industrial estate to provide an integrated conprehensive mixed-use development including housing, employment, new open space, and a local wildlife site. The development would bring environmental benefits to the local community.
West Great Wakering 250 Dwellings:
Option WGW3 - (part - land lying to the south of High Street - north-west corner of WGW3) the identification of this land, owned by my client Swan Hill Homes Limited, is strongly supported. The land lies south of the High Street in Great Wakering and is well related to the existing pattern of settlement. To the south the site is bounded and enclosed by the existing fishing lakes and local wildlife site (also owned by Swan Hill Homes Limited). The existing lakes and associated land could be offered for transfer to the Council to provide open space uses as part of the housing development on the SHH land south of the High Street, in accordance with our client's 'Informal Submission' submitted to the Council in February 2007. This would contain the proposed housing development and partially screen it from view from the south.
To the west the site abuts the disused Star Lane brickworks, the Star Lane Industrial Estate and in the far north a telephone exchange. As such the western boundary of the site is well contained by existing built form. To the east, the site abuts a strip of open land running in a north-south alignment (i.e.
Option WGW3 (part)) beyond which lies existing liner housing along the western side of Alexandra Road.
It is therefore clear that the Option WGW1 site is well contained on all boundaries and enjoys a good relationship with the existing pattern of settlement in the village.
Technical studies undertaken on behalf of our client have confirmed that access can be obtained from High Street through land owned by our client and there are no other infrastructure constraints that cannot be readily addressed and resolved.
The WGW1 site, extends to 8.02 ha, has a capacity of around 175 dwellings and is readily available for development and if allocated could be brought forward to supply new housing within 12 months of the adoption of the Allocations DPD. The development would include a range of house types and sizes, including affordable housing. In addition, the development of the site would bring wider benefits to the local community by virtue of transferring the fishing lakes/local wildlife site into public ownership to be used as a local facility and open space resource.
The site was promoted for allocation in the Rochford District Replacement Local Plan, whilst not allocated in the adopted plan the Local Plan Inquiry Inspector noted in his report:
'The site has advantages from its position in relation to the residential and adjacent employment area
if there was a need to allocate Greenfield land for development and to add to the population of Great
In relation to the Green belt status of the site both the draft Core Strategy and Allocations DPD acknowledge that Green belt land will need to be allocated to accommodate 2,745 additional dwellings up to 2025. Given those circumstances it is necessary to 'test' the impact on the Green belt of each potential site in order to determine which of the Green belt sites would have the least impact on Green belt objectives, in addition to being well related to an existing settlement and sustainable in its own right.
The 5 purposes for including land in the Green belt are set out in paragraph 1.5 of PPG2 Green belts:
- to check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas;
- to prevent neighbouring towns from merging into one another;
- to assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment;
- to preserve the setting and special character of historic towns; and
- to assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land.
It is therefore appropriate to 'test' the land south of the High Street against each of the 5 purposes.
To check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas - housing development on the WGW1 site would be physically well contained by existing built form to the north, west and east and by the fishing lakes to the south. As such residential development on the site would not result in urban sprawl and would not therefore conflict with this purpose of including land in the Green belt.
To prevent neighbouring towns from merging into one another - housing development on the land south of the High Street would not cause any risk of the coalescence of any settlements (i.e. towns or villages) and as such would not conflict with this purpose of including land in the Green belt.
To assist in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment - housing development on this site would be physically well contained by existing built form to the north, west and east and by the fishing lakes to the south. As such residential development on the site would not result in any discernable encroachment into the countryside and would not therefore conflict with this purpose of including land in the Green belt.
To preserve the setting and special character of historic towns - this purpose of including land in the Green belt does not apply at Great Wakering. Notwithstanding, because the proposed development is well related to the existing pattern of settlement it would be well integrated with the village and
would also provide access to a new area of public open space including the fishing lakes to the south of the proposed housing site. Access to this area of open space would be provided direct from the High Street along the internal access roads serving the housing development. Therefore the proposed development would be integrated with the village and would improve the availability of useable accessible open space for the community.
To assist in urban regeneration, by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land - whilst the land to the south of the High Street is currently an undeveloped green field site it is, in effect, enclosed on all sides, unused and under-used and its development for housing could make a useful contribution to meeting the district's housing requirement in a sustainable way and in a way which would bring wider public open space and environmental benefits to the local community. In addition, as the site is enclosed on 3 sides by existing development and is un-used and under-used land it would make a contribution, in its own way to the regeneration of the village, either individually or in combination with other adjoining sites (i.e. Option WGW3) and the Star Lane disused brickworks site and the Star Lane Industrial Estate (SHLAA sites EL3 (Appendix D).
In summary it can be seen that the allocation of the land south of the High Street would not conflict with any of the 5 purposes of including land in the Green belt. As such there is a clear case for the land to be released from the Green belt and it does not perform any material or meaningful Green belt function.
Allocations DPD Discussion and Consultation Document
WGW - Are these the most suitbable sites for development?
Representation ID: 19517
Received: 29/04/2010
Agent: MR Tony Charles
It is considered that the most suitable sites are site WGW1 land south of the High Street, land at the disused brickworks and industrial estate in Star Lane and site WGW3 to the east of WGW1. These sites can be combined to provide an integrated comprehensive mixed-use development comprsing housing, employment open space and a local wildlfe site and can bring environemtal benefits to the local community.
It is considered that the most suitable sites are site WGW1 land south of the High Street, land at the disused brickworks and industrial estate in Star Lane and site WGW3 to the east of WGW1. These sites can be combined to provide an integrated comprehensive mixed-use development comprsing housing, employment open space and a local wildlfe site and can bring environemtal benefits to the local community.
Allocations DPD Discussion and Consultation Document
WGW - Should development be located on one site or spread over several sites?
Representation ID: 19524
Received: 29/04/2010
Agent: MR Tony Charles
Land south of the High Street WGW 1 can be combined with the land at the disused brickworks and industrial estate at Star Lane (plus WGW3 (eastern part south of the HighStreet) to provide an integrated comprehensive mixed-use development of housing, employment, open space and a local wildlfe site to the benefit of the local community.
Land south of the High Street WGW 1 can be combined with the land at the disused brickworks and industrial estate at Star Lane (plus WGW3 (eastern part south of the HighStreet) to provide an integrated comprehensive mixed-use development of housing, employment, open space and a local wildlfe site to the benefit of the local community.
Allocations DPD Discussion and Consultation Document
WGW - Are there any other sites in this location that should be considered?
Representation ID: 19527
Received: 29/04/2010
Agent: MR Tony Charles
There are no other suitable sites to be considered.
There are no other suitable sites to be considered.
Allocations DPD Discussion and Consultation Document
Star Lane Industrial Estate
Representation ID: 19531
Received: 29/04/2010
Agent: MR Tony Charles
The redevelopment of the industrial estate site is supported. This is a classic previously developed site (PDL) and could be redeveloped alongside other land to the south (i.e. the disused brickworks site) and land south of the High Street (i.e. WGW1) to provide an integrated mixed-use development including housing, employment, open space and a local wildlife site and can bring environmental benefits to the local community with no adverse inpact on the Green belt.
The redevelopment of the industrial estate site is supported. This is a classic previously developed site (PDL) and could be redeveloped alongside other land to the south (i.e. the disused brickworks site) and land south of the High Street (i.e. WGW1) to provide an integrated mixed-use development including housing, employment, open space and a local wildlife site and can bring environmental benefits to the local community with no adverse inpact on the Green belt.
Allocations DPD Discussion and Consultation Document
Star Lane Brickworks
Representation ID: 19533
Received: 29/04/2010
Agent: MR Tony Charles
The redevelopment of this site is supported. The disused brickworks is a classic previously developed site (PDL) and could be redeveloped along with other land at the Star Lane industrial estate and land south of the High Street (WGW1) to provide an integrated comprehensive mixed-use scheme including housing, employmnet, new open space and a local wildlfe site, bring environmetal benefits to the local community with no adverse impact on the Green belt.
The redevelopment of this site is supported. The disused brickworks is a classic previously developed site (PDL) and could be redeveloped along with other land at the Star Lane industrial estate and land south of the High Street (WGW1) to provide an integrated comprehensive mixed-use scheme including housing, employmnet, new open space and a local wildlfe site, bring environmetal benefits to the local community with no adverse impact on the Green belt.