
Allocations DPD Discussion and Consultation Document

Representation ID: 18505

Received: 29/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Margaret Hooper

Representation Summary:

- PLEASE, please, please can we have a regeneration of our existing village centre. Development of Eldon Way would detract. At the moment the village looks weary but could be so much better!

Full text:

Core Strategy - Allocations Development Plan
We would like to make the following comments regarding the Plan:-
- It is clear that large scale housing developments in Hockley are not going to work because Hockley is only a village and we are not able to support large numbers of extra houses. We do not have the infrastructure, our roads are already congested with through traffic and surprisingly large commercial vehicles
- We believe Hockley already has a gypsy site and the development of an additional site would encroach even further on countryside/greenbelt. The site proposed for Plumberow Avenue is very close to Plumberow Mount.
- PLEASE, please, please can we have a regeneration of our existing village centre. Development of Eldon Way would detract. At the moment the village looks weary but could be so much better!
We have filled in a resident survey. But we do not see the results of the survey reflected in the Plan at all.