Core Strategy Submission Document

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Core Strategy Submission Document

Policy T6 - Cycling and Walking

Representation ID: 16389

Received: 22/10/2009

Respondent: Aber Ltd

Agent: Colliers International

Representation Summary:

The provision of a safe and convenient network of cycle and pedestrian routes linking homes with workplace, services and town centres will encourage people to travel by means other that the private car.

Full text:

The provision of a safe and convenient network of cycle and pedestrian routes linking homes with workplace, services and town centres will encourage people to travel by means other that the private car.


Core Strategy Submission Document

Policy T8 - Parking Standards

Representation ID: 16390

Received: 22/10/2009

Respondent: Aber Ltd

Agent: Colliers International

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

The use of minimum parking standards for residential developments is not only contrary to the advice contained within PPG13, which states that maximum parking standards should be used, but also contradicts the aim to reduce reliance on private vehicle by encouraging residents to have more cars.

It is not considered to be appropriate to just limit parking at destinations, as residents will drive from their homes to the town centre, work place etc, which have maximum parking standards. This will put undue stress on these spaces and result in people parking elsewhere, including on-street and illegally, which could adversely affect traffic flows and road safety.

Full text:

The use of minimum parking standards for residential developments is not only contrary to the advice contained within PPG13, which states that maximum parking standards should be used, but also contradicts the aim to reduce reliance on private vehicle by encouraging residents to have more cars.

It is not considered to be appropriate to just limit parking at destinations, as residents will drive from their homes to the town centre, work place etc, which have maximum parking standards. This will put undue stress on these spaces and result in people parking elsewhere, including on-street and illegally, which could adversely affect traffic flows and road safety.


Core Strategy Submission Document


Representation ID: 16391

Received: 22/10/2009

Respondent: Aber Ltd

Agent: Colliers International

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

In order to reduce the amount of Green Belt land released for residential, the Council are proposing to reallocate a number of existing employment sites for either residential or mixed use proposals.

However, in order to meet the number of jobs required in the RSS, additional employment sites will be required, as the supply of employment land within the District is tight, this will require the release of Green Belt land.

The Employment Land Study recommends that any de-allocations of employment land be compensated for by the allocation of 18 hectares of new employment sites.

The idea of not releasing land for residential and then releasing it for employment purposes is a contradiction, as it still requires the release of Green Belt.

Full text:

In order to reduce the amount of Green Belt land released for residential, the Council are proposing to reallocate a number of existing employment sites for either residential or mixed use proposals.

However, in order to meet the number of jobs required in the RSS, additional employment sites will be required, as the supply of employment land within the District is tight, this will require the release of Green Belt land.

The Employment Land Study recommends that any de-allocations of employment land be compensated for by the allocation of 18 hectares of new employment sites.

The idea of not releasing land for residential and then releasing it for employment purposes is a contradiction, as it still requires the release of Green Belt.

Amend Second Sentence of Paragraph 11.6:

'...The Council consider it necessary to review some of these allocations, particularly in light of changes to the economy and the decline of the manufacturing sectors. As part of this review existing employment sites, where these sites are in sustainable locations, they will be protected to ensure that they continue to provide employment generated opportunities, including the redevelopment for other employment uses. Only in instances when the site offers both outdated accommodation and is not located in a sustainable location, will it be considered for mixed use, residential development, and/or community uses.'

Reword Paragraph 11.11:

'In order to address the recommendations of the Employment Land Study an assessment should be made of the existing employment sites, in conjunction with the requirement for new housing to consider whether any of the existing employment land should be de-allocated, and if so whether any new employment sites should be allocated.'


Core Strategy Submission Document


Representation ID: 16392

Received: 22/10/2009

Respondent: Aber Ltd

Agent: Colliers International

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

In order to reduce the amount of Green Belt land released for residential, the Council are proposing to reallocate a number of existing employment sites for either residential or mixed use proposals.

However, in order to meet the number of jobs required in the RSS, additional employment sites will be required, as the supply of employment land within the District is tight, this will require the release of Green Belt land.

The Employment Land Study recommends that any de-allocations of employment land be compensated for by the allocation of 18 hectares of new employment sites.

The idea of not releasing land for residential and then releasing it for employment purposes is a contradiction, as it still requires the release of Green Belt.

Full text:

In order to reduce the amount of Green Belt land released for residential, the Council are proposing to reallocate a number of existing employment sites for either residential or mixed use proposals.

However, in order to meet the number of jobs required in the RSS, additional employment sites will be required, as the supply of employment land within the District is tight, this will require the release of Green Belt land.

The Employment Land Study recommends that any de-allocations of employment land be compensated for by the allocation of 18 hectares of new employment sites.

The idea of not releasing land for residential and then releasing it for employment purposes is a contradiction, as it still requires the release of Green Belt.

Amend Second Sentence of Paragraph 11.6:

'...The Council consider it necessary to review some of these allocations, particularly in light of changes to the economy and the decline of the manufacturing sectors. As part of this review existing employment sites, where these sites are in sustainable locations, they will be protected to ensure that they continue to provide employment generated opportunities, including the redevelopment for other employment uses. Only in instances when the site offers both outdated accommodation and is not located in a sustainable location, will it be considered for mixed use, residential development, and/or community uses.'

Reword Paragraph 11.11:

'In order to address the recommendations of the Employment Land Study an assessment should be made of the existing employment sites, in conjunction with the requirement for new housing to consider whether any of the existing employment land should be de-allocated, and if so whether any new employment sites should be allocated.'


Core Strategy Submission Document

Policy ED3 - Existing Employment Land

Representation ID: 16393

Received: 22/10/2009

Respondent: Aber Ltd

Agent: Colliers International

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

In order to meet the 3,000 new jobs required in the RSS, additional employment sites will be required, as the supply of employment land within the District is tight, any new sites will be require the release of Green Belt land. As these sites will be outside of the existing urban areas, it is unlikely that these sites will be in as sustainable locations as the existing employment sites.

The Employment Land Study recommends that any de-allocations of employment land be compensated for by the allocation of circa 18 hectares of land for new employment sites in the District.

The idea of not releasing land for residential and then releasing it for employment purposes is a contradiction, as it still requires the release of Green Belt.

With regards the site at Stambridge Mill, it is considered that this site should be safeguarded for light industrial use, instead of being redeveloped for housing; particularly, as this site is subject to a high risk of flood risk (Zone 3), and its redevelopment for residential would replace a less vulnerable use (employment) being replaced with a more vulnerable use (residential).

Full text:

In order to meet the 3,000 new jobs required in the RSS, additional employment sites will be required, as the supply of employment land within the District is tight, any new sites will be require the release of Green Belt land. As these sites will be outside of the existing urban areas, it is unlikely that these sites will be in as sustainable locations as the existing employment sites.

The Employment Land Study recommends that any de-allocations of employment land be compensated for by the allocation of circa 18 hectares of land for new employment sites in the District.

The idea of not releasing land for residential and then releasing it for employment purposes is a contradiction, as it still requires the release of Green Belt.

With regards the site at Stambridge Mill, it is considered that this site should be safeguarded for light industrial use, instead of being redeveloped for housing; particularly, as this site is subject to a high risk of flood risk (Zone 3), and its redevelopment for residential would replace a less vulnerable use (employment) being replaced with a more vulnerable use (residential).

Reword first two paragraphs of the policy:

'Existing employment sites, which are sustainable, will be protected to ensure that they continue to provide employment generated opportunities, including the redevelopment for other employment uses.

As part of the review of existing employment sites, the Council will consider the reallocation of land at Star Land Industrial Estate, Eldon Way/ Foundry Industrial Estate and Rawreth Industrial Estate for appropriate uses, which should include a proportion of employment uses. Land capable of accommodating the business and industries that currently occupy these sites but would not be appropriate to be incorporated into their redevelopment will be allocated in new locations in accordance with Policy ED4.'


Core Strategy Submission Document

Policy ED4 - Future Employment Allocations

Representation ID: 16394

Received: 22/10/2009

Respondent: Aber Ltd

Agent: Colliers International

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

In order to meet the number of jobs required in the RSS, additional employment sites will be required. The Employment Land Study recommends that any de-allocations of employment land be compensated for by the allocation of 18 hectares of new employment sites. As the supply of employment land within the District is tight, this will require the release of Green Belt land

In order to ensure that a co-ordinated approach is taken to the release of Green Belt land, the requirements for both employment and housing land should be considered together. The idea of not releasing land for residential and then releasing it for employment purposes is a contradiction, as it still requires the release of Green Belt.

Full text:

In order to meet the number of jobs required in the RSS, additional employment sites will be required. The Employment Land Study recommends that any de-allocations of employment land be compensated for by the allocation of 18 hectares of new employment sites. As the supply of employment land within the District is tight, this will require the release of Green Belt land

In order to ensure that a co-ordinated approach is taken to the release of Green Belt land, the requirements for both employment and housing land should be considered together. The idea of not releasing land for residential and then releasing it for employment purposes is a contradiction, as it still requires the release of Green Belt.

The first paragraph should be reworded as follows:

'In order to compensate for the de-allocation of the existing employment land, as detailed in Policy ED3, new employment allocations will need to be located in sustainable locations to meet the needs of businesses. In order to ensure that where it is appropriate to release Green Belt sites the requirement for employment and housing sites are considered together. This will ensure that the most co-ordinated approach is adopted for the future provision. With regards future employment growth the Council will seek to direct the majority of this to the west of the District and in proximity to London Southend Airport. Some industrial land will be allocated in proximity to Great Wakering to provide local employment and mitigate the de-allocation of Star Lane Industrial Estate.'

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