Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

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Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)


Representation ID: 3267

Received: 20/11/2008

Respondent: Hockley Residents Association

Representation Summary:

Non consideration given to how traffic will access airport across the District with its numerous railway bridge pinchpoints


Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)


Representation ID: 3268

Received: 20/11/2008

Respondent: Hockley Residents Association

Representation Summary:

No consideration given to pollution caused by extra traffic on roads which are already full and with numerous bottlenecks across the District


Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)


Representation ID: 3269

Received: 20/11/2008

Respondent: Hockley Residents Association

Representation Summary:

Housing to be scattered mainly to West and North of District whilst industry will be concentrated in South East at airport

The impact of thousand of extra car movements each day is unsustainable. Roads are already at near full capacity and the railway bridges across the district are pinch point which will difficult and expensive to circumvent. This approach contravenes government policy PPG4.

PP4 says: "encourage new development in locations that can be served by more energy efficient modes of transport". The CS does the opposite with housing mainly in West and North. Bus services are virtually non-existant.


Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)


Representation ID: 3270

Received: 20/11/2008

Respondent: Hockley Residents Association

Representation Summary:

The proposals recognise the need for infrastructure improvements but these have not been considered , costed, or funded. Many roads are at or near capacity but no plans on how to address the extra traffic.

The Government's regional funding allocation has been cut to £80 million, which will have to be split across East Anglia. This is insufficient.

Once the CS locations have been accepted it will be difficult/impossible to change them. Infrastructure costs must be identified before agreeing sites.


Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

Public Transport

Representation ID: 3271

Received: 20/11/2008

Respondent: Hockley Residents Association

Representation Summary:

The CS advocates use of environmentally friendly transport Many of the areas selected have no public footpaths. The cost of providing these is likely to be prohibitive.


Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

Public Transport

Representation ID: 3272

Received: 20/11/2008

Respondent: Hockley Residents Association

Representation Summary:

None of the proposed developments are near a railway station. This will increase road traffic


Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

T2 Public Transport - Preferred Option

Representation ID: 3273

Received: 20/11/2008

Respondent: Hockley Residents Association

Representation Summary:

The only two cross-district bus services (nos 7 & 8) are being cut by about 50% in Feb 2009 to just one an hour each.
Small, scattered housing developments do not generate sufficient additional traffic to cost justify additional services.
No information is provided on how new services will be provided.


Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

Cycling and Walking

Representation ID: 3274

Received: 20/11/2008

Respondent: Hockley Residents Association

Representation Summary:

The use of cycle ways is advocated.We support more cycle ways but do not believe that the existing infrastructure will enable any significant improvements.

No specific proposals have been made or costed. Purchase of land will be prohibitively expensivve


Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

T5 Cycling and Walking - Preferred Option

Representation ID: 3275

Received: 20/11/2008

Respondent: Hockley Residents Association

Representation Summary:

Many rural areas do not have existing footpaths. The cost of purchasing land and building footpaths is unknown and likely to be prohibitive and unsustainable


Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)


Representation ID: 3276

Received: 20/11/2008

Respondent: Hockley Residents Association

Representation Summary:

Develop along Rectory Road is likely to create a continuous urbanisation from Hoockley to Ashingdon & Rochford with no Greenway

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