Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)
(11) Vision
From March 2008 we adopted a vision for the District, which is outlined in Vision to Reality. The Local Development Framework, including the Core Strategy, has a key role to play in delivering that vision.
We want to create an environment that is vibrant, inclusive, safe, sustainable and modern while retaining the essential characteristics of the salt marshes, rivers, woodland, open countryside, villages and market towns that make Rochford what it is today. We see the District as a place with high quality natural and built environments that retain their distinctiveness, foster civic pride and where all have access to quality accessible services.
Our overarching vision is to make Rochford District the place of choice in the county to live, work and visit.
We will:
- Build on the heritage, cultural and economic strengths of our area and the sense of identity and civic pride of our people.
- Improve the quality of life for people in our communities and play a full role in the sustainable growth and prosperity of our County.
- Utilise our position within Thames Gateway South Essex to promote the District as the 'green part' of the sub region.
Our key planning objectives include:
- To work towards sustainable development by making the most effective and efficient use of land.
- To improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of the District by providing the best possible environment, and satisfying social needs by making accessible provision for the necessary health, housing, educational, community and leisure facilities in the interests of the total well being of all groups within the population.
- To ensure the availability of land in appropriate locations for housing, commercial and industrial uses.
- To retain, conserve and enhance the built and natural environments, including the architectural and historical heritage, flora, fauna and their habitats, throughout the District.
- To make provision for transportation improvements to effect the most environmentally sustainable, efficient, convenient movement of goods and people.
- To define and protect the Metropolitan Green Belt, the undeveloped coast and areas of ecological interest by directing development towards the District's established settlements.
- To enable the existing business community to function as efficiently as possible and to support economic and regeneration development throughout the District.
The Vision to Reality document details what we wish to see happen in the District in five years, by 2017 and by 2021. Vision to Reality is available to view at Within the Strategies, Activities and Actions section of this Core Strategy Preferred Options document the relevant aspects of our vision are listed in the blue margin in italics.