
London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5915

Received: 28/03/2009

Respondent: Paula Burls

Representation Summary:

Sounds like the usual old rumblings! where's the money coming from? The infrastructure needs to be changed BEFORE any expansion - not that this outrageous idea should even be considered - as our roads are overcrowded already! one huge lesson we're all learning out of this economic climate is that promises are worthless and there simply is the money there to get things going! They're currently laying off at the airport, not employing! Hardly a model for expansion!

Full text:

Sounds like the usual old rumblings! where's the money coming from? The infrastructure needs to be changed BEFORE any expansion - not that this outrageous idea should even be considered - as our roads are overcrowded already! one huge lesson we're all learning out of this economic climate is that promises are worthless and there simply is the money there to get things going! They're currently laying off at the airport, not employing! Hardly a model for expansion!