
London Southend Airport and Environs Joint Area Action Plan Submission Document

Representation ID: 32305

Received: 06/04/2013

Respondent: Mrs Catherine Theobald

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

It is stated that the growth of the airport will enhance job opportunities. This has yet to be proved, since many of the jobs will have moved from the Eldon Way site in Hockley. So far two public footpaths have been obliterated by the airport growth, one without any consultation whatever. My MP, Mr Amess, has yet to establish hich Secretary of State ordered the closure of the footpath 36, This is not 'protecting local amenities.', is it.

Full text:

It is stated that the growth of the airport will enhance job opportunities. This has yet to be proved, since many of the jobs will have moved from the Eldon Way site in Hockley. So far two public footpaths have been obliterated by the airport growth, one without any consultation whatever. My MP, Mr Amess, has yet to establish hich Secretary of State ordered the closure of the footpath 36, This is not 'protecting local amenities.', is it.