
London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 5165

Received: 13/03/2009

Respondent: Mr Terry Waine

Representation Summary:

A plan exists to get traffic to and from the Airport to the A127. What happens when it gets there? If only half of the 2 million passengers came by car with three people in a car that would represent a round trip of 660,000 extra cars on the road.Extra housing and more jobs will add to the burden. Feeder roads which tend to be ignored e.g. B1013 could particularly suffer. There are no concrete plans to improve public transport. Even the suggestion that the public will use their cars less lacks any substance.

Full text:

A plan exists to get traffic to and from the Airport to the A127. What happens when it gets there? If only half of the 2 million passengers came by car with three people in a car that would represent a round trip of 660,000 extra cars on the road.Extra housing and more jobs will add to the burden. Feeder roads which tend to be ignored e.g. B1013 could particularly suffer. There are no concrete plans to improve public transport. Even the suggestion that the public will use their cars less lacks any substance.