
Hockley Area Action Plan Submission Document

Representation ID: 28465

Received: 15/01/2013

Respondent: Miss Rebecca Wakefield

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

The council is ignoring many views of the locals, the main one being that Hockley is a VILLAGE.
Hockley does not require a supermarket of the size suggested. A large supermarket will not support the current retail units in the village, it will swamp them and drive them out. There is not enough parking for a supermarket of the size suggested and congestion would be made even worse than it has become since the opening of Sainsburys.

Full text:

The council is ignoring many views of the locals, the main one being that Hockley is a VILLAGE.
Hockley does not require a supermarket of the size suggested. A large supermarket will not support the current retail units in the village, it will swamp them and drive them out. There is not enough parking for a supermarket of the size suggested and congestion would be made even worse than it has become since the opening of Sainsburys.