
London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 4791

Received: 25/02/2009

Respondent: Mr Patrick Iredale

Representation Summary:

As a resident of Hockley I would like to register my objection to any planned expansion of Southend Airport. It is neither needed or wanted in my view, and will contribute nothing to the well-being and wealth of residents in either Rochford or Southend Council's environs.

This area is far too densely populated and built-up to consider expanding the airport any further. I understand it has been losing money for many years, and cannot in any way be considered an asset to either town. Traffic is already a severe problem in many localities especially at certain times of the day, and any expansion to Southend Airport will only exacerbate it.

At a time when green issues are heavily influenced (quite rightly) by public opinion, I would be surprised if I was in a minority in these views. To this end, can you advise, what, if any public consultations have been made or proposed in this respect?

Check out the local residents (and others) objections to proposed expansions to both Stanstead and Heathrow airports. Among many thousands of others, I am part owner of the parcel of land Greenpeace has bought, which is slap bang in the middle of the proposed new runway at Heathrow.

Full text:

Dear Sirs

As a resident of Hockley I would like to register my objection to any planned expansion of Southend Airport. It is neither needed or wanted in my view, and will contribute nothing to the well-being and wealth of residents in either Rochford or Southend Council's environs.

This area is far too densely populated and built-up to consider expanding the airport any further. I understand it has been losing money for many years, and cannot in any way be considered an asset to either town. Traffic is already a severe problem in many localities especially at certain times of the day, and any expansion to Southend Airport will only exacerbate it.

At a time when green issues are heavily influenced (quite rightly) by public opinion, I would be surprised if I was in a minority in these views. To this end, can you advise, what, if any public consultations have been made or proposed in this respect?

Check out the local residents (and others) objections to proposed expansions to both Stanstead and Heathrow airports. Among many thousands of others, I am part owner of the parcel of land Greenpeace has bought, which is slap bang in the middle of the proposed new runway at Heathrow.

Power to the People!