
London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Preferred Options

Representation ID: 4603

Received: 20/02/2009

Respondent: Miss Samantha Neville

Representation Summary:

By utlising smaller airports such as Southend Airport, the UK should not need to rely on the larger airports (Stansted, Gatwick etc). Maybe using Southend Airport for European flights only in order to take this pressure off Stansted and Gatwick. This seems the best way forward for UK airport expansion without causing catastrophic environmental impacts such as Boris Johnson's regurgitated Maplin Airport plan (a truly horrendous idea).

Full text:

By utlising smaller airports such as Southend Airport, the UK should not need to rely on the larger airports (Stansted, Gatwick etc). Maybe using Southend Airport for European flights only in order to take this pressure off Stansted and Gatwick. This seems the best way forward for UK airport expansion without causing catastrophic environmental impacts such as Boris Johnson's regurgitated Maplin Airport plan (a truly horrendous idea).