Local Wildlife Site Review Consultation

Ended on the 31 October 2007

(3) 4. Additions

A number of new sites are being proposed for addition to the Local Wildlife Sites register. These are:

  • Hullbridge Road meadow TQ806937 0.55 hectare; reported lowland grassland habitat including population of Green-winged Orchids;
  • Lion Creek Meadow TQ922947 3.1 hectares; good quality coastal grassland habitat adjacent to SSSI, Shrill Carder Bee and Scarce Emerald Damselfly present;
  • Barling Pits TQ935896 10.1 hectares; reedbed, scrub and saltmarsh communities, invertebrate and bird interest; adjacent to SSSI;
  • Wakering Landfill Site TQ953886 24 hectares; flower rich grassland on brownfield site, coastal grassland community, Sea Clover, Pale Flax, Dittander, breeding Skylark, invertebrate interest; adjacent reedy fleet; adjacent to SSSI;
  • River Roach at Rochford TQ883903 7.9 hectares; herb rich grassland; relict grazing marsh, reedbed and saltmarsh; Red Data Book horsefly Atylotus latistriatus; although partly inter-tidal the location of this site makes it vulnerable to adverse impacts from neighbouring industrial land use and so it is recommended for inclusion;
  • Wallasea Managed Realignment TQ964946 90.3 hectares; Mudflats and embryo saltmarsh; it is anticipated that this site will be incorporated into the Crouch and Roach SSSI when the boundary is next reassessed, but its inclusion as a LoWS is recommended in the meantime.
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