Core Strategy Submission Document
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Core Strategy Submission Document
Representation ID: 16352
Received: 22/10/2009
Respondent: Aber Ltd
Agent: Colliers International
In addressing the need for affordable housing the Council has set a target that 35% of all new housing should be affordable. However, this acknowledges that the current market conditions and that it may not be viable to achieve 35% affordable housing on all sites, therefore, this target may be relaxed where it can be demonstrated that this target would undermine the viability of a particular development.
In addressing the need for affordable housing the Council has set a target that 35% of all new housing should be affordable. However, this acknowledges that the current market conditions and that it may not be viable to achieve 35% affordable housing on all sites, therefore, this target may be relaxed where it can be demonstrated that this target would undermine the viability of a particular development.
Core Strategy Submission Document
Policy H4 - Affordable Housing
Representation ID: 16353
Received: 22/10/2009
Respondent: Aber Ltd
Agent: Colliers International
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
It is noted that on qualifying developments the policy seeks that affordable units are 'pepper potted' throughout the development. However, it is recommended that on such developments the affordable housing (both social rented and intermitted tenure) are clustered in groups of 6 to 10 units throughout the development in order to aid with ongoing management and maintenance undertaken by RSL or other body.
With regards the need for affordable housing the Council has set a target that 35% of all new housing should be affordable. Whilst, the policy acknowledges that as a result of the current market conditions, it may not be viable to achieve 35% affordable housing on all sites, therefore, this target may be relaxed where it can be demonstrated that this target would undermine the viability of a particular development; as worded the test to seek a relaxation to the 35% is too restrictive.
It is noted that on qualifying developments the policy seeks that affordable units are 'pepper potted' throughout the development. However, it is recommended that on such developments the affordable housing (both social rented and intermitted tenure) are clustered in groups of 6 to 10 units throughout the development in order to aid with ongoing management and maintenance undertaken by RSL or other body.
With regards the need for affordable housing the Council has set a target that 35% of all new housing should be affordable. Whilst, the policy acknowledges that as a result of the current market conditions, it may not be viable to achieve 35% affordable housing on all sites, therefore, this target may be relaxed where it can be demonstrated that this target would undermine the viability of a particular development; as worded the test to seek a relaxation to the 35% is too restrictive.
Amend second sentence of first paragraph as follows:
....These affordable dwellings shall be tenure-blink and well integrated into the layout of the new residential development and clustered in groups of 6 to 10 units throughout the development in order to aid with on going management and maintenance undertaken by RSL or other body.
Amend first sentence of second paragraph as follows:
The requirement for the provision of affordable housing will only be relaxed in circumstances, where it can be demonstrated, for example, where constraints make the on-site provision impossible, or where it can be demonstrated that the 35% provision will be economically unviable, rendering the site undeliverable...
Core Strategy Submission Document
Policy H5 - Dwelling Types
Representation ID: 16355
Received: 22/10/2009
Respondent: Aber Ltd
Agent: Colliers International
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Not specified
The idea of providing a mix of dwelling types in both size and tenure is supported, however, it is considered that to make a specific requirement that a proportion of the affordable housing to be three bedroom dwellings is too prescriptive, and such a requirement is better placed within a relevant Supplementary Planning Document.
Requirements relating to the size of dwellings may change over the plan period in response to changes in demographics. Housing should be provided which meets housing need as identified by a plan, monitor and manage approach.
The idea of providing a mix of dwelling types in both size and tenure is supported, however, it is considered that to make a specific requirement that a proportion of the affordable housing to be three bedroom dwellings is too prescriptive, and such a requirement is better placed within a relevant Supplementary Planning Document.
Requirements relating to the size of dwellings may change over the plan period in response to changes in demographics. Housing should be provided which meets housing need as identified by a plan, monitor and manage approach.
Delete from policy:
A proportion of the affordable housing provision within developments will be required to be in the form of three-bedroom or larger dwellings.
Core Strategy Submission Document
Appendix H1
Representation ID: 16372
Received: 22/10/2009
Respondent: Aber Ltd
Agent: Colliers International
South East Ashingdon
Agree with the new infrastructure and services to accompany residential development on this site.
South East Ashingdon
Agree with the new infrastructure and services to accompany residential development on this site.
Core Strategy Submission Document
Policy CP1 - Design
Representation ID: 16373
Received: 22/10/2009
Respondent: Aber Ltd
Agent: Colliers International
New developments should promote good, high quality design, which should have a good relationship with its surroundings.
New developments should promote good, high quality design, which should have a good relationship with its surroundings.
Core Strategy Submission Document
Representation ID: 16374
Received: 22/10/2009
Respondent: Aber Ltd
Agent: Colliers International
Agree that the minimum amount of Green Belt is allocated to meet the District's housing need, and that the extensions to the residential envelope are in sustainable locations, and prevent the coalescence of settlements.
In addition, some Green Belt land is less worthy of continued protection, as it does not necessary contribute as strongly to the reasons for maintaining it as Green Belt.
It is interesting to note that whilst the Council will continue a restrictive policy towards employment growth in the Green Belt; this appears to contradict Policy ED4 that advises that certain locations will be released to accommodate new employment sites to compensate for the loss of locations in the existing settlements.
Agree that the minimum amount of Green Belt is allocated to meet the District's housing need, and that the extensions to the residential envelope are in sustainable locations, and prevent the coalescence of settlements.
In addition, some Green Belt land is less worthy of continued protection, as it does not necessary contribute as strongly to the reasons for maintaining it as Green Belt.
It is interesting to note that whilst the Council will continue a restrictive policy towards employment growth in the Green Belt; this appears to contradict Policy ED4 that advises that certain locations will be released to accommodate new employment sites to compensate for the loss of locations in the existing settlements.
Core Strategy Submission Document
Representation ID: 16375
Received: 22/10/2009
Respondent: Aber Ltd
Agent: Colliers International
Agree that the minimum amount of Green Belt is allocated to meet the District's housing need, and that the extensions to the residential envelope are in sustainable locations, and prevent the coalescence of settlements.
In addition, some Green Belt land is less worthy of continued protection, as it does not necessary contribute as strongly to the reasons for maintaining it as Green Belt.
It is interesting to note that whilst the Council will continue a restrictive policy towards employment growth in the Green Belt; this appears to contradict Policy ED4 that advises that certain locations will be released to accommodate new employment sites to compensate for the loss of locations in the existing settlements.
Agree that the minimum amount of Green Belt is allocated to meet the District's housing need, and that the extensions to the residential envelope are in sustainable locations, and prevent the coalescence of settlements.
In addition, some Green Belt land is less worthy of continued protection, as it does not necessary contribute as strongly to the reasons for maintaining it as Green Belt.
It is interesting to note that whilst the Council will continue a restrictive policy towards employment growth in the Green Belt; this appears to contradict Policy ED4 that advises that certain locations will be released to accommodate new employment sites to compensate for the loss of locations in the existing settlements.
Core Strategy Submission Document
Representation ID: 16376
Received: 22/10/2009
Respondent: Aber Ltd
Agent: Colliers International
Agree that the minimum amount of Green Belt is allocated to meet the District's housing need, and that the extensions to the residential envelope are in sustainable locations, and prevent the coalescence of settlements.
In addition, some Green Belt land is less worthy of continued protection, as it does not necessary contribute as strongly to the reasons for maintaining it as Green Belt.
It is interesting to note that whilst the Council will continue a restrictive policy towards employment growth in the Green Belt; this appears to contradict Policy ED4 that advises that certain locations will be released to accommodate new employment sites to compensate for the loss of locations in the existing settlements.
Agree that the minimum amount of Green Belt is allocated to meet the District's housing need, and that the extensions to the residential envelope are in sustainable locations, and prevent the coalescence of settlements.
In addition, some Green Belt land is less worthy of continued protection, as it does not necessary contribute as strongly to the reasons for maintaining it as Green Belt.
It is interesting to note that whilst the Council will continue a restrictive policy towards employment growth in the Green Belt; this appears to contradict Policy ED4 that advises that certain locations will be released to accommodate new employment sites to compensate for the loss of locations in the existing settlements.
Core Strategy Submission Document
Representation ID: 16377
Received: 22/10/2009
Respondent: Aber Ltd
Agent: Colliers International
Agree that the minimum amount of Green Belt is allocated to meet the District's housing need, and that the extensions to the residential envelope are in sustainable locations, and prevent the coalescence of settlements.
In addition, some Green Belt land is less worthy of continued protection, as it does not necessary contribute as strongly to the reasons for maintaining it as Green Belt.
It is interesting to note that whilst the Council will continue a restrictive policy towards employment growth in the Green Belt; this appears to contradict Policy ED4 that advises that certain locations will be released to accommodate new employment sites to compensate for the loss of locations in the existing settlements.
Agree that the minimum amount of Green Belt is allocated to meet the District's housing need, and that the extensions to the residential envelope are in sustainable locations, and prevent the coalescence of settlements.
In addition, some Green Belt land is less worthy of continued protection, as it does not necessary contribute as strongly to the reasons for maintaining it as Green Belt.
It is interesting to note that whilst the Council will continue a restrictive policy towards employment growth in the Green Belt; this appears to contradict Policy ED4 that advises that certain locations will be released to accommodate new employment sites to compensate for the loss of locations in the existing settlements.
Core Strategy Submission Document
Policy GB1 - Green Belt Protection
Representation ID: 16378
Received: 22/10/2009
Respondent: Aber Ltd
Agent: Colliers International
The need to maintain buffers to prevent the coalescence of individual settlements is supported.
The need to maintain buffers to prevent the coalescence of individual settlements is supported.