
Core Strategy Submission Document

Representation ID: 15850

Received: 12/10/2009

Respondent: Hockley Residents Association

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

THE Core Strategy misrepresents the findings of The Retail & Leisure Study (R&LS) 2008.

The Core Strategy states"The Retail & Leisure Study states Hockley has great potential and has a need for additional convenience floorspace".

Whereas, the R&LS states:
1) "does not lend itself to a foodstore capable of retaining a significant proportion of main food shopping expenditure.
2) "There is no immediate capacity for additional floor space."
3) "we recommend that focus be maintained on developing Hockley's existing strengths."
4) " the Council may wish to consider reclassifying Hockley from a town centre to a district centre".

Full text:

THE Core Strategy misrepresents the findings of The Retail & Leisure Study (R&LS) 2008.

The Core Strategy states (12.38) "The Retail & Leisure Study indicates Hockley has great potential. Hockley has been identified as having a need for additional convenience floorspace".

Whereas, the R&LS actually states:
1) (10.26) "the scale of need does not lend itself to a foodstore capable of retaining a significant proportion of main food shopping expenditure.
2) (10.28) "There is no immediate capacity for additional floor space."
3) (10.29 "we recommend that focus be maintained on developing Hockley's
existing strengths, rather than retail expansion"
4) 10.31 "The current nature of Hockley does not lend itself to classification as a 'town centre' as defined by PPS6. Moveover, we have identified that it is a very small catchment population. Accordingly, the Council may wish to consider reclassifying Hockley from a town centre to a district centre".
The Core Strategy is inaccurate, misleading and unsound.