Hockley Area Action Plan - Issues and Options
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Hockley Area Action Plan - Issues and Options
Representation ID: 9290
Received: 28/04/2009
Respondent: Barratt Eastern Counties
Agent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd
Redevelopment of most of Eldon Way for alternative uses to employment would undermine the sustainability principles which now guide planning decisions. It would be contrary to PPG4 and PPG13.The loss of employment would result in the loss of a customer base to the town centre. Residents would commute out to work whereas employees spent within the town centre.There is no explanation how the regeneration of this large area will be delivered and over what time and at what cost.
Option 3.1 and 3.2
The redevelopment of most of Eldon Way Industrial Estate for alternative uses is considered to be at odds with the underlying principles of sustainable development. There are no other significant employment areas in Hockley. Both PPG4 and PPG13 note the importance of employment areas close to residential areas and the need to reduce travel by car, particularly over short journeys. The site is therefore highly sustainable. The employment area helps underpin the vitality and viability of the Town Centre and should be retained for that reason. The regeneration area the subject to compulsory purchase should be based on a scale and quantum that is necessary and that can be delivered. It is doubted that the residential uses proposed have a significantly greater use value than the employment site, particularly when the costs of redevelopment (and potential mitigation) is factored in.
Hockley Area Action Plan - Issues and Options
Representation ID: 9291
Received: 28/04/2009
Respondent: Barratt Eastern Counties
Agent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd
The scale of residential development will result in a net loss in employment floorspace. This would run counter to the principles of sustainable development when applied to this settlement and could undermine the vitality and viability of the town centre.
The key issue is to retain the employment function of the Eldon Way Industrial Estate as opposed to promoting other uses. The Town Centre is encircled by residential areas and so there are no overriding reasons why more residential development should be injected into this area. There are clear reasons why employment development should be retained and enhanced at Eldon Way.
The scale of residential development will result in a net loss in employment floorspace. This would run counter to the principles of sustainable development when applied to this settlement and could undermine the vitality and viability of the town centre.
The key issue is to retain the employment function of the Eldon Way Industrial Estate as opposed to promoting other uses. The Town Centre is encircled by residential areas and so there are no overriding reasons why more residential development should be injected into this area. There are clear reasons why employment development should be retained and enhanced at Eldon Way.
Hockley Area Action Plan - Issues and Options
Representation ID: 9293
Received: 28/04/2009
Respondent: Barratt Eastern Counties
Agent: Kember Loudon Williams Ltd
3.9 Transport Options
If the Council is considering compulsory purchase powers then it should, if necessary, not exclude highways and adjoining land.
The proposed junctions will need to be assessed against potential future growth scenarios that take into account Regional Spatial Strategy growth rates.
Until more detailed modelling has taken place we are unable to comment on specific junction layouts.
3.9 Transport Options
If the Council is considering compulsory purchase powers then it should, if necessary, not exclude highways and adjoining land.
The proposed junctions will need to be assessed against potential future growth scenarios that take into account Regional Spatial Strategy growth rates.
Until more detailed modelling has taken place we are unable to comment on specific junction layouts.