London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

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London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

1 Introduction

Representation ID: 11866

Received: 13/05/2009

Respondent: Austins

Representation Summary:

As aa accountancy business based on the Temple Farm Industrial Estate I can only imagine that increased useage of the airport will only add to the pollution in the area, will bring to a halt an already overstrtched road system and will increase noise levels to the point where it will be difficult if not impossible to concentrate on the work in hand and I would have to look for alternative offices a good distance away from the airport and the problems it will create.

Full text:

As aa accountancy business based on the Temple Farm Industrial Estate I can only imagine that increased useage of the airport will only add to the pollution in the area, will bring to a halt an already overstrtched road system and will increase noise levels to the point where it will be difficult if not impossible to concentrate on the work in hand and I would have to look for alternative offices a good distance away from the airport and the problems it will create.


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

2 Assets, Opportunities and Constraints

Representation ID: 11867

Received: 13/05/2009

Respondent: Austins

Representation Summary:

Whilst the idea may be to increase employment, how much of that employment will be found locally and how much will be brought in?

Access to the airport for freight or by passengers will only make the roads even more congested and even if some of this is handled by rail, freight trains will disrupt the busy commuter timetable making it even more difficult to reach London in a reasonable time.

In addition why on earth is consideration being given to increasing flights into an airport surrounded by a vast residentail area, adding both to the dangers and noise levels.

Full text:

Whilst the idea may be to increase employment, how much of that employment will be found locally and how much will be brought in?

Access to the airport for freight or by passengers will only make the roads even more congested and even if some of this is handled by rail, freight trains will disrupt the busy commuter timetable making it even more difficult to reach London in a reasonable time.

In addition why on earth is consideration being given to increasing flights into an airport surrounded by a vast residentail area, adding both to the dangers and noise levels.


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Issue 1

Representation ID: 11871

Received: 13/05/2009

Respondent: Austins

Representation Summary:

Until such a time as a full environmental report has been prepared for consideration by all residents to be affected I think it would be seriously negligent of either Rochford or Southend Councils to go ahead with any expansion scheme.

This should include all the extra freight and passenger and staff road traffic, noise and air pollution and how the airport intends to achieve the new H & S decibel limit of 85 decibels.

In addition I would question where all these passenger cars and large lorries are going to be parked.

Full text:

Until such a time as a full environmental report has been prepared for consideration by all residents to be affected I think it would be seriously negligent of either Rochford or Southend Councils to go ahead with any expansion scheme.

This should include all the extra freight and passenger and staff road traffic, noise and air pollution and how the airport intends to achieve the new H & S decibel limit of 85 decibels.

In addition I would question where all these passenger cars and large lorries are going to be parked.


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Issue 2

Representation ID: 11873

Received: 13/05/2009

Respondent: Austins

Representation Summary:

I think it highly unlikely that many locals will have the experience and qualifications to do many of the top level jobs created and the majority of staff will be of a more menial nature.

Have the council sufficient housing to accomodate all these new workers and, if not, where and when in this current economic climate are they going to be built

Full text:

I think it highly unlikely that many locals will have the experience and qualifications to do many of the top level jobs created and the majority of staff will be of a more menial nature.

Have the council sufficient housing to accomodate all these new workers and, if not, where and when in this current economic climate are they going to be built


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Issue 3

Representation ID: 11874

Received: 13/05/2009

Respondent: Austins

Representation Summary:

Why should we as businesses or others as residents have to put up with any deterioration in the environment on the basis that so few will benefit, or has the Council some ulterior motive in all this?

Full text:

Why should we as businesses or others as residents have to put up with any deterioration in the environment on the basis that so few will benefit, or has the Council some ulterior motive in all this?


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Issue 4

Representation ID: 11875

Received: 13/05/2009

Respondent: Austins

Representation Summary:

On the basis that Southend has never managed to develop a realistic and workable transport plan in the 50 years I have lived in the town, I think it highly unlikely that it will be achieved this time - result gridlock.

Full text:

On the basis that Southend has never managed to develop a realistic and workable transport plan in the 50 years I have lived in the town, I think it highly unlikely that it will be achieved this time - result gridlock.


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Issue 5

Representation ID: 11878

Received: 13/05/2009

Respondent: Austins

Representation Summary:

Little consideration, if any, appears to have been given to those who live or work around what is presently a pretty quiet, sleepy airport.

What compensation will they be given when they have to move, which they will.

In addition, how long will it be before you are knocking down more industrial estates and social and sporting facilities to create car parks and the traffic jams inevitably leading to them.

Our countryside will disappear and from the Crouch to the Thanes will be one vast built up area.

Full text:

Little consideration, if any, appears to have been given to those who live or work around what is presently a pretty quiet, sleepy airport.

What compensation will they be given when they have to move, which they will.

In addition, how long will it be before you are knocking down more industrial estates and social and sporting facilities to create car parks and the traffic jams inevitably leading to them.

Our countryside will disappear and from the Crouch to the Thanes will be one vast built up area.


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Policy E1 - General Development Considerations

Representation ID: 11879

Received: 13/05/2009

Respondent: Austins

Representation Summary:

I doubt if any local residents will benefit greatly from this at all, or am I missing something? What is in it for the Councils?

Full text:

I doubt if any local residents will benefit greatly from this at all, or am I missing something? What is in it for the Councils?


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Policy E2 - Aviation way Industrial Estate

Representation ID: 11881

Received: 13/05/2009

Respondent: Austins

Representation Summary:

What is the point of additional cycling or walking facilities if the air is polluted and you cannot hear yourself speak.

Full text:

What is the point of additional cycling or walking facilities if the air is polluted and you cannot hear yourself speak.


London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Policy E4 - Phasing of Saxon Business Park

Representation ID: 11882

Received: 13/05/2009

Respondent: Austins

Representation Summary:

Who would want to play rugby in polluted air and when you cannot concentrate due to the noise.

Full text:

Who would want to play rugby in polluted air and when you cannot concentrate due to the noise.

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