Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
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Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
Representation ID: 3398
Received: 08/12/2008
Respondent: Aber Ltd
Agent: Colliers International
It is necessary to monitor and record projected future housing completions and include this in the Annual Monitoring Report as this will give a clear indication as to whether the numbers of dwellings provided are in accordance with the total number of units required over the plan period. In addition, it may also require sites in later phases to come forward in advance of the programme in order to maintain an adequate five year supply.
Support the principle of the Core Strategy identifying the general locations for housing development but acknowledge that the precise boundaries of the sites will be determined in the Allocations Development Plan Document.
Please find attached our respresentations in respect of the Core Strategy preferred Options (October 2008) which have been submitted on behalf of our client (Aber Ltd).
Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
Representation ID: 3399
Received: 08/12/2008
Respondent: Aber Ltd
Agent: Colliers International
In light of the findings of the Urban Capacity Study 2007 we support the findings that over the plan period, 70% of new housing will of necessity need to be on green field sites as sustainable extensions to existing settlements.
Please find attached our respresentations in respect of the Core Strategy preferred Options (October 2008) which have been submitted on behalf of our client (Aber Ltd).
Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
General Locations
Representation ID: 3400
Received: 08/12/2008
Respondent: Aber Ltd
Agent: Colliers International
The approach to sustainable development and focussing housing development in the higher tier settlements, with a proportion of the new housing in the lower tier settlements.
Please find attached our respresentations in respect of the Core Strategy preferred Options (October 2008) which have been submitted on behalf of our client (Aber Ltd).
Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
H2 General Locations and Phasing - Preferred Option
Representation ID: 3401
Received: 08/12/2008
Respondent: Aber Ltd
Agent: Colliers International
Whilst, we agree with the general locations and phasing of residential properties over the plan period, however, in light of the current economic conditions and the need to maintain an adequate five year supply, acknowledges that the policy needs to adopt a flexible approach with regards the timing and release of land for residential devleopment. Appropriate phasing will avoid peicemeal development, and on a practical point avoids a state of uncertainty between the two phases where there would be unfinished work (eg exit spurs from the access road). Also from a deliverability point of view it does not make sense for a developer to start work (first phase), leave the site, only to return to develop future phases, as this will have a detrimental affect on the financial viability, given the typical front loading of costs.
Turning to the general locations allocated on the Key Diagram, with regard the area at South East Ashingdon it is noted that by 2015 this location will deliver 120 units but no units are proposed for the period 2015 - 2021, however, as part of the phasing in Policy H3, this site will deliver a further 380 units.
In order to ensure a consistent supply of dwellings from this area it is recommended that a greater proportion of the units are undertaken in the period up to 2015, and a proportion of units are transferred from the 2021 - 2025 period to the 2015 - 2021 period. This approach would help in paying for essential front end costs (eg highways, services and drainage) and necessary community infrastructure required to bring this site forward including education, open / play space, youth and community facilities.
Please find attached our respresentations in respect of the Core Strategy preferred Options (October 2008) which have been submitted on behalf of our client (Aber Ltd).
Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
General Locations Post-2021
Representation ID: 3402
Received: 08/12/2008
Respondent: Aber Ltd
Agent: Colliers International
Policy H2 advises that in order to ensure that an adequate five year supply, that the policy needs to adopt a flexible approach with regards the timing and release of land for residential development, however, in light of the current economic climate sites that are identified for the period up to 2021, may not come forward for a variety of reasons and need to be augmented by site(s) identified in period 2021 - 2025 in order to maintain the 15 year supply. If these sites are not delineated within the Allocations Development Document it would be more difficult for these sites to address the shortfall. Therefore, the sites for the period 2021 - 2025 shoudl also be delineated in the Allocations Development Plan Document, or have the ability to bring sites from the later period's forward, if some sites are not able to be delivered.
The objective of the Local Development Framework is not just about allocating sufficient land to provide new homes but is about ensuring that, subject to the prevailing market conditions, allocations will actually deliver the required amount of housing over the plan period. This relies largely on allocating sites where there is a real prospect (available, suitable and achievable), of delivery within the anticipated timescale. It also requires a mechanism to ensure that sufficient sites are brought forward at the right time to enable delivery.
This approach is consistent with the guidance contained within Planning Policy Statement 3 (PPS3) which advocates a local planning authorities to maintain a flexible and responsive supply of housing land that reflects the 'Plan, Monitor, Manage' approach. This supports the need for a clear policy approach that indicates the timing of potential housing sites in relation to the housing trajectory and the 5 year supply of land. In addition, to the 5 year supply of deliverable land, PPS3 also requires a further supply of specific, developable sites for years 6-10 and where possible, years 11-15. Sufficient sites will therefore be allocated up top 2026 to meet the 15 year requirement in PPS3. In the event that the market does not deliver sufficient homes to meet requirements, sites will be brought forward from future year's allocations to ensure housing delivery targets are met.
As we are currently in a period of recession it is not unreasonable that some of the sites allocated in the early years of the 15 year supply may not come forward as for a combination of reasons the sites may no longer be deliverable (eg no longer available and/or achievable). In addition, it is necessary to provide private housing in order to ensure that the associated/linked affordable housing is also provided.
Therefore, in order to ensure that a continuous 5 year supply is maintained it may be necessary for sites identified in future years to be brought forward and to ensure this to happen these sites should also be specifically delineated on the Proposals Map, which accompanies the Allocations Development Plan Document.
Please find attached our respresentations in respect of the Core Strategy preferred Options (October 2008) which have been submitted on behalf of our client (Aber Ltd).
Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
H3 General Locations Post-2021 - Preferred Option
Representation ID: 3403
Received: 08/12/2008
Respondent: Aber Ltd
Agent: Colliers International
In addition, to the detailed location and development been articulated within the Allocations Development Plan Document and where appropriate Area Actions Plans, in accordance with the requirement of PPS3 the specific sites should also be delineated on the Proposals Map.
This approach is consistent with the need to maintain flexibility in order to ensure certainty to the delivery of the 15 year supply, particularly if any of the locations identified in the period 2021 - 2025 need to be brought forward in order to maintain the 5 year supply.
Appropriate phasing will avoid piecemeal development, and on a practical point avoids a state of uncertainty between the two phases where there would be unfinished work (eg exit spurs from the access road). Also from a deliverability point of view it does not make sense for a developer to start work (first phase), leave the site, only to return to develop future phases, as this will have a detrimental affect on the financial viability, given the typical front loading of costs.
In addition, in order to ensure consistency with Policy H2 and a consistent supply of dwellings from this area it is recommended that a proportion of units are transferred from the 2021 - 2025 period to the 2015 - 2021 period. This approach would assist in paying for front end costs (eg highways, services and drainage) and necessary community infrastructure required to bring this site forward including education, open / play space, youth, and community facilities.
Please find attached our respresentations in respect of the Core Strategy preferred Options (October 2008) which have been submitted on behalf of our client (Aber Ltd).
Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
H4 Affordable Housing - Preferred Option
Representation ID: 3404
Received: 08/12/2008
Respondent: Aber Ltd
Agent: Colliers International
It is noted that on larger developments the policy seeks that affordable units are spread throughout the development. It is recommended that in larger developments the affordable housing (both social rented and intermitted tenure) are clustered in groups of 6 to 10 units throughout the development in order to aid with on going management and maintenance undertaken br RSL or other body.
Please find attached our respresentations in respect of the Core Strategy preferred Options (October 2008) which have been submitted on behalf of our client (Aber Ltd).
Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
H5 Dwelling Types - Preferred Option
Representation ID: 3405
Received: 08/12/2008
Respondent: Aber Ltd
Agent: Colliers International
The idea of providing a mix of dwelling types in both size and tenure is supported, however, it is considered that to make a specific requirement that a proportion of the affordable housing to be three bedroom dwellings is too prescriptive, and such a requirement is better placed within a relevant Supplementary Planning Document. Requirements relating to the size of dwellings may change over the plan period in response to changes in demographics. Housing should be provided which meets housing need as identified by a plan, monitor and manage approach.
Please find attached our respresentations in respect of the Core Strategy preferred Options (October 2008) which have been submitted on behalf of our client (Aber Ltd).
Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
Protection of the Green Belt
Representation ID: 3406
Received: 08/12/2008
Respondent: Aber Ltd
Agent: Colliers International
Although the restrictions will apply to the Green Belt, in order to facilitate the additional housing and employment development, a small proportion of the current allocated Green Belt will have its designation reviewed to accommodate the additional housing and employment.
Please find attached our respresentations in respect of the Core Strategy preferred Options (October 2008) which have been submitted on behalf of our client (Aber Ltd).
Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
GB1 Green Belt Protection - Preferred Option
Representation ID: 3407
Received: 08/12/2008
Respondent: Aber Ltd
Agent: Colliers International
The need to maintain buffers to prevent the coalescence of individual settlements is supported.
Please find attached our respresentations in respect of the Core Strategy preferred Options (October 2008) which have been submitted on behalf of our client (Aber Ltd).