
Core Strategy Preferred Options (Revised October 2008)

Representation ID: 3341

Received: 25/11/2008

Respondent: Mr P Wild

Representation Summary:

Property values in the areas considered are high, is "affordable housing" realistic?

Full text:

Re:-Rochford District Core Strategy

Having attended the Rochford Core Strategy meeting I would like to raise my objections to the proposals outlined.

Firstly I have to question why the Rochford meeting was scheduled for a date preceding the distribution of the Rochford Matters newsletter. Also note that the information in this publication was scant to say the least, and there was no mention or detail of the three proposed meetings.

Secondly at this meeting questions were asked regarding detail of additional infrastructure required to service these proposed sites.
The answers given were that extra roads etc. could not be considered at this stage because detail of where the sites would be relative to existing roads were unknown.
With respect I find this hard to believe, you cannot tell me that "triangles" would be placed on a map without knowing exactly where the proposed properties would abut existing roads!

Below is a summary of my reasons for stating that I consider the proposed Core Strategy lacks detail, is incomplete, and is in my view unsustainable.

Having houses scattered across the area would make it impossible to provide suitable infrastructure. There have been no proposals to address the bottlenecks that will be created at the areas railway bridges, in particular the Rectory Road traffic lights.

There appears to be no proposals on road upgrading. Building 1170 houses in Rochford West will put unprecedented pressure on the already overcrowded Ashingdon/Rectory Rd.B1013. Hockley will also suffer by being surrounded by new housing.

The need for infrastructure was deemed necessary but no detail was given, and no costing. Costing is essential to be able to know what is affordable.

As a cyclist I note there are proposed cycle ways but no detail, no land and again no costing.

I am reliably informed that Hockley/Rochford has the lowest GP/Dentist ratios in SE Essex, but again no proposals to address this.

It appears that housing would be on one side of the area (North) and employment on the other side (South East), the result, more pressure on local roads.

Bus services are soon to be reduced. It is essential to have a reliable, frequent public transport system in place.

The promise of additional youth facilities has been made, but this cannot be viable given the "scattered approach".

Property values in the areas considered are high, is "affordable housing" realistic?

The Core Strategy does not provide for the future, given that additional allocations imposed by EERA/ECC are already under discussion.

In conclusion the Core Strategy has not considered the option of a single site that would address the above concerns cost effectively.