Core Strategy Submission Document: Schedule of minor amendments (2011)

Ended on the 7 October 2011

(17)Rochford District Core Strategy Submission Document – Schedule of Minor Amendments

The changes below are expressed either in the conventional form of strikethrough for deletions and underlining for additions of text, or by specifying the change in words in italics.

The below proposed changes relate to changes to the Core Strategy Submission Document (September 2009)

The page numbers and paragraph numbering below refer to the Core Strategy Submission Document September 2009, and do not take account of the deletion or addition of text.

Page Policy / Paragraph Minor Amendment Justification



Insertion of a statement about the position of the Core Strategy Submission Document and commitment to an early review of the plan. See Appendix CSSMA 1 for details.

The Inspector requested the insertion of this text in her letter dated 11 August 2011.



Insertion of or other relevant organisation’ after the Primary Care Trust in LAA2 Table (Priority 3).

The Government proposes to abolish Primary Care Trusts by 2013.



(Third bullet point)

Provision of an additional 15 authorised pitches for Gypsy and Traveller caravans by 20118, to achieve a total of 1822 pitches.

The single issue review (Accommodation for Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople in the East of England) set a total allocation of 18 pitches to be achieved by 2011 through the provision of 15 additional pitches to those already authorised. Given the delays to the Core Strategy examination, this allocation cannot be achieved in the given timeframe. This figure, however, was based on a baseline position of three pitches, which were authorised by 2006. As at July 2010, there were seven private Gypsy and Traveller pitches in the District. The single issue review which set the requirement for pitch provision by 2011 also set an annual 3% compound increase in pitch provision requirement beyond 2011. This equates to the provision of 15 pitches by 2018 in addition to the seven authorised pitches in order to achieve a compound increase in provision to 22 pitches to meet the requirements of the review.



Insertion of ‘Affordable Housing Viability Study (2010) assesses the viability of the affordable housing policy in the Core Strategy.’ into the Evidence Base section.

The Affordable Housing Viability Study was produced during, and has formed part of, the Core Strategy examination.



Insertion of ‘2008’ after ‘Strategic Housing Market Assessment’ in the Evidence Base section.

This would ensure a distinction between the main report produced in 2008 and the 2010 update.



Insertion of ‘The Strategic Housing Market Assessment: Update Report 2010 provides a review of the situation in order to reflect changes to the Thames Gateway South Essex housing market in the period from October 2008 to February 2010.’ into the Evidence Base section.

The Strategic Housing Market Assessment: Update Report 2010 was discussed as part of the hearing session into the affordable housing policy viability.



Insertion of ‘An addendum to the Core Strategy Submission Sustainability Appraisal (Core Strategy Sustainability Appraisal Addendum 2011) was produced in June 2011 following the Forest Heath court ruling (Save Historic Newmarket v. Forest Heath District Council) which provided an additional interpretation on undertaking Strategic Environmental Assessments. The addendum provides further detail on the appraisal of the preferred general locations and the reasonable alternatives.’ into the Evidence Base section.

The Council requested that the issuing of a decision on the soundness of the Core Strategy be delayed on 11 May 2011 to enable the Council to undertake a review of the Core Strategy Submission Sustainability Appraisal in light of the development in case law on Strategic Environmental Assessments. The Planning Inspectorate accepted the Council’s request on the same day. The addendum to the Core Strategy Submission Sustainability Appraisal was prepared, and consulted on between 13 June and 11 July 2011, and submitted to the Inspector on 26 July 2011 for consideration as part of the examination.



Insertion of additional text on the vision for Rochford District within the Vision chapter. See Appendix CSSMA 2 for details.

The Inspector requested that the Council prepare additional text on the vision for the District following the hearings sessions in May 2010.



Replacement of dates in the vision section for the Housing chapter with ‘Short / Medium / Long Term’.

The dates expressed in the Housing chapter of the 2009 Core Strategy Submission Document are no longer applicable.



Replacement of the affordable housing definition. See Appendix CSSMA 3 for details.

Planning Policy Statement 3 (PPS3): Housing was reissued on 9 June 2011, which provided technical amendments to Annex B: Definitions to reflect the introduction of Affordable Rent. The text in the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect this change in national policy.



The East of England Regional Assembly has prepared a single-issue review on Gypsy and Travellers accommodation that has resulted in equates to the allocation within the East of England Plan of an additional15 pitches to be provided in Rochford District by 20118 to meet the 3% compound increase requirements beyond 2011.

The single issue review (Accommodation for Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople in the East of England) set a total allocation of 18 pitches to be achieved by 2011 through the provision of 15 additional pitches to those already authorised. Given the delays to the Core Strategy examination, this allocation cannot be achieved in the given timeframe. This figure, however, was based on a baseline position of three pitches, which were authorised by 2006. As at July 2010, there were seven private Gypsy and Traveller pitches in the District. The single issue review which set the requirement for pitch provision by 2011 also set an annual 3% compound increase in pitch provision requirement beyond 2011. This equates to the provision of 15 pitches by 2018 in addition to the seven authorised pitches in order to achieve a compound increase in provision to 22 pitches to meet the requirements of the review.



Given the historically low demand within the District, provision for any additional pitches post 20118 will be subject to further review of need.

The date has been amended in line with the above.


Policy H7 (First sentence)

The Council will allocate 15 pitches by 20118, as per the East of England Regional Assembly’s single-issue review.

The policy text has been amended to reflect the accompanying text as above.



Replacement of dates in the vision section for the Character of Place chapter with ‘Short / Medium / Long Term’.

The dates expressed in the Character of Place chapter of the 2009 Core Strategy Submission Document are no longer applicable.


Policy CP1 (First paragraph third sentence)

The emerging Essex Design Guide and Urban Place Supplement SPDs will help provide guidance without being overly prescriptive.

The Essex Design Guide and Urban Place Supplement have been finalised.



Replacement of dates in the vision section for the Green Belt chapter with ‘Short / Medium / Long Term’.

The dates expressed in the Green Belt chapter of the 2009 Core Strategy Submission Document are no longer applicable.



Replacement of dates in the vision section for the Upper Roach Valley and Wallasea Island chapter with ‘Short / Medium / Long Term’.

The dates expressed in the Upper Roach Valley and Wallasea Island chapter of the 2009 Core Strategy Submission Document are no longer applicable.



Replacement of dates in the vision section for the Environmental Issues chapter with ‘Short / Medium / Long Term’.

The dates expressed in the Environmental Issues chapter of the 2009 Core Strategy Submission Document are no longer applicable.



At the national level, Planning Policy Guidance 20 (PPG20 – Coastal Planning) has largely been replaced by the Planning Policy Statement 25 Supplement: Development and Coastal Change. This document and its companion practice guide provides guidance to Local Planning Authorities on planning for development and protecting the coastal environment (paragraph 1.2). Thisese documents is are clear on the need to protect the undeveloped direct development away from areas vulnerable to coastal change and this is especially true for the Rochford District, where much of the coast is covered by national and international nature conservation designations.

PPG 20 was replaced by the supplement to PPS25 on 9 March 2010 and has been cancelled with the exception of paragraphs 2.9, 2.10 and 3.9. This paragraph has been updated to reflect the current position in national planning policy on coastal planning.



Replacement of dates in the vision section for the Community Infrastructure, Leisure and Tourism chapter with ‘Short / Medium / Long Term’.

The dates expressed in the Community Infrastructure, Leisure and Tourism chapter of the 2009 Core Strategy Submission Document are no longer applicable.


Point 3

Work with the Primary Care Trust, or other relevant organisation, and developers to ensure the provision of adequate healthcare facilities within the District.

The Government proposes to abolish Primary Care Trusts by 2013.



Improvements to, and in some cases expansion of, existing schools will also be necessary. All secondary schools in England will be improved through the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme. This programme is anticipated to last 15 years and brings together investment in ICT and buildings. The aim is to develop 21stCentury environments that inspire learners, educators and local communities to become successful life-long learners. Essex County Council will lead in the implementation of the BSF programme for the county and the District’s four secondary schools are included in waves 4-6 of this. Rochford District Council will support the development of the BSF programme in the District by supporting the renovation and redevelopment of school premises, including their expansion to increase capacity.

On 5 July 2010, the Secretary of State for Education announced that all Building Schools for the Future (BSF) projects which have not reached financial close will not go ahead.


Policy CLT 3

Delete the last paragraph

The Council will support the implementation of the Building Schools for the Future in the District, including the renovation, redevelopment and expansion of the District’s secondary school premises.

On 5 July 2010, the Secretary of State for Education announced that all Building Schools for the Future (BSF) projects which have not reached financial close will not go ahead.


9.15, 9.16

The Council will work with its partners – particularly the South East Essex. Primary Care Trust, or other relevant organisation – to ensure that adequate healthcare facilities are in place to meet the needs of the District’s growing, and ageing, population.

The Government proposes to abolish Primary Care Trusts by 2013.



The Council will take a two-pronged approach to ensuring this: firstly, new residential development will be located in areas from which healthcare facilities are accessible, or will be of a scale to ensure that new facilities are viable (see Housing chapter); Secondly, the Council will support the Primary Care Trust, or other relevant organisation, in identifying appropriate sites for additional facilities in appropriate locations.

The Government proposes to abolish Primary Care Trusts by 2013.


Policy CLT 4

(First bullet point)

Assist the Primary Care Trust, or other relevant organisation, in identifying sites for additional healthcare facilities in the District which are well related to the District’s population and in accessible locations, and aid their implementation.

The Government proposes to abolish Primary Care Trusts by 2013.


Policy CLT 9 (Second paragraph)

In particular, the Council will seek to enhance recreational opportunities at Rayleigh Leisure Centre and further develop leisure uses at Great Wakering Leisure Centre.

The text has been deleted to reflect the latest position in light of alternative management arrangements/ potential closure of the Leisure Centre.



Opportunities to accommodate playing pitches outside of the Green Belt are welcomed, as this will often provide facilities in more accessible locations, particularly if pitches are accompanying other visitor-generating activities. In this respect, there is an opportunity to accommodate additional playing pitches to the rear of Rayleigh Leisure Centre. When considering proposals for playing pitches outside of the Green Belt, many of the same issues (e.g. accessibility, residential amenity etc) will still apply.

Five new football pitches have been completed at the proposed location.



The Council will produce update the existing Playing Pitch Strategya Supplementary Planning Document on playing pitch provision which will include a more up-to-daten analysis of the supply and demand of pitches, together with a quantitative and qualitative assessment of future need.

This is to clarify that the updated Playing Pitch Strategy SPD will replace the current SPD published in 2007.



Replacement of dates in the vision section for the Transport chapter with ‘Short / Medium / Long Term’.

The dates expressed in the Transport chapter of the 2009 Core Strategy Submission Document are no longer applicable.



The Council will work in partnership with Essex County Council as the highway authority to design and implement a Transportation Strategy Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for Rochford District. The Strategy will assess the transport issues seen in the District and set out how they will be improved and dealt with.

The text has been amended to reflect the proposed title of the SPD.


After 10.13

Insert new paragraph:

The purpose of the Transportation Strategy SPD is to provide further detail and guidance on the transportation issues outlined in the Core Strategy. In particular, it will examine the highway issues outlined in Policy T2, and the transport infrastructure requirements of new housing development set out in Appendix H1 of the Core Strategy.

The inspector requested additional text to be inserted to explain the purpose and weight of this SPD following the hearings sessions in May 2010.



National government policy, as stated in Planning Policy Guidance Note 13, has made it clear that parking policies should be used as part of a range of measures to promote sustainable transport and reduce reliance on the private car. It did state that Local Authorities should not apply minimum parking standards to development, but the requirement to set maximum parking standards was deleted in amendments to Planning Policy Guidance Note 13 in January 2011. The Council have always been concerned that limiting parking at the origin of trips, i.e. homes, may lead to excessive on-street parking, to the detriment of highway safety and efficiency. As such the Council have sought to maintain minimum standards in certain cases. Planning Policy Statement 3 indicates that local circumstances should be taken into account when setting standards, and that proposed development should take a design led approach to the provision of car parking space. This will enable the provision of car parking spaces that are “well integrated with a high quality public realm and streets that are pedestrian, cycle and vehicle friendly.”

This is to update the position on amendments which have been made to paragraphs 49 to 56 of PPG 13 (i.e. parking standards and charges) after the submission of the Core Strategy in January 2010.



Our current parking standards are set out in Parking Standards Design and Good Practice Supplementary Planning Document (Adopted December 2010). These standards are based on evidence developed by Essex County Council in conjunction with the Essex Planning Officers Association. Supplementary Planning Document 5 – Vehicle Parking Standards. This seeks to limit the level of parking at trip destinations and residential development in certain circumstances, whilst applying minimum parking standards to residential schemes within other situations.

The updated SPD on Parking Standards Design and Good Practice has now been adopted, and supersedes SPD5 – Vehicle Parking Standards.



Essex County Council in conjunction with the Essex Planning Officers Association concluded in its is currently undertaking a comprehensive review of car parking standards and initial conclusions are that a move to minimum standards at trip origins (residential planning) and maximum standards for trip destinations is appropriate, acknowledging the fact that limited parking availability at trip origins does not necessarily discourage car ownership and can push vehicle parking onto the adjacent public highway, diminishing streetscape and potentially obstructing emergency and passenger transport vehicles.

The text in the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the fact that the study has been finalised and adopted.

111, 112


Replacement of dates in the vision section for the Economic Development chapter with ‘Short / Medium / Long Term’.

The dates expressed in the Economic Development chapter of the 2009 Core Strategy Submission Document are no longer applicable.



The Airport Masterplan 2005, prepared by London Southend Airport, sets out a vision for how the airport could grow towards being a regional airport based on using its current runway (length 1,610 metres), but with the provision of new passenger infrastructure in the form of a railway station for the airport and investment in new passenger terminal facilities. The importance of the railway is fundamental to increasing the attractiveness of the airport to potential airline operators as it increases the size of the passenger catchment to include core markets within London (by reducing the travel time to the airport). With this investment, the Airport Masterplan indicates there is the potential to increase passenger movements at the airport to around 1 million passengers by 2012 and up to 2 million passengers by 2030.

The text in the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the latest situation of passenger movement of the airport.



Replacement of dates in the vision section for the Retail and Town Centre chapter with ‘Short / Medium / Long Term’.

The dates expressed in the Retail and Town Centre chapter of the 2009 Core Strategy Submission Document are no longer applicable.



National policy on town centres (Planning Policy Statement 4: Planning for Sustainable Economic Growth (PPS4)) Planning Policy Statement 6 – Planning for Town Centres (PPS6)) states that Local Authorities should quantify the need for additional retail development and then identify locations for such development by applying a sequential approach which prioritises town centre locations. The District supports this approach as a means of ensuring the vitality and vibrancy of Rayleigh, Rochford and Hockley town centres.

Planning Policy Statement 4 (PPS4) published in December 2009 has replaced Planning Policy Statement 6 – Planning for Town Centres (PPS6). The text in the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect this change in national policy.


H1 (Fifth column)

The proportion of dwellings developed on previously developed land is recorded by the Council and will be included in the Annual Monitoring Report, or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate, as is the density of residential developments.

National Indicators

Data will be monitored according to the national Single Data List where necessary.

NI 159: Supply of ready to develop housing sites.

NI 170: Previously developed land that has been vacant or derelict for more than 5 years.

Core Indicators

H3: New and converted dwellings – on previously developed land.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


H2 (Fifth column)

As part of the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate, the Council record planning permissions granted and completions of residential development. This is translated into a housing trajectory which includes an assessment of the five-year supply of land.

National Indicators

Data will be monitored according the national Single Data List where necessary.

NI 154: Net additional homes provided.

NI 159: Supply of ready to develop housing sites.

Core Indicators

H1: Plan period and housing targets

H2(a): Net additional dwellings – in previous years

H2(b): Net additional dwellings – for the reporting year

H2(c): Net additional dwellings – in future years

H2(d): Managed delivery target

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


H3 (Fifth column)

As part of the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate, the Council record planning permissions granted and completions of residential development.

The Council will monitor the delivery of residential development and review the situation through the Local Development Framework process to ensure a constant five year housing supply.

National Indicators

Data will be monitored according the national Single Data List where necessary.

NI 154: Net additional homes provided.

NI 159: Supply of ready to develop housing sites.

Core Indicators

H1: Plan period and housing targets.

H2(a): Net additional dwellings – in previous years.

H2(b): Net additional dwellings – for the reporting year.

H2(c): Net additional dwellings – in future years.

H2(d): Managed delivery target.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


H4 (Fifth column)

As part of the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate, the Council record the tenure of dwellings completed, allowing the Council to ascertain whether the target for affordable housing is being met.

National Indicators

Data will be monitored according the national Single Data List where necessary.

NI 155: Number of affordable homes delivered (gross)

Core Indicators

H5: Gross affordable housing completions

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


H5 (Fifth column)

The size of dwellings (in terms of the number of bedrooms they contain) is recorded as part of the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate, enabling an assessment of the mix of dwelling types coming forward.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


H6 (Fifth column)

The Council will monitor the proportion of dwellings meeting the Lifetime Homes Standard as part of the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate.

Core Indicators

H6: Housing Quality – Building for Life Assessments

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


H7 (Fifth column)

The Council will monitor the granting of planning permission for Gypsy and Travellers sites, and their development, as part of the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate.

Core Indicators

H4: Net additional pitches (Gypsy and Traveller).

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


GB1 (Fifth column)

The proportion of the District allocated as Metropolitan Green Belt will be assessed in production of the Allocations Development Plan Document. The outcome of planning applications for inappropriate development within the Green Belt will be recorded in the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


GB2 (Fifth column)

The number of change of use applications permitted on land designated as Green Belt, and the nature of those uses, will indicate whether rural diversification is being undertaken and will be recorded in the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


URV1 (Fifth column)

The expansion of Cherry Orchard Jubilee Country Park will be monitored as part of the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


URV2 (Fifth column)

The progress on delivery of the Wallasea Island Wild Coast Project will be monitored as part of the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


ENV1 (Fifth column)

As part of the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate, the condition of the District’s SSSIs will be recorded, enabling the Council to review whether the Public Service Agreement target is being met.

National Indicators

Data will be monitored according the national Single Data List where necessary.

NI 197: Improved Local Biodiversity – proportion of Local Sites where positive conservation management has been or is being implemented.

Core Indicators

E2: Change in areas of biodiversity importance.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


ENV2 (Fifth column)

The success of this approach will be measured by the quality of the landscape in the Coastal Protection Belt, as well as its biodiversity.

The Council will include reports on development within the Coastal Protection Belt in the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


ENV3 (Fifth column)

As part of the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate, the Council monitor the number and proportion of planning applications that have been allowed contrary to Environment Agency advice on flood risk or water quality. The Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate, will also detail total area at risk of flooding.

Core Indicators

E1: Number of planning permissions granted contrary to Environment Agency advice on flooding and water quality grounds.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


ENV4 (Fifth column)

The Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate, will record the proportion of applications in which sustainable drainage systems are incorporated.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


ENV5 (Fifth column)

Air quality will be monitored by the Council, as required by the 1995 Environment Act, on a periodic basis. Air quality and development within AQMAs will be recorded.

National Indicators

Data will be monitored according the national Single Data List where necessary.

NI 194: Air quality – % reduction in NOx and primary PM10 emissions through local authority’s estate and operations.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


ENV6 (Fifth column)

The development of large-scale renewable energy projects will be monitored as part of the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate.

Core Indicators

E3: Renewable energy generation.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


ENV7 (Fifth column)

The Council will monitor the implementation of small-scale renewable energy projects in the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate.

Core Indicators

E3: Renewable energy generation.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


ENV8 (Fifth column)

The Council will monitor the proportion of new developments energy requirements being provided from on-site renewable or low carbon energy sources as part of the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate.

Core Indicators

E3: Renewable energy generation.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


ENV9 (Fifth column)

The Council will monitor the proportion of dwellings meeting the Code for Sustainable Homes standard as part of the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


ENV10 (Fifth column)

The Council will monitor the proportion of non-residential development meeting the BREEAM standard as part of the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


ENV11 (Fifth column)

Development on contaminated land, together with measures to mitigate decontamination, will be recorded in the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


CLT4 (Second column)

Developers will be required to work with the Council, the Primary Care Trust, or other relevant organisation, and other stakeholders to address any deficiencies identified by the Health Impact Assessment.

New healthcare facilities will be delivered in partnership with the South East Essex Primary Care Trust, or other relevant organisation, and developers, and their implementation guided by the Council’s development management.

The Council will use contributions from developers, through standard charges to provide healthcare facilities where necessary.

The Government proposes to abolish Primary Care Trusts by 2013.


CLT4 (Fourth column)

The Council will work with the Primary Care Trust, or other relevant organisation, to identify appropriate locations and aid the delivery of additional healthcare facilities.

The Council will require Health Impact Assessments to ensure that developments over 50 dwellings meet additional healthcare needs prior to the implementation of development, as appropriate.

The Council will support improvements to existing healthcare facilities.

The Government proposes to abolish Primary Care Trusts by 2013.


CLT4 (Fifth column)

The provision of adequate healthcare facilities will be reported by the Council using data from the Primary Care Trust, or other relevant organisation.

The Government proposes to abolish Primary Care Trusts by 2013.


CLT7 (Fifth column)

The implementation of play space will be monitored and recorded as part of the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


CLT9 (Third column)

Leisure facilities throughout the District, in particular Rayleigh Leisure Centre and Great Wakering Leisure Centre, are not maintained and enhanced.

The text has been deleted to reflect the latest position in light of alternative management arrangements/ potential closure of the Leisure Centre.


CLT9 (Fifth column)

The provision of leisure facilities may be monitored using the Sport England Sports Facility Calculator.

The proportion (m²) of both completed and outstanding leisure development within the District is recorded within the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


CLT10 (Fifth column)

The Council’s evidence base work on the Playing Pitch Strategy will be updated on a regular basis.

Planning applications regarding playing fields are monitored by Sport England. The Council will report on these as part of the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


CLT11 (Fifth column)

The number of visitors is monitored as part of the “Economic impact of tourism” report by the East of England Tourist Board. The Council will report on relevant District matters as part of the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


T1 (Fifth column)

Annual Progress Reports/Delivery Report – gives km of cycleways delivered, footpaths enhanced etc. The Council may need to contact Essex County Council for District data.

National Indicators

Data will be monitored according the national Single Data List where necessary.

NI 167: Congestion – average journey time per mile during the morning peak.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


T2 (Fifth column)

The Council will continue to work with Essex County Council to resolve any highways issues which arise across the District.

National Indicators

Data will be monitored according the national Single Data List where necessary.

NI 167: Congestion – average journey time per mile during the morning peak.

NI 168: Principal roads where maintenance should be considered.

NI 169: Non-principal classified roads where maintenance should be considered.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


T3 (Fifth column)

The proportion of new development within 30 minutes public transport time of various facilities is recorded and reported in the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate.

National Indicators

Data will be monitored according the national Single Data List where necessary.

NI 175: Access to services and facilities by public transport, walking and cycling.

NI 176: Working age people with access to employment by public transport (and other specified modes).

NI 178: Bus services running on time.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


T4 (Fifth column)

The implementation of SERT will be monitored by Essex County Council, and Thames Gateway South Essex Partnership (Rochford District Council is one of the partners).

National Indicators

Data will be monitored according the national Single Data List where necessary.

NI 175: Access to services and facilities by public transport, walking and cycling.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


T5 (Fifth column)

The Council will report on the number of planning applications accompanied by travel plans as part of the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate.

Data will be monitored according the national Single Data List where necessary.

NI 176: Working age people with access to employment by public transport (and other specified modes).

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


T6 (Fifth column)

In conjunction with Essex County Council, the Council will monitor the provision of cycling and walking infrastructure.

National Indicators

Data will be monitored according the national Single Data List where necessary.

NI 175: Access to services and facilities by public transport, walking and cycling.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


T7 (Fifth column)

The delivery of Greenways identified in the Core Strategy will be recorded by the Council and reported in the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate.

Data will be monitored according the national Single Data List where necessary.

NI 175: Access to services and facilities by public transport, walking and cycling.NI 175: Access to services and facilities by public transport, walking and cycling.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


T8 (Fifth column)

The Council monitor the provision of car parking on completed developments within the District as part of the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


ED1 (Fifth column)

Employment levels in the District will be used as an indication of success.

The proportion of employment development within 30 minutes public transport time is recorded as part of the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate.

The Council will also monitor the total amount of additional employment floorspace by type and employment land available by type as part of the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate.

National Indicators

Data will be monitored according the national Single Data List where necessary.

NI 171: New business registration rate.

NI 172: Percentage of small businesses in an area showing employment growth.

NI 175: Access to services and facilities by public transport, walking and cycling.

Core Indicators

BD1: Total amount of additional employment floorspace – by type.

BD2: Total Amount of employment floorspace on previously developed land – by type.

BD3: Employment land available – by type.

BD4: Total amount of floorspace for ‘town centre uses’.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


ED2 (Fifth column)

Employment uses developed in and around London Southend Airport will be recorded by the Council.

Core Indicators

BD1: Total amount of additional employment floorspace – by type.

BD3: Employment land available – by type.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


ED3 (Fifth column)

The use and development of employment land is monitored as part of the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate.

The Council will also monitor employment land available by type as part of the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate.

Core Indicators

BD3: Employment land available – by type.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


ED4 (Fifth column)

The development of future allocations with appropriate employment-generating uses will be monitored by the Council as part of the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate. Employment levels within the District will be used to indicate success.

The number of businesses within the Eco-Enterprise Centre, and the proportion of these sustained within the District once they have left the Centre, will be used to measure its success.

The Council will also monitor the total amount of additional employment floorspace by type and employment land available by type as part of the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate.

Data will be monitored according the national Single Data List where necessary.

National Indicators

NI 171: New business registration rate.

NI 172: Percentage of small businesses in an area showing employment growth.

NI 176: Working age people with access to employment by public transport (and other specified modes).

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


RTC1 (Fifth column)

The retail use of the town centres is included as part of the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate. Success of the policy will be indicated by a high proportion of retail uses and new retail development being located in town centres.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


RTC2 (Fifth column)

The retail use of the town centres is included as part of the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate. Success of the policy will be indicated by a high proportion of retail uses and new retail development being located in town centres.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.


RTC3 (Fifth column)

Annual surveys of the retail units within villages will be undertaken and reported in the Annual Monitoring Report or other reporting mechanism, as appropriate.

The text in the Implementation, Delivery and Monitoring chapter of the Core Strategy Submission Document has been amended to reflect the changes in national policy.

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