Rochford Area Action Plan Focussed Changes: Market Square
Rochford Area Action Plan Focussed Changes: Market Square
Introduction and Background
Rochford District Council is preparing Area Action Plans for the District’s three main centres of Hockley, Rayleigh and Rochford. These Area Action Plans are used to set planning policies and allocate land for the respective centres, and on adoption form part of the statutory development plan for the District. The Rochford Core Strategy (2011) sets out what the Area Action Plans will deliver, and the Rochford Area Action Plan is required to be consistent with the Core Strategy.
The Rochford Area Action Plan will be used to guide appropriate development within Rochford town centre and direct future public and private investment in the town.
The Rochford Core Strategy identifies the importance of Rochford’s well preserved and unique historic character and layout, as well as the limitations that are imposed on its function as a town centre due to the small size of most retail units. It is envisaged that Rochford will build on its heritage assets and existing position as a small market town to attract visitors and provide for the retail needs of its local population. Opportunities are also identified for improvements to the Market Square.
Production of the Area Action Plan is at a very advanced stage. In November 2013 the Council submitted the version of the Plan it proposed to adopt to the Government.
The Rochford Area Action Plan submitted to the Government included policies on the Market Square, following on from those in the Rochford Core Strategy. The Rochford Area Action Plan also included two potential layouts for the Market Square, reflecting how the Market Square could look if the policies were implemented.
The Secretary of State appointed a Planning Inspector to examine the plan to determine if it was sound and could therefore be adopted by the Council.
An examination hearing session was held on 19 February 2014 at which the various aspects of the plan were discussed, including the future of Rochford Market Square. Following this hearing, the Planning Inspector wrote to Rochford District Council and has requested the Council identify its preferred option for Rochford Market Square for inclusion in the Rochford Area Action Plan.
As such, the Council is now seeking views on which of the options for the Market Square should be the one included in the Area Action Plan – the option the Council will seek to realise for the Market Square.
This document explains the evidence base in relation to Rochford Market Square; summarises what people have said previously about its potential layout; explains the existing policy position (including what the adopted Rochford Core Strategy says and what is set out in the Rochford Area Action Plan); sets out and explains the options that were included in the submitted Rochford Area Action Plan.
The main purpose of this document however is to encourage those with an interest in the future of Rochford Town Centre to make their views known as to which of the Market Square options is preferred, or whether other options should be considered.
Representations can be submitted via the Council’s online consultation system at
Any representations made must be submitted by 5pm on 8 May 2014.
Rochford Market Square and the Evidence Base
A raft of planning-related evidence has been produced over a number of years that is used to inform the Council’s planning policies. This evidence has been used to inform both the Rochford District Core Strategy and the Rochford Area Action Plan. The following extracts from the evidence base are particularly relevant to Rochford Market Square. They do not represent the Council’s views on the issue, but they are used to help the Council come to a decision.
Evidence base document | Relevant comments on Market Square |
Rochford District Retail and Leisure Study (White, Young, Green – 2008) |
Sustainability Appraisal/Strategic Environmental Assessment of theRochford Area Action Plan Submission Document (Enfusion–2013) |
Property market overview within the Rochford Area Action Plan (Allies Morrison Urban Practitioners – 2013) |
Rochford Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan (Essex County Council – 2007) |
Rochford Area Action Plan Issues and Options (2009) |
Previous community involvement: what has already been said about Rochford Market Square
There was community involvement in production of the Rochford Area Action Plan at a number of stages, where various options for the town centre were looked at and appraised. The following summarises comments made at these various stages that relate specifically to Rochford Market Square.
Initial Community Involvement (2008) |
Issues and Options Consultation (2009) |
Pre-Submission Consultation (2013) |
Core Strategy and Rochford Market Square
The Rochford Area Action Plan is guided by policies already adopted in the Rochford District Core Strategy (2011).
The key Core Strategy policy in relation to the AAP is Policy RTC5. This states that Rochford District Council, with partner organisations and landowners, will produce an AAP for Rochford’s town centre, which delivers the following:
A safe and high quality environment for residents;
A market square area that encourages visitors;
An enhanced retail offer for Rochford;
A range of evening leisure activities;
Improved accessibility to and within the town centre; and
The promotion of youth community facilities.
Rochford Area Action Plan and Rochford Market Square
The Rochford Area Action Plan submitted to the Government for examination includes the key principles for the Market Square.
Policy 6.4 of the Rochford Area Action Plan states the following:
Public realm enhancements should be focused on the creation of an improved Market Square and include the rationalisation and reduction in the number of car parking spaces and the potential relocation of the taxi rank to an appropriately central and accessible location.
Key principles underpinning improvements to Rochford Market Square include the following:
Greater priority should be given to pedestrian space. This could be achieved by reducing the number of public parking spaces. There is scope to retain at least 50% of the spaces and transform the space into a high quality square for people. In addition, the removal of public parking spaces will act as a disincentive to visitors to try and park in this most central of locations and will therefore provide some relief to traffic congestion in the area.
Consider the benefits of rationalisation of the taxi provision – it is currently on both sides of the 'central island’ and could be rationalised. It may be necessary to allocate spaces in an alternative location, with Back Lane car park and Roche Close potentially providing viable alternatives.
The introduction of parking charges in Market Square will bring the space in line with the town-wide parking management regime in Rochford. The availability of free spaces in this location is a significant factor in the Square attracting traffic and this only compounds the traffic and movement problems in the area. However, it is recognised that the business plan for the introduction of charges will need to be tested carefully. There may be the potential to allow free short-stay parking in the Old Ship Lane car park, which currently appears to be underutilised.
The space could be managed so as to ensure existing commercial/business serving arrangements are maintained, with nearby loading bays on North Street maintained.
Options for Consultations
Option 1
Figure 11 – A modest improvement scheme that would give greater priority to pedestrians with much wider pavement areas in the Market Square and would help better link the south side of West Street with the Market Square with new informal crossings created. The plan shows 15 parking bays and space for three taxis. The bus stop is retained.
Benefits | Constraints |
Figure 11
Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. This copy is believed to be correct. Nevertheless Rochford District Council can accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions, changes in the details given or for any expense or loss thereby caused. Rochford District Council Licence No. 100018109
Option 2
Figure 12 – A more significant intervention could see the pedestrianisation of the Square whilst retaining capacity for up to 10 public parking spaces and the bus stop. The taxi rank however would need to be relocated
Benefits | Constraints |
Figure 12

Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. This copy is believed to be correct. Nevertheless Rochford District Council can accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions, changes in the details given or for any expense or loss thereby caused. Rochford District Council Licence No. 100018109