
London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 4814

Received: 03/03/2009

Respondent: Mrs Jody Gonzalez

Representation Summary:

Totally against. There is not enough room for another road - it will run parallel to Eastwoodbury Lane and what is the point of that? I cannot see where it would emerge as houses are in the way.

Full text:

What is meant by safeguarded route? To me this means a possible road running through a public open space which will run PARALLEL to Eastwoodbury Lane. Where will this safeguarded route emerge? Will more houses have to go to create an entrance? Eastwoodbury Crescent and Eastwoodbury Lane already have houses around the perimiter of this area.Where do the proposal plan arrows point to? You will re route one road and create another road next to it - Madness!! There will not be any public open space left once a road has been carved through it. I am looking at this open space now and it really is not big enough for an open space and a road!! Totally against!!