
London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 4983

Received: 09/03/2009

Respondent: Mr Terence Bailey

Representation Summary:

Existing road congestion should be sorted out before considering exacerbating the problems.

Full text:

Quite clearly no consideration seems to have been given to the fact that all traffic, existing and proposed, traveling to the new rail station or to Rochford and beyond from the A127 will have to proceed via either Rochford Road (which at present bears the brunt of heavy goods vehicles) or the lesser used 'A' road Manners Way and then cross the Warners Bridge bottleneck. The area is now so often grid locked that to consider increasing traffic volume is ludicrous. Perhaps our enlightened councillers are blind, and deaf when it comes to the misery they have already inflicted on those of us unfortunate enough to live in this area. It is futile to waste public money on yet another stop gap enterprise when the main arteries of the town are so often at a standstill, and no thought or action plan has been tabled to ease the present road congestion let alone that for the future.